7 research outputs found

    Genetic parameters for milk yield, age at first calving and interval between first and second calving in milk buffaloes

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    Genetic parameters for the relation between the traits of milk yield (MY), age at first calving (AFC) and interval between first and second calving (IBFSC) were estimated in milk buffaloes of the Murrah breed. In the study, data of 1578 buffaloes at first lactation, with calvings from 1974 to 2006 were analyzed. The MTDFREML system was used in the analyses with models for the MY, IBFSC traits which included the fixed effects of herd-year-season of calving, linear and quadratic terms of calving age as covariate and the random animal effects and error. The model for AFC consisted of the herd-year-season fixed effects of calving and the random effects of animal and error. Heritability estimates MY, AFC and IBFSC traits were 0.20, 0.07 and 0.14, respectively. Genetic and phenotypic correlations between the traits were: MY and AFC = -0.12 and -0.15, MY and IBFSC = 0.07 and 0.30, AFC and IBFSC = 0.35 and 0.37, respectively. Genetic correlation between MY and AFC traits showed desirable negative association, suggesting that the daughters of the bulls with high breeding value for MY could be physiological maturity to a precocious age. Genetic correlation between MY and IBFSC showed that the selection of the animals that increased milk yield is also those that tend to intervals of bigger calving

    Association between single-nucleotide polymorphisms and milk production traits in buffalo

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    The aim of this study was to identify single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in buffaloes associated with milk yield and content, in addition to somatic cell scores based on the cross-species transferability of SNPs from cattle to buffalo. A total of 15,745 SNPs were analyzed, of which 1562 showed 1% significance and 4742 with 5% significance, which were associated for all traits studied. After application of Bonferroni's correction for multiple tests of the traits analyzed, we found 2 significant SNPs placed on cattle chromosomes BTA15 and BTA20, which are homologous to buffalo chromosomes BBU16 and BBU19, respectively. In this genome association study, we found several significant SNPs affecting buffalo milk production and quality. Furthermore, the use of the high-density bovine BeadChip was suitable for genomic analysis in buffaloes. Although extensive chromosome arm homology was described between cattle and buffalo, the exact chromosomal position of SNP markers associated with these economically important traits in buffalo can be determined only through buffalo genome sequencing