602 research outputs found

    Geotechnical and Groundwater Site Characterization on the UMTRA Project

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    Reclamation of 24 inactive uranium mill tailngs piles involves remedial work to stabilize the piles for 1000 years. Site characterization of geotechnical and groundwater conditions at each site is undertaken prior to remedial action design. This paper describes the approach to UMTRA Project site characterization. A case history, Green River, is described. Details of site characterization costs for most sites are provided

    The role of cardiac troponin T quantity and function in cardiac development and dilated cardiomyopathy

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    Background: Hypertrophic (HCM) and dilated (DCM) cardiomyopathies results from sarcomeric protein mutations, including cardiac troponin T (cTnT, TNNT2). We determined whether TNNT2 mutations cause cardiomyopathies by altering cTnT function or quantity; whether the severity of DCM is related to the ratio of mutant to wildtype cTnT; whether Ca2+ desensitization occurs in DCM; and whether absence of cTnT impairs early embryonic cardiogenesis. Methods and Findings: We ablated Tnnt2 to produce heterozygous Tnnt2+/ mice, and crossbreeding produced homozygous null Tnnt2-/-embryos. We also generated transgenic mice overexpressing wildtype (TGWT) or DCM mutant (TGK210Δ) Tnnt2. Crossbreeding produced mice lacking one allele of Tnnt2, but carrying wildtype (Tnnt2+/-/TGWT) or mutant (Tnnt2+/-/TGK210Δ) transgenes. Tnnt2+/-mice relative to wildtype had significantly reduced transcript (0.82 ± 0.06 [SD] vs. 1.00 ± 0.12 arbitrary units; p = 0.025), but not protein (1.01 ± 0.20 vs. 1.00 ± 0.13 arbitrary units; p = 0.44). Tnnt2+/-mice had normal hearts (histology, mass, left ventricular end diastolic diameter [LVEDD], fractional shortening [FS]). Moreover, whereas Tnnt2+/-/ TGK210Δ mice had severe DCM, TGK210Δ mice had only mild DCM (FS 18 ± 4 vs. 29 ± 7%; p < 0.01). The difference in severity of DCM may be attributable to a greater ratio of mutant to wildtype Tnnt2 transcript in Tnnt2+/-/TGK210Δ relative to TGK210Δ mice (2.42±0.08, p = 0.03). Tnnt2+/-/TGK210Δ muscle showed Ca2+ desensitization (pCa50 = 5.34 ± 0.08 vs. 5.58 ± 0.03 at sarcomere length 1.9 μm. p<0.01), but no difference in maximum force generation. Day 9.5 Tnnt2-/-embryos had normally looped hearts, but thin ventricular walls, large pericardial effusions, noncontractile hearts, and severely disorganized sarcomeres. Conclusions: Absence of one Tnnt2 allele leads to a mild deficit in transcript but not protein, leading to a normal cardiac phenotype. DCM results from abnormal function of a mutant protein, which is associated with myocyte Ca2+ desensitization. The severity of DCM depends on the ratio of mutant to wildtype Tnnt2 transcript. cTnT is essential for sarcomere formation, but normal embryonic heart looping occurs without contractile activity. © 2008 Ahmad et al

    Extending the Dynamic Range of Microchannel Plate Detectors Using Charge-Integration-Based Counting

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    Microchannel plate (MCP) detectors provide a mechanism to produce a measureable current pulse (~0.1mA over several nanoseconds) when stimulated by a single incident particle or photon. Reductions of the device's amplification factor (i.e., gain) due to high incident particle flux can lead to significant degradation of detection system performance. Here we develop a parameterized model for the variation of MCP gain with incident flux. This model provides a framework with which to quantify the limits of high-flux MCP operation. We then compare the predictions of this model to laboratory measurements of an MCP's response to a pulsed charged particle beam. Finally, we demonstrate that through integration of the MCP output current in pulsed operation, effective count rates up to ~ 1 GHz can be achieved, more than an order of magnitude increase over conventional counting techniques used for spaceflight applications

    Interactions between vaccinia virus and sensitized macrophages in vitro

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    The action of peritoneal exudate cells (PEC) from normal and vaccinia virus infected mice on infectious vaccinia virus particles was investigatedin vitro. PEC from immune mice showed a significantly higher infectivity titre reduction (virus clearance, VC) than normal cells. This effect could be clearly attributed to the macrophage. Vaccinia virus multiplied in PEC from normal animals while there was no virus propagation in cells from immunized mice. The release of adsorbed or engulfed virus was reduced significantly in PEC from immunized animals. Anti-vaccinia-antibodies seem to activate normal macrophages to increased virus clearance. This stimulating effect was demonstrable only in the IgG fraction of the antiserum. The activity of macrophages from mice injected three times over a period of 14 days with vaccinia virus could be entirely blocked with anti-mouse-IgG, while PEC from mice injected one time six days previously were not inhibited

    Anomalous Spin Dynamics observed by High Frequency ESR in Honeycomb Lattice Antiferromagnet InCu2/3V1/3O3

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    High-frequency ESR results on the S=1/2 Heisenberg hexagonal antiferromagnet InCu2/3V1/3O3 are reported. This compound appears to be a rare model substance for the honeycomb lattice antiferromagnet with very weak interlayer couplings. The high-temperature magnetic susceptibility can be interpreted by the S=1/2 honeycomb lattice antiferromagnet, and it shows a magnetic-order-like anomaly at TN=38 K. Although, the resonance field of our high-frequency ESR shows the typical behavior of the antiferromagnetic resonance, the linewidth of our high-frequency ESR continues to increase below TN, while it tends to decrease as the temperature in a conventional three-dimensional antiferromagnet decreases. In general, a honeycomb lattice antiferromagnet is expected to show a simple antiferromagnetic order similar to that of a square lattice antiferromagnet theoretically because both antiferromagnets are bipartite lattices. However, we suggest that the observed anomalous spin dynamics below TN is the peculiar feature of the honeycomb lattice antiferromagnet that is not observed in the square lattice antiferromagnet.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure
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