4 research outputs found

    Tipificaci贸n SARM en trabajadores asistenciales de las unidades de cuidados intensivos en una instituci贸n hospitalaria.

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    Objective.  To  characterize   microbiologically   MRSA in health care workers of the Intensive Care Units at a hospital institution in the city of Monter铆a. Materials and methods. A longitudinal descriptive study was carried out in 52 workers from two intensive care units; nasal and pharyngeal swabs were taken from each individual, with a periodicity of 15 days / five months. Examined through microbiological methods such as fermentation of mannitol, catalase and coagulase the identification of S. aureus was performed, with the  cefoxitin  disc  by Kirby-Bauer disc-diffusion method the methicillin resistance mediated by the mecA gene was evaluated; antibiotics such as Vancomycin, Erythromycin and Clindamycin were evaluated by this test and confirmed by MicroScan 庐. Results. we obtained 88 isolates of Staphylococcus aureus and  21  MRSA,  a  prevalence  of MRSA of 25%. 90.5% of strains Of SARM were recovered from the pharynx, in a greater proportion (50%) in nursing staff. Conclusions. Evidence of MRSA circulation in care staff within a hospital institution generates an alert that allows it to establish containment policies to avoid the dissemination of these strains  and to avoid the appearance of outbreaks or hospital infections associated with this pathogen.Objetivo. Caracterizar microbiol贸gicamente SARM en trabajadores asistenciales de las Unidades de Cuidados Intensivos en una instituci贸n hospitalaria de la ciudad de Monter铆a. Materiales y m茅todos. Se realiz贸 un estudio descriptivo longitudinal, en 52 trabajadores  de dos unidades de cuidado intensivo; se tomaron hisopados nasales y far铆ngeos a cada individuo, con una periodicidad de 15 d铆as/cinco meses. Mediante pruebas convencionales como fermentaci贸n de manitol, catalasa y coagulasa se realiz贸 la identificaci贸n de S. aureus, con el disco de cefoxit铆n por  Kirby-  Bauer se evalu贸 la resistencia a Meticilina  mediada por el gen mecA; antibi贸ticos como Vancomicina, Eritromicina y Clindamicina fueron evaluados por esta prueba y confirmados por MicroScan 庐. Resultados.  se obtuvieron 88 aislamientos de S. aureus y 21 aislamientos SARM,  una  prevalencia  de  portaci贸n de SARM del 25%. El 90,5 % de las cepas de SARM fueron recuperadas de la faringe, en mayor proporci贸n (50%) en el personal de enfermer铆a. Conclusiones. La evidencia de su circulaci贸n de SARM en el personal asistencial dentro de una instituci贸n hospital, genera una alerta que le permite a la misma establecer pol铆ticas de contenci贸n para evitar la diseminaci贸n de estas cepas y evitar la aparici贸n de brotes o infecciones hospitalarias asociadas a este pat贸geno

    Detecci贸n de Strongyloides stercoralis en Tierralta, Colombia, utilizando cuatro m茅todos parasitol贸gicos

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    Introduction: soil-borne helminth Strongyloides stercoralis is one of the most neglected among neglected tropical diseases. A study was conducted of the presence of S. stercoralis in a village from the department of C贸rdoba, Colombia, with the purpose of comparing the effectiveness of several diagnostic methods. Methods: stool samples from 262 persons were evaluated. Each sample was examined with four parasitological techniques: direct examination, agar plate culture (APC), the modified Baermann method, and the Harada-Mori technique. Results: S. stercoralis was detected by at least one of the techniques in four of the 262 samples: the Harada-Mori technique detected 2 cases, APC 1 case and direct examination 1 case. The modified Baermann method did not detect any case. No significant differences were found when comparing the techniques. Conclusions: results show that S. stercoralis is not endemic in the village of C贸rdoba, and that parasitological techniques should be used in combination to improve the quality of diagnosis