8 research outputs found

    Pathways of phospholipid oxidation by HOCL in human LDL detected by LC-MS

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    A wealth of evidence now indicates that low-density lipoprotein (LDL) must be modified to promote atherosclerosis, and that this may involve oxidants released by phagocytes. Many studies of oxidative damage in atherosclerosis previously have concentrated on damage by nonhalogenated oxidants, but HOCl is a highly toxic oxidant produced by myeloperoxidase in phagocytes, which is also likely to be important in the disease pathogenesis. Currently some controversy exists over the products resulting from reaction of HOCl with LDL lipids, in particular regarding whether predominantly chlorohydrins or lipid peroxides are formed. In this study LC-MS of phosphatidylcholines in human LDL treated either with HOCl or the myeloperoxidase system was used as a specific method to detect chlorohydrin and peroxide formation simultaneously, and with comparable sensitivity. Chlorohydrin products from lipids containing oleic, linoleic and arachidonic acids were detected, but no hydroperoxides of linoleoyl or arachidonoyl lipids could be observed. This study provides the first direct evidence that lipid chlorohydrins rather than peroxides are the major products of HOCL- or myeloperoxidase-treated LDL phospholipids. This in turn provides important information required for the study of oxidative damage in vivo which will allow the type and source of oxidants involved in the pathology of atherosclerosis to be investigated

    Phagocyte oxidation of phospholipids: comparison of hydroperoxide, chlorohydrin and epoxyisoprostane formation by LC-MS

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    This article discusses phagocyte oxidation of phospholipids: comparison of hydroperoxide, chlorohydrin and epoxyisoprostane formation by LC-MS

    The reactions of hypochlorous acid, the reactive oxygen species produced by myeloperoxidase, with lipids

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    Myeloperoxidase (MPO), an abundant enzyme in phagocytes, has been implicated in the pathogenesis of various inflammatory diseases including atherosclerosis. The major oxidant produced by MPO, hypochlorous acid (HOCl), is able to modify a great variety of biomolecules by chlorination and/or oxidation. In this paper the reactions of lipids (preferentially unsaturated fatty acids and cholesterol) with either reagent HOCl or HOCl generated by the MPO-hydrogen peroxide-chloride system are reviewed. One of the major issues has been whether the reaction of HOCl with lipids of low density lipoprotein (LDL) yields predominantly chlorohydrins or lipid hydroperoxides. Electrospray mass spectrometry provided direct evidence that chlorohydrins rather than peroxides are the major products of HOCl- or MPO-treated LDL phosphatidylcholines. Nevertheless lipid peroxidation is a possible alternative reaction of HOCl with polyunsaturated fatty acids if an additional radical source such as pre-formed lipid hydroperoxides is available. In phospholipids carrying a primary amino group such as phosphatidylethanolamine chloramines are the preferred products compared to chlorohydrins. Cholesterol can be converted by HOCl to great variety of oxysterols besides three isomers of chlorohydrins. For the situation in vivo it appears that the type of reaction occurring between HOCl and lipids would very much depend on the circumstances, e.g. the pH and the presence of radical initiators. The biological effects of lipid chlorohydrins are not yet well understood. It has been shown that chlorohydrins of both unsaturated fatty acids as well as of cholesterol may cause lysis of target cells, possibly by disruption of membrane structures

    Detection of phospholipid oxidation in oxidatively stressed cells by reversed-phase HPLC coupled with positive-ionization electrospray MS

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    Measurement of lipid peroxidation is a commonly used method of detecting oxidative damage to biological tissues, but the most frequently used methods, including MS, measure breakdown products and are therefore indirect. We have coupled reversed-phase HPLC with positive-ionization electrospray MS (LC-MS) to provide a method for separating and detecting intact oxidized phospholipids in oxidatively stressed mammalian cells without extensive sample preparation. The elution profile of phospholipid hydroperoxides and chlorohydrins was first characterized using individual phospholipids or a defined phospholipid mixture as a model system. The facility of detection of the oxidized species in complex mixtures was greatly improved compared with direct-injection MS analysis, as they eluted earlier than the native lipids, owing to the decrease in hydrophobicity. In U937 and HL60 cells treated in vitro with t-butylhydroperoxide plus Fe2+, lipid oxidation could not be observed by direct injection, but LC-MS allowed the detection of monohydroperoxides of palmitoyl-linoleoyl and stearoyl-linoleoyl phosphatidylcholines. The levels of hydroperoxides observed in U937 cells were found to depend on the duration and severity of the oxidative stress. In cells treated with HOCl, chlorohydrins of palmitoyloleoyl phosphatidylcholine were observed by LC-MS. The method was able to detect very small amounts of oxidized lipids compared with the levels of native lipids present. The membrane-lipid profiles of these cells were found to be quite resistant to damage until high concentrations of oxidants were used. This is the first report of direct detection by LC-MS of intact oxidized phospholipids induced in cultured cells subjected to oxidative stress

    Redox Effects of Cigarette Smoke in Lung Inflammation

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