108 research outputs found


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    The collaboration and interchange of breeding materials between breeding programs worldwide is important and necessary to increase the amount of genetic diversity by incorporating unique exotic germplasm into existing domestic germplasm. The objective of this study was to measure and compare the agronomic performance of 15 soybean cultivars released by the Agricultural Institute Osijek (Croatia) (OS-cultivars) and 15 cultivars released by the University of Guelph (Canada) (CA-cultivars) in Croatia. Based on the comparison, parental combinations could be designed to introgress exotic germplasms from the CA-cultivars into Croatian. Agronomic performance was determined in field trials that were conducted at the experimental field of the Agricultural Institute Osijek during the period from 2002 to 2005. Quantitative traits were measured and analyzed for maturity, grain yield components, level and stability of grain yield, adaptability, lodging resistance and field tolerance to Peronospora manshurica. The results indicated higher agronomic performance of OS-cultivars compared to CA- cultivars. However, comparison of yield is only tentative because all but one OS cultivar were later maturing than the CA-cultivars. Among 15 tested CA-cultivars, five cultivars (OAC Millennium, OAC Champion, OAC Bayfield, OAC Auburn, OAC Wallace) were identified as the most favorable for parental combinations in hybridization with OS-cultivars. The results of this study will enable strategic incorporation of diversity from exotic Canadian germplasm into the domestic Croatian germplasm to develop segregating populations from which new, genetically more diverse improved soybean line, could be released.Suradnja i razmjena oplemenjivačkog materijala između oplemenjivačkih programa u svijetu značajna je i nužna za povećanje genetske raznolikosti unošenjem jedinstvene strane germplazme u postojeću domaću germplazmu. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je odrediti i usporediti agronomsku vrijednosti 15 kultivara soje priznatih Poljoprivrednom institutu Osijek (Hrvatska) (OS-kultivari) i 15 kultivara priznatih University of Guelph (Kanada) (CA-kultivari) u Hrvatskoj. Temeljem usporedbe, moguće je složiti roditeljske kombinacije za unošenje strane germpalzme iz CA-kultivara u domaće kultivare. Agronomska vrijednost određivana je u poljskim pokusima postavljenim na pokusnom polju Poljoprivrednog instituta Osijek u razdoblju od 2002. do 2005. Kvantitativna svojstva koja su mjerena i analizirana su: dužina vegetacije, komponente urod zrna, visina i stabilnost uroda zrna, adaptabilnost, otpornost na polijeganje te poljska tolerantnost na Peronospora manshurica. Rezultati su ukazali na povećane agronomske vrijednosti OS-kulitvara u usporedbi sa CA-kultivarima. Međutim, pri usporedbi uroda važno je naglasiti da su svi OS- kultivari, osim jednog, imali dužu vegetaciju od CA-kultivara. Između 15 ispitivanih CA-kultivara, 5 kultivara (OAC Millenium, OAC Champion, OAC Bayfield, OAC Auburn, OAC Wallace) identificirano je kao najpovoljnije roditeljske kombinacije u križanjima s OS-kultivarima. Rezultati ovog istraživanja omogućit će plansko uvođenje raznolikosti iz strane kanadske u domaću hrvatsku germplazmu soje, što dalje vodi razvoju novih segregacijskih populacija iz kojih će nove, genetski različitije, poboljšane linije soje biti priznate

    A genome-wide DNA methylation signature for SETD1B-related syndrome

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    SETD1B is a component of a histone methyltransferase complex that specifically methylates Lys-4 of histone H3 (H3K4) and is responsible for the epigenetic control of chromatin structure and gene expression. De novo microdeletions encompassing this gene as well as de novo missense mutations were previously linked to syndromic intellectual disability (ID). Here, we identify a specific hypermethylation signature associated with loss of function mutations in the SETD1B gene which may be used as an epigenetic marker supporting the diagnosis of syndromic SETD1B-related diseases. We demonstrate the clinical utility of this unique epi-signature by reclassifying previously identified SETD1B VUS (variant of uncertain significance) in two patients

    A genome-wide DNA methylation signature for SETD1B-related syndrome

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    SETD1B is a component of a histone methyltransferase complex that specifically methylates Lys-4 of histone H3 (H3K4) and is responsible for the epigenetic control of chromatin structure and gene expression. De novo microdeletions encompassing this gene as well as de novo missense mutations were previously linked to syndromic intellectual disability (ID). Here, we identify a specific hypermethylation signature associated with loss of function mutations in the SETD1B gene which may be used as an epigenetic marker supporting the diagnosis of syndromic SETD1B-related diseases. We demonstrate the clinical utility of this unique epi-signature by reclassifying previously identified SETD1B VUS (variant of uncertain significance) in two patients

    X-linked inhibitor of apoptosis positive nuclear labeling: a new independent prognostic biomarker of breast invasive ductal carcinoma

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>It's well recognized that X-linked inhibitor of apoptosis (XIAP) was the most potent caspase inhibitor and second mitochondria-derived activator of caspase (Smac) was the antagonist of XIAP. Experiments in vitro identified that down regulation of XIAP expression or applying Smac mimics could sensitize breast cancer cells to chemotherapeutics and promote apoptosis. However, expression status and biologic or prognostic significance of XIAP/Smac in breast invasive ductal carcinoma (IDC) were not clear. The present study aimed to investigate relationship among expression status of XIAP/Smac, apoptosis index (AI), clinicopathologic parameters and prognosis in IDC.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Immunohistochemistry and TUNEL experiment were performed to detect expression of XIAP, Smac, ER, PR, HER2 and AI in 102 cases of paraffin-embedded IDC samples respectively. Expression of XIAP/Smac were also detected in limited 8 cases of fresh IDC specimens with Western blot.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Positive ratio and immunoscore of XIAP was markedly higher than Smac in IDC (<it>P </it>< 0.0001). It was noteworthy that 44 cases of IDC were positive in nuclear for XIAP, but none was for Smac. Expression status of Smac was more prevalent in HER2 positive group than negative group (<it>P </it>< 0.0001) and AI was positively correlated with HER2 protein expression (r<sub>s </sub>= 0.265, <it>P </it>= 0.017). The present study first revealed that XIAP positive nuclear labeling (XIAP-N), but not cytoplasmic staining (XIAP-C), was the apoptotic marker correlated significantly with patients' shortened overall survival (<it>P </it>= 0.039). Survival analysis demonstrated that XIAP-N was a new independent prognostic factor except for patient age and lymph node status.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Disturbed balance of expression between XIAP and Smac probably contributed to carcinogenesis and XIAP positive nuclear labeling was a new independent prognostic biomarker of breast IDC.</p

    Temporal and Spatial Profiling of Root Growth Revealed Novel Response of Maize Roots under Various Nitrogen Supplies in the Field

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    A challenge for Chinese agriculture is to limit the overapplication of nitrogen (N) without reducing grain yield. Roots take up N and participate in N assimilation, facilitating dry matter accumulation in grains. However, little is known about how the root system in soil profile responds to various N supplies. In the present study, N uptake, temporal and spatial distributions of maize roots, and soil mineral N (Nmin) were thoroughly studied under field conditions in three consecutive years. The results showed that in spite of transient stimulation of growth of early initiated nodal roots, N deficiency completely suppressed growth of the later-initiated nodal roots and accelerated root death, causing an early decrease in the total root length at the rapid vegetative growth stage of maize plants. Early N excess, deficiency, or delayed N topdressing reduced plant N content, resulting in a significant decrease in dry matter accumulation and grain yield. Notably, N overapplication led to N leaching that stimulated root growth in the 40–50 cm soil layer. It was concluded that the temporal and spatial growth patterns of maize roots were controlled by shoot growth and local soil Nmin, respectively. Improving N management involves not only controlling the total amount of chemical N fertilizer applied, but also synchronizing crop N demand and soil N supply by split N applications