385 research outputs found

    Influence of growth factors on the plant pathogens by select suppression of Pseudomonads

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    Non-Peer ReviewedRhizobacteria were evaluated for their ability to inhibit the growth of damping-off pathogens such as Pythium ultimum, Rhizoctonia solani and common root rot pathogen, Cochliobolus sativus. The level of antagonism by Pseudomonads 63-28, U-14 and Ral-3 was examined on solid growth media under varying conditions of temperature, pH, and sources of C, N, and amino acids. In vitro antibiosis of the pathogens was greatly influenced by environmental and nutritional conditions. Generally, antagonism was greatest at 25-300C and decreased at 400 C. The influence of pH appears to be rhizobacteria and pathogen dependent. For example, optimum inhibition of P. ultimum growth by 63-28 was between pH 4.6-6.0, whereas, optimum inhibition of R. solani growth by U-14 was at 7.6-9.1. Growth inhibition of C. sativus by Ral-3 was pH independent. Mannitol or trehalose strongly enhanced the antifungal activity of 63-28, whereas lactose had a negative effect. Antagonism of 63-28, U-14 and Ral-3 was enhanced by nitrogen sources tested except NaNO2 on U-14. The influence of the amino acids did not effect Ral-3, but, antibiosis by 63-28 was increased by amino acids phenylalanine, arginine, or histidine. U-14's activity was increased with the addition of proline, serine, or arginine. The results from this study clearly show that growth factors have a significant impact on microbial antagonism

    Pigeonpea seed systems in Asia

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    Pigeonpea seed systems consist of the formal and informal seed sector. However, the informal seed sector dominates the seed production system. Majority of rainfed farmers who grow pigeonpea (about 80% - 90%) save a part of their produce as seed requirement. In the formal seed sector, government agencies and private companies are involved in production and distribution of quality seeds of improved varieties and hybrids. Role of private sector diffusion in pigeonpea market is not encouraging owing to lack of commercial perspective in the crop and other factors. The integrated approach that takes into cognizance the formal and informal seed sector in breeding, seed production and distribution has shown to have promising potential for improving seed supply to smallholder farmers. Moreover, any seed system, for that matter, requires a regulatory framework as well as a seed policy that considers regulations of an expanding and diversifying seed sector for the benefit of the farmers engaged in the seed production system

    Epidemiology of ChiVMV and loss assessment in capsicum (Capsicum annum var. grossum Sendt)

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    The survey was conducted during rabi season (2021) to determine the incidence of mosaic disease of capsicum in major capsicum growing districts namely, Chikkaballapura, Kolar, Bengaluru rural and Ramanagar. The per cent incidence of mosaic disease based on symptoms in field was recorded, highest in Ramanagar (54.85%) and the least incidence of mosaic disease was observed in Chikkaballapura (26.85%). Transmission and host range studies under glasshouse conditions revealed that ChiVMV is transmitted mechanically. Among 16 host plants tested, 7 plant species (Nicotiana tabacum cv. Samsun, N. glutinosa, N. occidentalis, Datura metel, Physalis floridana, S. nigrum, Capsicum annum) were infected with the Chilli veinal mottle virus disease and the symptom could be seen in 20-25 days. The per cent transmission of ChiVMV by aphid Aphis gossypii was studied. The results showed that ChiVMV can be transmitted by A. gossypii. However, five aphids per plant showed highest per cent transmission (100%). The effect of different dates of inoculation on different plant growth parameters was also studied, the highest per cent disease transmission was observed in T1: Inoculation 15 days after sowing (100.00%)

    Perl module and PISE wrappers for the integrated analysis of sequence data and SNP features

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    Background There is a need for software scripts and modules for format parsing, data manipulation, statistical analysis and annotation especially for tasks related to marker identification from sequence data and sequence diversity analysis. Results Here we present several new Perl scripts and a module for sequence data diversity analysis. To enable the use of these software with other public domain tools, we also make available PISE (Pasteur Institute Software Environment) wrappers for these Perl scripts and module. This enables the user to generate pipelines for automated analysis, since PISE is a web interface generator for bioinformatics programmes. Conclusion A new set of modules and scripts for diversity statistic calculation, format parsing and data manipulation are available with PISE wrappers that enable pipelining of these scripts with commonly used contig assembly and sequence feature prediction software, to answer specific sequence diversity related questions

    Schedule of Factors Influencing Adherence (SOFIA) to Psychiatric Treatment in Persons with Schizophrenia: Validity and Pilot Testing

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    Qualitative research has highlighted the complex interplay of multiple factors that preclude persons with schizophrenia in rural Indian settings for discontinued psychiatric treatment. In this context, this paper aims to establish the face and content validities of an interview schedule titled „Schedule of Factors Influencing Adherence (SOFIA) to Psychiatric Treatment in Persons with Schizophrenia‟ which comprehensively assesses factors for discontinued psychiatric treatment and the feasibility of its administration of the schedule. SOFIA contains 16 factors. This schedule involves three phases of interviewing patients and family members. This was given to twelve experts who used likert scales to rate each items wells as the dimensions of the schedule. Later on, fifteen persons with schizophrenia were interviewed with SOFIA to test the feasibility of administration. The results showed that Fourteen items were rated as either satisfactory (score=4) or very much satisfactory (score=5) by all twelve experts; remaining two were rated as 4 or 5 by 11 experts. Regarding comprehensiveness of the factors, scoring methods and general instructions given to the interviewers, all provided scores > 4; regarding method of interviewing, 11 provided score of > 4; with regard to overall interview schedule, all experts provided scores > 4. Pilot testing revealed that it took 60 minutes to administer SOFIA

    Pigeonpea - A unique jewel in rainfed cropping systems

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    Pigeonpea is a crop for rainfed environments endowed with several features to thrive harsh climate. It adapts well in sole crop and inter cropped conditions (with cereals, millets, oils seeds and pulses) by enhancing the system productivity and net income to the small and marginal farmers across the globe. The range of maturity duration in the crop allows it to grow in diversified cropping systems and patterns in varied ecoregions of the world. Development of cytoplasmic male sterility based hybrids provided an opportunity for enhancing the yields under marginal environments. With recent interventions in addressing the photo sensitivity and maturity have led to evolving super early varieties with less than 100 days duration, provided a scope for horizontal expansion of the crop in different agro ecological systems

    Impact of protists on a hydrocarbon-degrading bacterial community from deep-sea Gulf of Mexico sediments: A microcosm study

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    In spite of significant advancements towards understanding the dynamics of petroleum hydrocarbon degrading microbial consortia, the impacts (direct or indirect via grazing activities) of bacterivorous protists remain largely unknown. Microcosm experiments were used to examine whether protistan grazing affects the petroleum hydrocarbon degradation capacity of a deep-sea sediment microbial community from an active Gulf of Mexico cold seep. Differences in n-alkane content between native sediment microcosms and those treated with inhibitors of eukaryotes were assessed by comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography following 30-90 day incubations and analysis of shifts in microbial community composition using small subunit ribosomal RNA gene clone libraries. More biodegradation was observed in microcosms supplemented with eukaryotic inhibitors. SSU rRNA gene clone libraries from oil-amended treatments revealed an increase in the number of proteobacterial clones (particularly γ-proteobacteria) after spiking sediments with diesel oil. Bacterial community composition shifted, and degradation rates increased, in treatments where protists were inhibited, suggesting protists affect the hydrocarbon degrading capacity of microbial communities in sediments collected at this Gulf of Mexico site