168 research outputs found

    Hawking radiation of nonsingular black holes in two dimensions

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    In this letter we study the process of Hawking radiation of a black hole assuming the existence of a limiting physical curvature scale. The particular model is constructed using the Limiting Curvature Hypothesis (LCH) and in the context of two-dimensional dilaton gravity. The black hole solution exhibits properties of the standard Schwarzschild solution at large values of the radial coordinate. However, near the center, the black hole is nonsingular and the metric becomes that of de Sitter spacetime. The Hawking temperature is calculated using the method of complex paths. We find that such black holes radiate eternally and never completely evaporate. The final state is an eternally radiating relic, near the fundamental scale, which should make a viable dark matter candidate. We briefly comment on the black hole information loss problem and the production of such black holes in collider experiments.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures; minor revisions; references added; version to appear in JHE

    Effect of the Generalized Uncertainty Principle on Post-Inflation Preheating

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    We examine effects of the Generalized Uncertainty Principle, predicted by various theories of quantum gravity to replace the Heisenberg's uncertainty principle near the Planck scale, on post inflation preheating in cosmology, and show that it can predict either an increase or a decrease in parametric resonance and a corresponding change in particle production. Possible implications are considered.Comment: v1: 9 pages, revtex4, no figures, accepted for publication in JCAP; v2: one reference added and various cosmetic (but no physics) changes to match published versio

    Calculation of the two-photon decay width of the f_0(980) scalar meson

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    The applicability of the quasi-static approximation for calculating the two-photon annihilation rate of the scalar f_0(980) meson envisaged as a K\bar K molecule is critically re-examined. It is shown that the validity of this approximation depends on the detailed interplay between the momentum dependence of the annihilation amplitude and the momentum transform of the bound state wave function of the annihilating pair. The approximation becomes invalid when these two scales of variation are similar. An improved method of calculation based on the inclusion of electromagnetic corrections to the kernel of the Bethe-Salpeter equation for the interacting K\bar K pair is outlined to cover this case and applied to re-evaluate the two-photon decay width for f_0(980) in a one boson exchange model for the interkaon interaction. The corrections are significant and result in a much better agreement with experiment.Comment: 14 pages, 3 figures. Fig.3 replaced. Additional remarks with reference

    On Black Holes and Cosmological Constant in Noncommutative Gauge Theory of Gravity

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    Deformed Reissner-Nordstr\"om, as well as Reissner-Nordstr\"om de Sitter, solutions are obtained in a noncommutative gauge theory of gravitation. The gauge potentials (tetrad fields) and the components of deformed metric are calculated to second order in the noncommutativity parameter. The solutions reduce to the deformed Schwarzschild ones when the electric charge of the gravitational source and the cosmological constant vanish. Corrections to the thermodynamical quantities of the corresponding black holes and to the radii of different horizons have been determined. All the independent invariants, such as the Ricci scalar and the so-called Kretschmann scalar, have the same singularity structure as the ones of the usual undeformed case and no smearing of singularities occurs. The possibility of such a smearing is discussed. In the noncommutative case we have a local disturbance of the geometry around the source, although asymptotically at large distances it becomes flat.Comment: Based on a talk given at the International Conference on Fundamental and Applied Research in Physics "Farphys 2007", 25-28 October 2007, Iasi, Romani

    Static spectroscopy of a dense superfluid

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    Dense Bose superfluids, as HeII, differ from dilute ones by the existence of a roton minimum in their excitation spectrum. It is known that this roton minimum is qualitatively responsible for density oscillations close to any singularity, such as vortex cores, or close to solid boundaries. We show that the period of these oscillations, and their exponential decrease with the distance to the singularity, are fully determined by the position and the width of the roton minimum. Only an overall amplitude factor and a phase shift are shown to depend on the details of the interaction potential. Reciprocally, it allows for determining the characteristics of this roton minimum from static "observations" of a disturbed ground state, in cases where the dynamics is not easily accessible. We focus on the vortex example. Our analysis further shows why the energy of these oscillations is negligible compared to the kinetic energy, which limits their influence on the vortex dynamics, except for high curvatures.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figures, extended version, published in J. Low Temp. Phy

    High frequency sound in superfluid 3He-B

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    We present measurements of the absolute phase velocity of transverse and longitudinal sound in superfluid 3He-B at low temperature, extending from the imaginary squashing mode to near pair-breaking. Changes in the transverse phase velocity near pair-breaking have been explained in terms of an order parameter collective mode that arises from f-wave pairing interactions, the so-called J=4- mode. Using these measurements, we establish lower bounds on the energy gap in the B-phase. Measurement of attenuation of longitudinal sound at low temperature and energies far above the pair-breaking threshold, are in agreement with the lower bounds set on pair-breaking. Finally, we discuss our estimations for the strength of the f-wave pairing interactions and the Fermi liquid parameter, F4s.Comment: 15 pages, 8 figures, accepted to J. Low Temp. Phy

    Fine-structure constant variability, equivalence principle and cosmology

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    It has been widely believed that variability of the fine-structure constant alpha would imply detectable violations of the weak equivalence principle. This belief is not justified in general. It is put to rest here in the context of the general framework for alpha variability [J. D. Bekenstein, Phys. Rev. D 25, 1527 (1982)] in which the exponent of a scalar field plays the role of the permittivity and inverse permeability of the vacuum. The coupling of particles to the scalar field is necessarily such that the anomalous force acting on a charged particle by virtue of its mass's dependence on the scalar field is cancelled by terms modifying the usual Coulomb force. As a consequence a particle's acceleration in external fields depends only on its charge to mass ratio, in accordance with the principle. And the center of mass acceleration of a composite object can be proved to be independent of the object's internal constitution, as the weak equivalence principle requires. Likewise the widely employed assumption that the Coulomb energy of matter is the principal source of the scalar field proves wrong; Coulomb energy effectively cancels out in the continuum description of the scalar field's dynamics. This cancellation resolves a cosmological conundrum: with Coulomb energy as source of the scalar field, the framework would predict a decrease of alpha with cosmological expansion, whereas an increase is claimed to be observed. Because of the said cancellation, magnetic energy of cosmological baryonic matter is the main source of the scalar field. Consequently the expansion is accompanied by an increase in alpha; for reasonable values of the framework's sole parameter, this occurs at a rate consistent with the observers' claims.Comment: RevTeX-4, 22 pages, no figures, added a section on caveats as well as several new references with discussion of them in body. To appear in Phys. Rev.

    Transverse spin dynamics in a spin-polarized Fermi liquid

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    The linear equations for transverse spin dynamics in weakly polarised degenerate Fermi liquid with arbitrary relationship between temperature and polarization are derived from Landau-Silin phenomenological kinetic equation with general form of two-particle collision integral. The temperature and polarization dependence of the spin current relaxation time is established. It is found in particular that at finite polarization transverse spin wave damping has a finite value at T=0. The analogy between temperature dependences of spin waves attenuation and ultrasound absorption in degenerate Fermi liquid at arbitrary temperature is presented. We also discuss spin-polarized Fermi liquid in the general context of the Fermi-liquid theory and compare it with "Fermi liquid" with spontaneous magnetization.Comment: 10 page

    Determining the density of states for classical statistical models: A random walk algorithm to produce a flat histogram

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    We describe an efficient Monte Carlo algorithm using a random walk in energy space to obtain a very accurate estimate of the density of states for classical statistical models. The density of states is modified at each step when the energy level is visited to produce a flat histogram. By carefully controlling the modification factor, we allow the density of states to converge to the true value very quickly, even for large systems. This algorithm is especially useful for complex systems with a rough landscape since all possible energy levels are visited with the same probability. In this paper, we apply our algorithm to both 1st and 2nd order phase transitions to demonstrate its efficiency and accuracy. We obtained direct simulational estimates for the density of states for two-dimensional ten-state Potts models on lattices up to 200×200200 \times 200 and Ising models on lattices up to 256×256256 \times 256. Applying this approach to a 3D ±J\pm J spin glass model we estimate the internal energy and entropy at zero temperature; and, using a two-dimensional random walk in energy and order-parameter space, we obtain the (rough) canonical distribution and energy landscape in order-parameter space. Preliminary data suggest that the glass transition temperature is about 1.2 and that better estimates can be obtained with more extensive application of the method.Comment: 22 pages (figures included

    Wave function of the Universe in the early stage of its evolution

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    In quantum cosmological models, constructed in the framework of Friedmann-Robertson-Walker metrics, a nucleation of the Universe with its further expansion is described as a tunneling transition through an effective barrier between regions with small and large values of the scale factor aa at non-zero (or zero) energy. The approach for describing this tunneling consists of constructing a wave function satisfying an appropriate boundary condition. There are various ways for defining the boundary condition that lead to different estimates of the barrier penetrability and the tunneling time. In order to describe the escape from the tunneling region as accurately as possible and to construct the total wave function on the basis of its two partial solutions unambiguously, we use the tunneling boundary condition that the total wave function must represent only the outgoing wave at the point of escape from the barrier, where the following definition for the wave is introduced: the wave is represented by the wave function whose modulus changes minimally under a variation of the scale factor aa. We construct a new method for a direct non-semiclassical calculation of the total stationary wave function of the Universe, analyze the behavior of this wave function in the tunneling region, near the escape point and in the asymptotic region, and estimate the barrier penetrability. We observe oscillations of modulus of wave function in the external region starting from the turning point which decrease with increasing of aa and which are not shown in semiclassical calculations. The period of such an oscillation decreases uniformly with increasing aa and can be used as a fully quantum dynamical characteristic of the expansion of the Universe.Comment: 19 pages, 21 files for 10 EPS figures, LaTeX svjour style. The Sec.2 (formalism of Wheeler-De Witt equation) is reduced. In Sec.3.1 definition of the outgoing wave from barrier is defined more accurately. In Sec.4.1 semiclassical calculations of wavew function and penetrability are performed and comparison with results in fully quantum approach is adde
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