994 research outputs found

    Un primo... primo : comedia en un acto y en verso

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    Representada por vez primera con extraordinario éxito en el Teatro de Jovellanos el 3 de Febrero de 1868.Copia digital : Junta de Castilla y León. Consejería de Cultura y Turismo, 201

    What role does corporate governance play in the intention to use cloud computing technology?

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    This paper aims to investigate the factors which promote the adoption of cloud-based technology. It strives for a better understanding of the impact of corporate governance on the adoption of this technology. This study concentrated on executives in companies where the use of cloud computing may give a competitive advantage. The main contribution of this work is to propose a model for the influence of corporate governance and other factors that determine the adoption of this technology. A questionnaire was prepared after taking into consideration the reviewed literature. The sample consisted of 164 technology companies from Southern Spain that already use the new economic models for digital solutions. The methodology used to analyze the structural model was the Structural Equation Model (SEM). The results of the survey showed the influence of Corporate Governance and the procedures and practices of the organization on the adoption of cloud computing and the associated business model. This study aims to point out the importance of corporate support and Knowledge Management for the correct and successful adoption of this technology and to show the effects on the new business model of billing for the use of available resources. View Full-Tex

    What Drives Volunteers to Accept a Digital Platform That Supports NGO Projects?

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    Technology has become the driving force for both economic and social change. However, the recruitment of volunteers into the projects of non-profit-making organizations (NGO) does not usually make much use of information and communication technology (ICT). Organizations in this sector should incorporate and use digital platforms in order to attract the most well-prepared and motivated young volunteers. The main aim of this paper is to use an extended Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) to analyze the acceptance of a technological platform that provides a point of contact for non-profit-making organizations and potential volunteers. The TAM is used to find the impact that this new recruitment tool for volunteers can have on an ever-evolving industry. The TAM has been extended with the image and reputation and visual identity variables in order to measure the influence of these non-profit-making organizations on the establishment and implementation of a social network recruitment platform. The data analyzed are from a sample of potential volunteers from non-profit-making organizations in Spain. A structural equation approach using partial least squares was used to evaluate the acceptance model. The results provide an important contribution to the literature about communication in digital environments by non-profit-making organizations as well as strategies to improve their digital reputation

    Ecología del estrés: Integrando patrones y procesos fisiológicos, comportamentales y ecológicos en guanacos: ¿Qué sabemos? ¿Qué nos falta?

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    The ecology of stress is a part of the functional underpinning of ecology and integrate our un- destanding of the physiological and behavioral mechanisms, involved in the response of species to landscape challenges, as well as features of life history. In this review, I provide a synthesis on our knowledge of the physiological mechanisms used by guanacos to cope environmental challenges, which has the ultimate goal of developing a mechanistic conceptual framework that allows the integration of patterns and processes at individual/population physiological levels and apply it to understand the responses of guanacos in landscape dynamics and human activities, to promote a sustainable use of this resource.Fil: Ovejero Aguilar, Ramiro Jose Antonio. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Mendoza. Instituto Argentino de Investigaciones de las Zonas Áridas. Provincia de Mendoza. Instituto Argentino de Investigaciones de las Zonas Áridas. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Instituto Argentino de Investigaciones de las Zonas Áridas; Argentin

    Raising the Efficiency Limit of the GaAs-based Intermediate Band Solar Cell Through the Implementation of a Mololithic Tandem with an AlGaAs top Cell.

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    The high efficiency limit of the intermediate band solar cell (IBSC) corresponds to the case of using as intermediate band (IB) host material a semiconductor with gap in the range of 2 eV. Traditional photovoltaic materials, such as Si and GaAs, are not appropriate to produce IB devices because their gaps are too narrow. To overcome this problem, we propose the implementation of a multi-junction device consisting of an IBSC combined with a single gap cell. We calculate the efficiency limits using the detailed balance model and conclude that they are very high (> 60% under maximum concentration) for any fundamental bandgap from 0.7 to 3.6 eV in the IBSC inserted in the tandem. In particular, the two-terminal tandem of a GaAs-based IBSC current matched to an optimized AlGaAs top cell has an efficiency limit as high as 64%

    Simulating protein unfolding under pressure with a coarse-grained model

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    We describe and test a coarse-grained molecular model for the simulation of the effects of pressure on the folding/unfolding transition of proteins. The model is a structure-based one, which takes into account the desolvation barrier for the formation of the native contacts. The pressure is taken into account in a qualitative, mean field approach, acting on the parameters describing the native stabilizing interactions. The model has been tested by simulating the thermodynamic and structural behavior of protein GB1 with a parallel tempering Monte Carlo algorithm. At low effective pressures, the model reproduces the standard two-state thermal transition between the native and denatured states. However, at large pressures a new state appears. Its structural characteristics have been analyzed, showing that it corresponds to a swollen version of the native structure. This swollen state is at equilibrium with the native state at low temperatures, but gradually transforms into the thermally denatured state as temperature is increased. Therefore, our model predicts a downhill transition between the swollen and the denatured states. The analysis of the model permits us to obtain a phase diagram for the pressure-temperature behavior of the simulated system, which is compatible with the known elliptical shape of this diagram for real proteins

    Radiative thermal escape in intermediate band solar cells

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    To achieve high efficiency, the intermediate band (IB) solar cell must generate photocurrent from sub-bandgap photons at a voltage higher than that of a single contributing sub-bandgap photon. To achieve the latter, it is necessary that the IB levels be properly isolated from the valence and conduction bands. We prove that this is not the case for IB cells formed with the confined levels of InAs quantum dots (QDs) in GaAs grown so far due to the strong density of internal thermal photons at the transition energies involved. To counteract this, the QD must be smaller

    Complicaciones quirúrgica en pacientes intervenidos por colecistectomía por la técnica convencional vs laparoscópica. Servicio de Cirugía General. Hospital Gaspar García Laviana, Rivas. Enero-Diciembre 2012

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    El presente estudio, se trata de un estudio descriptivo, retrospectivo de corte transversal que se realizó en el servicio de Cirugía General del Hospital Gaspar García Laviana, Departamento de Rivas en el periodo Enero – diciembre 2015. La muestra constituida por 136 pacientes el cual se le realizo colecistectomia laparocospica y 136 paciente intervenidos por técnica convencional. Para recolección dela muestra se utilizó la técnica de muestreo probabilístico por aleatorización por medio del método de lotería. Se introdujeron nombres de pacientes intervenidos por ambas técnicas quirúrgicas en una caja y posteriormente se escogieron al azar hasta completar el número de selección de muestra por cada tipo de técnica quirúrgica. Así cada paciente tendrá la misma probabilidad de ser escogido para el estudio. Se elaboraro un objetivo General; 1) Identificar las Complicaciones Quirúrgicas en pacientes intervenidos por colecistectomía convencional y vía laparoscópica en el área de estudio antes mencionado. Así mismo se elaboraron 4 objetivos específicos; 1) Describir las características sociodemográficas de la población en estudio. 2) Conocer los antecedentes personales patológicos y no patológicos. 3) Identificar las principales complicaciones. 4) Identificar condición de egreso y estancia intrahospitalaria. Encontramos que el sexo femenino y el grupo etario 40 a 59 años fueron los que predominaron en la relación de colecistectomía por ambas técnicas, así mismo la mayoría de pacientes provenientes del municipio de Rivas y con un rango de índice de masa corporal el cual clasifica en sobrepeso. Principales hábitos toxico; consumo de café y tabaquismo crónico, antecedentes personales patológicos; HTA, DM2. Encontramos como única complicación en la colecistectomía convencional la fistula colecistogastrica y en la via laparacospica; calculos residuales en el colédoco, bilirragia, pancreatitis vesicular, seroma, odditis, lesion del coledoco. Por lo que observamos que la vía laparoscópica ofrece más riesgo de complicaciones que la técnica convencional. En el estudio no encontramos pacientes fallecidos, traslados y/o hayan reportado abandon

    A review of the novel concepts in photovoltaics through their experimental achievements

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    The intermediate band solar cell (IBSC), the multiple exciton generation solar cell (MEGSC) and the hot carrier solar cell (HCSC) are three novel concepts in photovoltaics which aim to achieve high efficiency devices. In this paper we assess to what extent their physical principles of operation have been experimentally verified. It is found that there is experimental evidence supporting the underlying theory for all three

    Review of experimental results related to the operation of intermediate band solar cells

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    The intermediate band solar cell (IBSC) has drawn the attention of the scientific community as a means to achieve high-efficiency solar cells. Complete IBSC devices have been manufactured using quantum dots, highly mismatched alloys, or bulk materials with deep-level impurities. Characterization of these devices has led, among other experimental results, to the demonstration of the two operating principles of an IBSC: the production of the photocurrent from the absorption of two below bandgap energy photons and the preservation of the output voltage of the solar cell. This study offers a thorough compilation of the most relevant reported results for the variety of technologies investigated and provides the reader with an updated record of IBSC experimental achievements. A table condensing the reported experimental results is presented, which provides information at a glance about achievements, as well as pending results, for every studied technology