32,023 research outputs found

    Determination of Transverse Density Structuring from Propagating MHD Waves in the Solar Atmosphere

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    We present a Bayesian seismology inversion technique for propagating magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) transverse waves observed in coronal waveguides. The technique uses theoretical predictions for the spatial damping of propagating kink waves in transversely inhomogeneous coronal waveguides. It combines wave amplitude damping length scales along the waveguide with theoretical results for resonantly damped propagating kink waves to infer the plasma density variation across the oscillating structures. Provided the spatial dependence of the velocity amplitude along the propagation direction is measured and the existence of two different damping regimes is identified, the technique would enable us to fully constrain the transverse density structuring, providing estimates for the density contrast and its transverse inhomogeneity length scale

    Noise characterization of an atomic magnetometer at sub-millihertz frequencies

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    Noise measurements have been carried out in the LISA bandwidth (0.1 mHz to 100 mHz) to characterize an all-optical atomic magnetometer based on nonlinear magneto-optical rotation. This was done in order to assess if the technology can be used for space missions with demanding low-frequency requirements like the LISA concept. Magnetometry for low-frequency applications is usually limited by 1/f1/f noise and thermal drifts, which become the dominant contributions at sub-millihertz frequencies. Magnetic field measurements with atomic magnetometers are not immune to low-frequency fluctuations and significant excess noise may arise due to external elements, such as temperature fluctuations or intrinsic noise in the electronics. In addition, low-frequency drifts in the applied magnetic field have been identified in order to distinguish their noise contribution from that of the sensor. We have found the technology suitable for LISA in terms of sensitivity, although further work must be done to characterize the low-frequency noise in a miniaturized setup suitable for space missions.Comment: 11 pages, 12 figure

    A geometric technique to generate lower estimates for the constants in the Bohnenblust--Hille inequalities

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    The Bohnenblust--Hille (polynomial and multilinear) inequalities were proved in 1931 in order to solve Bohr's absolute convergence problem on Dirichlet series. Since then these inequalities have found applications in various fields of analysis and analytic number theory. The control of the constants involved is crucial for applications, as it became evident in a recent outstanding paper of Defant, Frerick, Ortega-Cerd\'{a}, Ouna\"{\i}es and Seip published in 2011. The present work is devoted to obtain lower estimates for the constants appearing in the Bohnenblust--Hille polynomial inequality and some of its variants. The technique that we introduce for this task is a combination of the Krein--Milman Theorem with a description of the geometry of the unit ball of polynomial spaces on 2\ell^2_\infty.Comment: This preprint does no longer exist as a single manuscript. It is now part of the preprint entitled "The optimal asymptotic hypercontractivity constant of the real polynomial Bohnenblust-Hille inequality is 2" (arXiv reference 1209.4632

    Hamming distance and mobility behavior in generalized rock-paper-scissors models

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    This work reports on two related investigations of stochastic simulations which are widely used to study biodiversity and other related issues. We first deal with the behavior of the Hamming distance under the increase of the number of species and the size of the lattice, and then investigate how the mobility of the species contributes to jeopardize biodiversity. The investigations are based on the standard rules of reproduction, mobility and predation or competition, which are described by specific rules, guided by generalization of the rock-paper-scissors game, valid in the case of three species. The results on the Hamming distance indicate that it engenders universal behavior, independently of the number of species and the size of the square lattice. The results on the mobility confirm the prediction that it may destroy diversity, if it is increased to higher and higher values.Comment: 7 pages, 9 figures. To appear in EP

    Variable stars in the VVV globular clusters

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    Indexación: Scopus.The VVV survey observed some of the most crowded and most obscured regions in the inner Milky Way during the last years. A significant sample of the less known globular clusters in our galaxy lie there. Combining the high-resolution, wide-field, near infrared capabilities of the survey camera, the use of 5 different filters, and multi-epoch observations, we are able to overcome many of the previous challenges that prevented a proper study of these objects. Particularly, the identification of the RR Lyrae stars in these globular clusters is proving to be a fundamental tool to establish accurately their distances and reddenings, and to infer information about the Oosterhoff dichotomy that Galactic globular clusters seem to follow. © The Authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2017.https://www.epj-conferences.org/articles/epjconf/pdf/2017/21/epjconf_puls2017_01022.pd