35 research outputs found

    Hybrid Quarkonia with High Statistics from NRQCD

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    We have studied the O(mv^6) effects in NRQCD on the spectrum of heavy quarkonia and compare our results for different lattices (quenched and dynamical). We also report on an investigation into hybrid states within the framework of NRQCD. This suggests that the lowest lying hybrid is around the B^* \bar B threshold and 3 standard deviations above the B \bar B.Comment: 3 pages, LaTeX2e, 4 figures, uses styles [espcrc2, epsf], talk presented at Lattice 9

    NRQCD on an anisotropic lattice

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    We present preliminary results for the Upsilon spectrum on an anisotropic lattice using the improved O(mv^6) NRQCD Hamiltonian. We find accurate results can be obtained in moderate computer times and that they agree with earlier results on an isotropic lattice.Comment: 3 pages, LATEX2e, talk presented at LATTICE '98 by R.R. Horgan, uses styles[espcrc2,epsfig

    QCD Pressure and the Trace Anomaly

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    Exact relations between the QCD thermal pressure and the trace anomaly are derived. These are used, first, to prove the equivalence of the thermodynamic and the hydrodynamic pressure in equilibrium in the presence of the trace anomaly, closing a gap in previous arguments. Second, in the temporal axial gauge a formula is derived which expresses the thermal pressure in terms of a Dyson-resummed two-point function. This overcomes the infrared problems encountered in the conventional perturbation-theory approach.Comment: 9 pages plain te

    Improved Langevin Methods for Spin Systems

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    We investigate methods for variance reduction and the elimination of systematic error in a Fourier accelerated Langevin scheme for general spin models. We present results for the SU(3)×SU(3)/SU(3)SU(3)\times SU(3)/SU(3) model in two-dimensions that are consistent wit h those from multi-grid methods. We argue that the timing for the Langevin method makes it comparable to multi-grid for a given level of error.Comment: 16, DAMTP-92-7

    Semileptonic B Decays from an NRQCD/D234 Action

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    Semileptonic B decays are studied on quenched anisotropic lattices using Symanzik improved glue, NRQCD heavy quark and D234 light quark actions. We employ constrained fits to extract ground state contributions to two- and three-point correlators. Results for the B --> pi, l nubar decay form factors are compared with previous lattice results. We find that our systematic errors (excluding quenching errors) are dominated by chiral extrapolation uncertainties.Comment: Lattice2002(Heavy quark physics

    Lattice perturbation theory for gluonic and fermionic actions

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    We calculate the two loop Landau mean links and the one loop renormalisation of the anisotropy for Wilson and improved SU(3) gauge actions, using twisted boundary conditions as a gauge invariant infrared regulator. We show these accurately describe simulated results, and outline a method for generating Feynman rules for general lattice field theories, in a form suitable for efficient numerical calculation of perturbative loop diagrams.Comment: 6 pages of LaTeX. Two posters at Lattice2002(improve) combine

    Radial Excited States for Heavy Quark Systems in NRQCD

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    Following the Non-Relativistic QCD approach we use a gauge invariant smearing method with factorization to measure the excitation energies for a heavy QQˉQ\bar{Q} system on a 243×4824^3\times 48 lattice at β=6.2\beta=6.2. The results come from averaging over an ensemble of 60 QCD configurations. In order to enhance the signal from each configuration we use wall sources for quark propagators. The quark Hamiltonian contains only the simplest non-relativistic kinetic energy term. The results are listed for a range of bare quark masses. The mass splittings are insensitive to this variable though there are a slight trends with increasing quark mass. For an appropriate choice of UV cut-off (a1=3.2a^{-1}=3.2Gev) the mass spectrum compares reasonably well with the experimental values for the spin-averaged energy gaps of the Υ\Upsilon system. We also present results for the DEDE and DTDT waves for the lowest bare quark mass. The results are consistent with degeneracy between the two types of DD wave. This encourages the idea that even with our simple quark Hamiltonian the departure from rotational invariance is not great.Comment: 12 page

    Non-Relativistic QCD for Heavy Quark Systems

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    We employ a nonrelativistic version of QCD (NRQCD) to study heavy quark-antiquark bound states in the lowest approximation without fine structure. We use gluon configurations on a 16^3 by 48 lattice at beta=6.2 from the UKQCD collaboration. For quark masses in the vicinity of the b we obtain bound state masses for S, P and both types of D wave. We also detect signals for two types of hybrids (quark,antiquark,gluon states). The results are sufficiently accurate to confirm that the values of the D wave mass from both lattice D waves coincide indicating that the cubical invariance of the lattice is restored to full rotational invariance at large distance. Our results also show that the S-P splitting is indeed insensitive to variations in the bare quark mass from Ma=1.0 to Ma=1.9.Comment: 13 pages, DAMTP-92-7

    Eliminating Infrared Divergences in the Pressure

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    The pressure of a system in thermal equilibrium is expressed as a mass integral over a sum of thermal propagators. This allows a Dyson resummation and is used to demonstrate that potential infrared divergences are rendered harmless.Comment: 6 pages plain tex, including figures embedded using eps

    Automatically generating Feynman rules for improved lattice field theories

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    Deriving the Feynman rules for lattice perturbation theory from actions and operators is complicated, especially when improvement terms are present. This physically important task is, however, suitable for automation. We describe a flexible algorithm for generating Feynman rules for a wide range of lattice field theories including gluons, relativistic fermions and heavy quarks. We also present an efficient implementation of this in a freely available, multi-platform programming language (\python), optimised to deal with a wide class of lattice field theories