129 research outputs found

    A Systems Approach Uncovers Restrictions for Signal Interactions Regulating Genome-wide Responses to Nutritional Cues in Arabidopsis

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    As sessile organisms, plants must cope with multiple and combined variations of signals in their environment. However, very few reports have studied the genome-wide effects of systematic signal combinations on gene expression. Here, we evaluate a high level of signal integration, by modeling genome-wide expression patterns under a factorial combination of carbon (C), light (L), and nitrogen (N) as binary factors in two organs (O), roots and leaves. Signal management is different between C, N, and L and in shoots and roots. For example, L is the major factor controlling gene expression in leaves. However, in roots there is no obvious prominent signal, and signal interaction is stronger. The major signal interaction events detected genome wide in Arabidopsis roots are deciphered and summarized in a comprehensive conceptual model. Surprisingly, global analysis of gene expression in response to C, N, L, and O revealed that the number of genes controlled by a signal is proportional to the magnitude of the gene expression changes elicited by the signal. These results uncovered a strong constraining structure in plant cell signaling pathways, which prompted us to propose the existence of a “code” of signal integration

    Species Difference of CD137 Ligand Signaling in Human and Murine Monocytes

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    BACKGROUND: Stimulation of CD137 ligand on human monocytes has been shown to induce DC differentiation, and these CD137L-DCs are more potent than classical DCs, in stimulating T cell responses in vitro. To allow an in vivo evaluation of the potency of CD137L-DCs in murine models we aimed at generating murine CD137L-DCs. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: When stimulated through CD137 ligand murine monocytes responded just as human monocytes with an increased adherence, morphological changes, proliferation and an increase in viable cell numbers. But CD137 ligand signaling did not induce expression of inflammatory cytokines and costimulatory molecules in murine monocytes and these cells had no T cell stimulatory activity. Murine monocytes did not differentiate to inflammatory DCs upon CD137 ligand signaling. Furthermore, while CD137 ligand signaling induces maturation of human immature classical DCs it failed to do so with murine immature classical DCs. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: These data demonstrate that both human and murine monocytes become activated by CD137 ligand signaling but only human and not murine monocytes differentiate to inflammatory DCs

    Common MicroRNA Signatures in Cardiac Hypertrophic and Atrophic Remodeling Induced by Changes in Hemodynamic Load

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    BACKGROUND: Mechanical overload leads to cardiac hypertrophy and mechanical unloading to cardiac atrophy. Both conditions produce similar transcriptional changes including a re-expression of fetal genes, despite obvious differences in phenotype. MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are discussed as superordinate regulators of global gene networks acting mainly at the translational level. Here, we hypothesized that defined sets of miRNAs may determine the direction of cardiomyocyte plasticity responses. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We employed ascending aortic stenosis (AS) and heterotopic heart transplantation (HTX) in syngenic Lewis rats to induce mechanical overloading and unloading, respectively. Heart weight was 26±3% higher in AS (n = 7) and 33±2% lower in HTX (n = 7) as compared to sham-operated (n = 6) and healthy controls (n = 7). Small RNAs were enriched from the left ventricles and subjected to quantitative stem-loop specific RT-PCR targeting a panel of 351 miRNAs. In total, 153 miRNAs could be unambiguously detected. Out of 72 miRNAs previously implicated in the cardiovascular system, 40 miRNAs were regulated in AS and/or HTX. Overall, HTX displayed a slightly broader activation pattern for moderately regulated miRNAs. Surprisingly, however, the regulation of individual miRNA expression was strikingly similar in direction and amplitude in AS and HTX with no miRNA being regulated in opposite direction. In contrast, fetal hearts from Lewis rats at embryonic day 18 exhibited an entirely different miRNA expression pattern. CONCLUSIONS: Taken together, our findings demonstrate that opposite changes in cardiac workload induce a common miRNA expression pattern which is markedly different from the fetal miRNA expression pattern. The direction of postnatal adaptive cardiac growth does, therefore, not appear to be determined at the level of single miRNAs or a specific set of miRNAs. Moreover, miRNAs themselves are not reprogrammed to a fetal program in response to changes in hemodynamic load

    Experimental Assessment of the Role of Acetaldehyde in Alcoholic Cardiomyopathy

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    Alcoholism is one of the major causes of non-ischemic heart damage. The myopathic state of the heart due to alcohol consumption, namely alcoholic cardiomyopathy, is manifested by cardiac hypertrophy, compromised ventricular contractility and cardiac output. Several mechanisms have been postulated for alcoholic cardiomyopathy including oxidative damage, accumulation of triglycerides, altered fatty acid extraction, decreased myofilament Ca(2+ )sensitivity, and impaired protein synthesis. Despite intensive efforts to unveil the mechanism and ultimate toxin responsible for alcohol-induced cardiac toxicity, neither has been clarified thus far. Primary candidates for the specific toxins are ethanol, its first and major metabolic product - acetaldehyde (ACA) and fatty acid ethyl esters. Evidence from our lab suggests that ACA directly impairs cardiac function and promotes lipid peroxidation resulting in oxidative damage. The ACA-induced cardiac contractile depression may be reconciled with inhibitors of Cytochrome P-450 oxidase, xanthine oxidase and lipid peroxidation Unfortunately, the common methods to investigate the toxicity of ACA have been hampered by the fact that direct intake of ACA is toxic and unsuitable for chronic study, which is unable to provide direct evidence of direct cardiac toxicity for ACA. In order to overcome this obstacle associated with the chemical properties of ACA, our laboratory has used the chronic ethanol feeding model in transgenic mice with cardiac over-expression of alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) and an in vitro ventricular myocyte culture model. The combination of both in vivo and in vitro approaches allows us to evaluate the role of ACA in ethanol-induced cardiac toxicity and certain cellular signaling pathways leading to alcoholic cardiomyopathy

    Columnar cells necessary for motion responses of wide-field visual interneurons in Drosophila

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    Wide-field motion-sensitive neurons in the lobula plate (lobula plate tangential cells, LPTCs) of the fly have been studied for decades. However, it has never been conclusively shown which cells constitute their major presynaptic elements. LPTCs are supposed to be rendered directionally selective by integrating excitatory as well as inhibitory input from many local motion detectors. Based on their stratification in the different layers of the lobula plate, the columnar cells T4 and T5 are likely candidates to provide some of this input. To study their role in motion detection, we performed whole-cell recordings from LPTCs in Drosophila with T4 and T5 cells blocked using two different genetically encoded tools. In these flies, motion responses were abolished, while flicker responses largely remained. We thus demonstrate that T4 and T5 cells indeed represent those columnar cells that provide directionally selective motion information to LPTCs. Contrary to previous assumptions, flicker responses seem to be largely mediated by a third, independent pathway. This work thus represents a further step towards elucidating the complete motion detection circuitry of the fly

    Sparse, decorrelated odor coding in the mushroom body enhances learned odor discrimination

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    Sparse coding may be a general strategy of neural systems for augmenting memory capacity. In Drosophila melanogaster, sparse odor coding by the Kenyon cells of the mushroom body is thought to generate a large number of precisely addressable locations for the storage of odor-specific memories. However, it remains untested how sparse coding relates to behavioral performance. Here we demonstrate that sparseness is controlled by a negative feedback circuit between Kenyon cells and the GABAergic anterior paired lateral (APL) neuron. Systematic activation and blockade of each leg of this feedback circuit showed that Kenyon cells activated APL and APL inhibited Kenyon cells. Disrupting the Kenyon cell–APL feedback loop decreased the sparseness of Kenyon cell odor responses, increased inter-odor correlations and prevented flies from learning to discriminate similar, but not dissimilar, odors. These results suggest that feedback inhibition suppresses Kenyon cell activity to maintain sparse, decorrelated odor coding and thus the odor specificity of memories

    Restoration of Altered MicroRNA Expression in the Ischemic Heart with Resveratrol

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    Resveratrol, a constituent of red wine, is important for cardioprotection. MicroRNAs are known regulators for genes involved in resveratrol-mediated cardiac remodeling and the regulatory pathway involving microRNA has not been studied so far.We explored the cardioprotection by resveratrol in ischemia/reperfusion model of rat and determined cardiac functions. miRNA profile was determined from isolated RNA using quantitative Real-time PCR based array. Systemic analyses of miRNA array and theirs targets were determined using a number of computational approaches.Cardioprotection by resveratrol and its derivative in ischemia/reperfusion [I/R] rat model was examined with miRNA expression profile. Unique expression pattern were found for each sample, particularly with resveratrol [pure compound] and longevinex [commercial resveratrol formulation] pretreated hearts. Longevinex and resveratrol pretreatment modulates the expression pattern of miRNAs close to the control level based on PCA analyses. Differential expression was observed in over 25 miRNAs, some of them, such as miR-21 were previously implicated in cardiac remodeling. The target genes for the differentially expressed miRNA include genes of various molecular function such as metal ion binding, sodium-potassium ion, transcription factors, which may play key role in reducing I/R injury.Rats pretreated with resveratrol for 3 weeks leads to significant cardioprotection against ischemia/reperfusion injury. A unique signature of miRNA profile is observed in control heart pretreated with resveratrol or longevinex. We have determined specific group of miRNA in heart that have altered during IR injuries. Most of those altered microRNA expressions modulated close to their basal level in resveratrol or longevinex treated I/R mice

    MicroRNA Profiling during Cardiomyocyte-Specific Differentiation of Murine Embryonic Stem Cells Based on Two Different miRNA Array Platforms

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    MicroRNA (miRNA) plays a critical role in a wide variety of biological processes. Profiling miRNA expression during differentiation of embryonic stem cells will help to understand the regulation pathway of differentiation, which in turn may elucidate disease mechanisms. The identified miRNAs could then serve as a new group of possible therapeutic targets. In the present paper, miRNA expression profiles were determined during cardiomyocyte-specific differentiation and maturation of murine embryonic stem (ES) cells. For this purpose a homogeneous cardiomyocyte population was generated from a transgenic murine ES cell line. Two high throughput array platforms (Affymetrix and Febit) were used for miRNA profiling in order to compare the effect of the platforms on miRNA profiling as well as to increase the validity of target miRNA identification. Four time points (i.e. day 0, day 12, day 19 and day 26) were chosen for the miRNA profiling study, which corresponded to different stages during cardiomyocyte-specific differentiation and maturation. Fifty platform and pre-processing method-independent miRNAs were identified as being regulated during the differentiation and maturation processes. The identification of these miRNAs is an important step for characterizing and understanding the events involved in cardiomyocyte-specific differentiation of ES cells and may also highlight candidate target molecules for therapeutic purposes