5 research outputs found

    Afecções mais freqüentes do aparelho locomotor dos eqüídeos de tração no município de Belo Horizonte Most frequent pathologies of the locomotor system in equids used for wagon traction in Belo Horizonte

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    Determinaram-se as enfermidades mais comuns do sistema músculo-esquelético dos animais de tração na cidade de Belo Horizonte. Foram utilizados 58 animais (42 eqüinos e 16 muares), sendo 31 machos e 27 fêmeas. O diagnóstico baseou-se no histórico e nos exames físico e radiológico. A freqüência observada para tenossinovite nos membros torácicos e pélvicos foi 55,2%, para tendinite nos membros torácicos, 81,0%, para tendinite nos membros pélvicos, 58,6%, e para desmite do ligamento suspensório nos membros torácicos, 77,6%. Para as lesões osteoarticulares, os resultados foram 13,8%, 12,1%, 27,6% e 12,1% de lesões osteoartríticas para a articulação interfalangeana distal dos membros torácicos e pélvicos e articulação interfalangeana proximal dos membros torácicos e pélvicos, respectivamente. Na articulação metacarpo-falangeana, a incidência foi 41,4% e, nos membros pélvicos, 39,7%. A incidência na articulação cárpica foi 62,1% e, na articulação társica, 96,6%. Os achados dos tecidos moles indicaram sobrecarga nos aparatos flexor e suspensório nesse tipo de atividade. Em ambos os casos, a atividade desenvolvida pelos animais parece ser a principal causa envolvida.The most common conditions of the musculoskeletal system of draft equidae in the city of Belo Horizonte were determined. Fifty-eight animals (42 horses and 16 mules) were randomly examined, being 31 males and 27 females. Diagnosis was based on history, clinical and radiological examinations. The frequency observed for tenosynovitis in the fore and hindlimbs was 55.2%, 81.0%, for tendinitis in the forelimbs, 58.6% for tendinitis in the himblimbs, and 77.6% for suspensory ligament desmitis in the forelimbs. The results showed 13.8%, 12.1%, 27.6% and 12.1% of osteoarthritic lesions for distal interphalangeal joint of fore and hindlimbs and proximal interphalangeal joint of fore and hindlimbs, respectively. In the fetlock joints of the forelimbs, the incidence was 41.4%, and 39.7% in the hindlimbs. The incidence increased in the carpal joints, reaching 62.1% and it was even higher in the tarsal joints, reaching 96.6%. Findings in soft tissues indicated an overloading of both suspensory and flexor apparatus. Osteoarthritis was a common finding in draft equine, especially in tarsal joint. In both cases, the activity developed by those animals seems to be the main related cause

    Cellular components and TGF-β1 content of a closed Tube system for Platelet Rich Plasma acquisition in horse Componentes celulares e TGF-β1 do plasma rico em plaquetas obtido por sistema fechado em equinos

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    Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) has been proposed as an agent to accelerate the healing process and stimulate the regenerative capacity of tissues due to its abundance of growth factors. A large variety of kits and protocols are available to obtain PRP by different cell-separation systems. However, the lack of standardization may lead to inconsistent results. The aim of this study was to characterize cellular composition, platelet parameters using the ADVIA 120 flow cytometer, and TGF-β1 concentration from the PRP product obtained through a closed system, using simple centrifugation. Six clinically healthy horses were used in this study. The protocol in the closed system resulted in approximately 1.6-fold higher platelet and approximately 2.0-fold lower white blood cell concentrations in comparison with whole blood values. The evaluated system was efficient in concentrating platelets and in retrieving a small number of leukocytes, using a protocol of single centrifugation at low spee