1,913 research outputs found

    Fixed Point Theorem Of Discontinuity And Weak Compatibility in Non complete Non-Archimedean Menger PM-Spaces

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    The aim of this paper is to prove a related common fixed point theorem for six weakly compatible self maps in non complete non-Archimedean menger PM-spaces, without using the condition of continuity and give a set of alternative conditions in place of completeness of the space. Keywords: key words, Non-Archimedean Menger PM-space, R-weakly commutting maps, fixed points

    Factors affecting people’s participation in joint forest management programmes in Kinnaur district of Himachal Pradesh, India

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    The present investigation examined the various factors affecting people's participation in the planning, implementation and maintenance of JFM programmes in the tribal distrct (Kinnaur) of Himachal Pradesh. In total, 10 factors were identified that influence people’s participation in Joint Forest Management (JFM) activities in the study area, which were independently affecting in all of three development blocks. District as a whole factors affecting in decreasing order were Lack of awareness about participatory forest management (66%), lack of co-ordination with forestry officials (64%), non availability of routine funds (56%), lack of training and visit programme (56%), clash between agriculture and JFM activities (54%), lack of emphasis on quick economic activities (49%), improper usufruct sharing (43%) etc. were some of major factors that influenced people’s participation. Policy and development emphasis on these factors, particularly taking into consideration the geography and need based activity in the various development blocks will increase the people’s participation in similar kind of projects

    Genetic variability in sugarcane (Saccharum spp. hybrid) genotypes through inter simple sequence repeats (ISSR) markers

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    In the present study, 14 sugarcane (Saccharum spp. hybrid) genotypes were used for genomic diversity analysis based on nineteen inter simple sequence repeat (ISSR). These nineteen sets of ISSR markers generated a total of 164 discernible and reproducible bands including 109 polymorphic and 55 monomorphic bands. The unweighted pair group method with arithmetic average (UPGMA) analysis revealed three distinct clusters: I, II and III within the 14 genotypes. The polymorphic information content (PIC) value per locus ranged from 0.14 (UBC811) to 0.53 (ISSR1) locus with an average of 0.42 for all loci. The range of genetic distance or coefficient of similarity among sugarcane genotypes varied 0.14 - 0.78. The analysis of these similarities matrix revealed that greater similarity between CoS03234 and CoSe1424 (0.78), and lowest similarity between CoS03234 and Co0118 (0.14). The knowledge gained in this study would be useful to future breeding programs for increasing genetic diversity of sugarcane varieties and cultivars to meet the increasing demand of sugarcane cultivation for sugar and bio energy uses

    Lumbosacral myelocystocele: A case report

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    Myelocystocele is a rare variety of spinal dysraphism that presents as a skin covered, midline, lumbosacral mass. Many a time it is associated with other congenital anomalies but isolated myelocystocele is rarely associated with neurological deficit. MRI is the modality of choice for preoperative diagnosis. A 3 years old female child presented with skin covered lumbosacral mass since birth. There was no associated neurological deficit. MRI revealed single cyst, which was continuous with central canal of spinal cord. Peroperatively, myelocystocele was found with tethering of cord. Untethering of cord and repair of myelocystocele was performed with uneventful recovery

    A new approach to perturbation theory for a Dirac particle in a central field

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    The explicit semiclassical treatment of logarithmic perturbation theory for the bound-state problem within the framework of the Dirac equation is developed. Avoiding disadvantages of the standard approach in the description of exited states, new handy recursion formulae with the same simple form both for ground and exited states have been obtained. As an example, the perturbation expansions for the energy eigenvalues for the Yukawa potential containing the vector part as well as the scalar component are considered.Comment: 12 pages, LaTe

    Epidemiology of cardioprotective pharmacological agent use in stable coronary heart disease

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    AbstractObjectiveTo determine use of class and type of cardioprotective pharmacological agents in patients with stable coronary heart disease (CHD) we performed a prescription audit.MethodsA cross sectional survey was conducted in major districts of Rajasthan in years 2008–09. We evaluated prescription for classes (anti-platelets, β-blockers, angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors, angiotensin receptor blockers (ARB), calcium channel blockers (CCB) and statins) and specific pharmacological agents at clinics of physicians in tertiary (n = 18), secondary (n = 69) and primary care (n = 43). Descriptive statistics are reported.ResultsPrescriptions of 2290 stable CHD patients were audited. Anti-platelet use was in 2031 (88.7%), β-blockers 1494 (65.2%), ACE inhibitors 1196 (52.2%), ARBs 712 (31.1%), ACE inhibitors – ARB combinations 19 (0.8%), either ACE inhibitors or ARBs 1908 (83.3%), CCBs 1023 (44.7%), statins 1457 (63.6%) and other lipid lowering agents in 170 (7.4%). Among anti-platelets aspirin–clopidogrel combination was used in 88.5%. Top three molecules in β-blockers were atenolol (37.8%), metoprolol (26.4%) and carvedilol (11.9%); ACE inhibitors ramipril (42.1%), lisinopril (20.3%) and perindopril (10.9%); ARB's losartan (47.7%), valsartan (22.3%) and telmisartan (14.9%); CCBs amlodipine (46.7%), diltiazem (29.1%) and verapamil (9.5%) and statins were atorvastatin (49.8%), simvastatin (28.9%) and rosuvastatin (18.3%). Use of metoprolol, ramipril, valsartan, diltiazem and atorvastatin was more at tertiary care, and atenolol, lisinopril, losartan, amlodipine and simvasatin in primary care (p < 0.01).ConclusionsThere is low use of β-blockers, ACE inhibitors, ARBs and statins in stable CHD patients among physicians in Rajasthan. Significant differences in use of specific molecules at primary, secondary and tertiary healthcare are observed

    Oilseed brassica in India: Demand, supply, policy perspective and future potential☆

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    India is the largest agrarian subcontinent supporting 26% world’s agricultural population on 12% arable land. India is also the fifth largest vegetable oil economy accounting 7.4% oilseeds, 5.8% oils and 6.1% oil meal production, and 9.3% of edible oil consumption in the world. Oilseeds are the second most important agricultural economy in India next to cereals growing at a pace of 4.1% per annum in the last three decades. Oilseed brassica shares 23.5% area and 24.2% production of total oilseeds in the country. Despite being the third largest producer (11.3%) of oilseed brassica after Canada and China in the world, India meets 57% of the domestic edible oil requirements through imports and ranked 7th largest importer of edible oils in the world. Oilseed brassica achieved significant growth in India in the past, however, the productivity levels are still low owing to large cultivation under rainfed situation, biotic and abiotic stresses, and resources crunch. It is also facing the challenges of low genotypic potential, climate change and price fluctuation. Though, it embraces the immense scope to increase the production in traditional and non-traditional areas in India with proper inputs, technological interventions, and suitable policy framework. This needs to develop strategies in a well-planned, targeted manner with multi-scientific inputs, policy interface and stable price systems to bring the desired growth in oilseeds brassica production, and to reduce the import of edible oils in the country
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