52 research outputs found

    Potential of Ayer Hitam Forest Reserve, Selangor as a Wildlife Reserve

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    In the rapidly developed Klang Valley, Ayer Hitam Forest Reserve has served as a last bastion for the conservation of the indigenous fauna and flora. Its strategic location has attracted many threats particularly from land developers and industries. Security of this piece of pristine land is at stake, which needs to be protected by specific legislation. This paper addresses the conservation needs of Ayer Hitam Forest Reserve, in particular the preservation of the decreasing wildlife populations within this reserve by meaningful legislative provisions. The protection alternatives for this forest include its designation as a forest reserve for wildlife under the State Selangor Forest Department or as wildlife reserve/sanctuary under the Wildlife and National Parks Department

    Community-based ecotourism: a new proposition for sustainable development and environmental conservation in Malaysia

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    Community-based ecotourism is one of the most dynamic sectors of Malaysian tourism industry. The destination involved remote traditional communities where national parks, game reserves and other protected areas served as the background setting for such activities. Its principle is focused upon the benefits of tourism attained by local population and the environment while minimizing negative impacts. By empowering the locals with own governance and management partnerships within the area, community based ecotourism may reduce economic leakages, minimize negative impacts and concentrate the benefits locally. This study will discussed the key management issues of community-based tourism: government supports, sustainable use of local resources, participation of stakeholders, fair benefits sharing, strengthening of local institutions, linkages with regional and national levels and training. African and Asian experiences in these areas are highlighted


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    Kondisi perekonomian Indonesia di era globalisasi dengan tingkat persaingan yang semakin ketat, beberapa tahun belakangan ini mulai menunjukkan adanya perbaikan, setelah dilanda krisis ekonomi yang berkepanjangan. Kondisi tersebut menuntut perusahaan baik perusahaan swasta, maupun BUMN untuk meningkatkan efisiensi dan efektivitas perusahan dalam menghadapi persaingan yang semakin ketat.Salah satu analisis metode keuangan yaitu Activity Based Costing (ABC). ABC merupakan pengelompokan berbagai aktivitas kedalam satu produk. Dalam pengelompokan ini dibutuhkan Cost Driver. Cost Driver ini digunakan sebagai parameter dalam pengelompokan aktivitas-aktivitas.Untuk menilai kinerja suatu perusahaan, perlu dilakukan analisis terhadap laporan keuangan perusahaan tersebut. Dalam penelitian ini analisis dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode Rasio Profitabilitas. Dengan metode ini, akan terlihat nilai rasio NPM (Net Profit Margin), GPM (Gross Profit Margin), ROI (Return On Investment), ROE (Return On Equity). Tujuan dari analisis ini adalah untuk mengetahui kinerja perusahaan PT. Telekomunikasi Indonesia, Tbk.Selama periode penelitian (2009-2010), hasil perhitungan dengan metode Rasio Profitabilitas menunjukkan bahwa adanya kenaikan nilai rasio. Ini menunjukkan bahwa pada periode tersebut kinerja perusahaan berjalan dengan baik. Hasil perhitungan nilai rasio perusahaan PT. Telekomunikasi Indonesia, Tbk pada periode 2009-2010 adalah sebagai berikut:No Jenis Rasio 2009 2010 Standard Industri 1 Gross profit margin ( GPM ) 35,6% 36,9% 35% 2 Net Profit Margin ( NPM ) 18% 22% 20% 3 Return On Investement ( ROI ) 11,6% 14,7% 12% 4 Return on Equity ( ROE ) 29% 32,9% 30% ABC, Cost Driver, Rasio Profitabilitas, GPM, NPM, ROI, ROE

    The Portrait of English Teaching Grounded in Interculturality

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    This study aimed to analyze English teaching based on the perspective of intercultural language teaching (ILT). The ILT perspective was referred to Liddicoat and Scarino's (2013) model. Three English teachers from one of the schools in Kepahiang District were engaged as the participants of this study. This study applied a qualitative method. The data were collected using observation. The findings of this study revealed that the teachers had applied three principles of ILT, namely active construction, making connections, and interaction. Active construction was represented by some activities such as word quiz, the use of cultures-embedded materials, group work, pair-work communication, and check and recheck with partners. Making connection principle was portrayed from some activities such as directing questions and cultural comparison. Interaction principle was depicted from some activities such as the use of cultures-embedded texts, group-interaction, pair-wok communication, and check and recheck with partners. It is recommended that further studies be conducted by involving more participants so that richer data with their varieties can be portrayed.

    Recreational Opportunities For Public Use in Ayer Hitam Forest: Setting the Stage and Park Management Approach

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    This paper discusses the concept of forest park for public recreational use and educational resource to be provided by Ayer Hitam Forest Reserve in Puchong, Selangor. This reserve has served as a teaching and research site but must be ready to allow people to set foot in. The recreation opportunity to be provided must be able to accommodate recreational needs that prioritised rewarding experience and educational-based recreation opportunity within the natural setting. Any recreational access and utilisation must involve low impact use and its development has to be based on the ecological limitation of the forest reserve. For a benefiting use of the area for recreation and its stewardship, the forest requires the practise of park recreation management and an integrated institutional arrangement. These include provision of recreational opportunities to the public albeit protection of the resources. In conclusion it is recommended that Ayer Hitam Forest Reserve be classified and gazetted as an open forest reserve

    Efektivitas Teknik Bermain dan Teknik Musik dalam Mengatasi Perilaku Agresif Anak Taman Kanak-Kanak di Kecamatan Medan Helvetia

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji apakah ada perbedaan teknik bermain dengan teknik musik di Taman Kanak-Kanak Pembina I Medan dan Taman Kanak-Kanak Santo Thomas. Penelitian ini dapat digolongkan sebagai penelitian eksperimen yang akan memberikan penjelasan mengenai berbedaan antara dua kelompok objek penelitia dengan Sampel sebanyak 30 orang untuk teknik bermain dan 20 orang untuk teknik musik. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah observasi sedangkan teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah uji-t berpasangan bermain mampu menurunkan tingkat agresifitas anak yang ditunjukkan dengan rata-rata agresifitas yang menurun dari 14,3 menjadi 5,1. Dengan menggunakan teknik bermain mampu menurunkan tingkat agresifitas anak secara signifikan yang ditunjukkan dengan nilai t-hitung sebesar 27,334 atau nilai sig 2-tailed <dari 0, 05 atau 0, 000. Sedangkan dengan menggunakan teknik musik mampu menurunkan tingkat agresifitas anak yang ditunjukkan dengan rata-rata agresifitas yang menurun dari 16,5 menjadi 8,6. Jika menggunakan teknik musik mampu menurunkan tingkat agresifitas anak secara signifikan yang ditunjukkan dengan nilai t-·hitung sebesar 19,225 atau nilai sig 2-tailed <dari 0,05 atau 0,000

    Pengaruh Attitudes Towards Workplace Fun Terhadap Experienced Workplaced Fun Serta Implikasinya Terhadap Job Santisfaction. Telaan Karyawan Generasi Y Di PT.Net Mediatama Televisi

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    Dunia kerja yang saat ini sudah mulai didominasi oleh para generasi Y. Sementara para Gen-Y ini dikenal sebagai “kutu loncat” atau mereka yang suka berpindahpindah tempat kerja, oleh karena itu mulai banyak perusahaan yang menerapkan Workplace Fun pada perusahaan mereka demi mempertahankan tenaga kerja mereka. Oleh karen itu peneliti akan membahas faktor-faktor apa saja yang mempengaruhi Attitudes Towards Workplace Fun, Experienced Workplace Fun dan Job Satisfaction pada PT.Net Mediatama Nusantara Televisi sebagai objek penelitian. Dalam penelitian ini digunakan desain riset gabungan antara deskriptif dan eksploratori dengan metode non-probability. Melalui teknik Judgemental Sampling, pengumpulan data primer diperoleh dari penyebaran kuesioner secara langsung kepada para karyawan di PT. Net Mediatama Nusantara Televisi yang sudah menyelesaikan masa training dan masuk ke generasi Y. Hasil penelitian ini mendapatkan temuan bahwa hubungan positif antara Attitudes Towards Workplace Fun terhadap Experienced Workplace Fun dan Experienced Workplace Fun terhadap Job Satisfaction pada karyawan di PT.Net Mediatama Televisi yang masuk dalam kategori generasi Y

    Preliminary inventory of non-wood resources in Ayer Hitam Forest Reserve, Selangor

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    An inventory on non-wood taxa in Compartment 12 of the Ayer Hitam Forest Reserve recorded four species of bamboo and seven species of palms. The bamboo species are Bambusa vulgaris, Gigantochloa scortechinii, Schizostachyum zollingeri and Bambusa heterostachya. The palms species are Eugeissonia tristis, Oncospenna horridum, Oncospenna tigillarium, Arenga obtusifolia, Livistona rotundifolia, Licuala glabra and Salacca 1.lllacca. This forest is considerably rich in palms but poor with bamboos

    Development of the criteria and indicators of Malaysian garden city: a Delphi consensus

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    It is the aspiration of the Malaysian Government to transform the country into a garden nation by 2020. It is envisaged that in the near future the image of garden nation will be materialized when all cities in the country also portray the garden image in their design and visual. There are no criteria and indicators previously used in developing these garden cities. A study was conducted to develop a reliable set of criteria and indicators for an ideal, garden city for Malaysia. Delphi method was used in this study to solicit the opinion from 30 experts through a series of questionnaire. As a result, this study was able to generate and identifying 8 criteria and 42 indicators for an ideal Malaysian’ garden city. The criteria and indicators identified could be used by the Malaysian agencies and local authorities in assessing and monitoring the development of garden cities in the countr