126 research outputs found

    Stem cankers on sunflower (Helianthus annuus) in Australia reveal a complex of pathogenic Diaporthe (Phomopsis) species

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    The identification of Diaporthe (anamorph Phomopsis) species associated with stem canker of sunflower (Helianthus annuus) in Australia was studied using morphology, DNA sequence analysis and pathology. Phylogenetic analysis revealed three clades that did not correspond with known taxa, and these are believed to represent novel species. Diaporthe gulyae sp. nov. is described for isolates that caused a severe stem canker, specifically pale brown to dark brown, irregularly shaped lesions centred at the stem nodes with pith deterioration and mid-stem lodging. This pathogenicity of D. gulyae was confirmed by satisfying Koch’s Postulates. These symptoms are almost identical to those of sunflower stem canker caused by D. helianthi that can cause yield reductions of up to 40 % in Europe and the USA, although it has not been found in Australia. We show that there has been broad misapplication of the name D. helianthi to many isolates of Diaporthe (Phomopsis) found causing, or associated with, stem cankers on sunflower. In GenBank, a number of isolates had been identified as D. helianthi, which were accommodated in several clades by molecular phylogenetic analysis. Two less damaging species, D. kochmanii sp. nov. and D. kongii sp. nov., are also described from cankers on sunflower in Australia

    Phylogeny and taxonomy of the genus Cylindrocladiella

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    The genus Cylindrocladiella was established to accommodate Cylindrocladium-like fungi that have small, cylindrical conidia and aseptate stipe extensions. Contemporary taxonomic studies of these fungi have relied on morphology and to a lesser extent on DNA sequence comparisons of the internal transcribed spacer regions (ITS 1, 2 and 5.8S gene) of the ribosomal RNA and the ß-tubulin gene regions. In the present study, the identity of several Cylindrocladiella isolates collected over two decades was determined using morphology and phylogenetic inference. A phylogeny constructed for these isolates employing the ß-tubulin, histone H3, ITS, 28S large subunit and translation elongation factor 1-alpha gene regions resulted in the identification of several cryptic species in the genus. In spite of the 18 new Cylindrocladiella species described in this study based on morphological and sequence data, several species complexes remain unresolved

    The PhyloCode applied to Cintractiellales, a new order of smut fungi with unresolved phylogenetic relationships in the Ustilaginomycotina

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    The PhyloCode is used to classify taxa based on their relation to a most recent common ancestor as recovered from a phylogenetic analysis. We examined the first specimen of Cintractiella (Ustilaginomycotina) collected from Australia and determined its systematic relationship to other Fungi. Three ribosomal DNA loci were analysed both with and without constraint to a phylogenomic hypothesis of the Ustilaginomycotina. Cintractiella did not share a most recent common ancestor with other orders of smut fungi. We used the PhyloCode to define the Cintractiellales, a monogeneric order with four species of Cintractiella, including C. scirpodendri sp. nov. on Scirpodendron ghaeri. The Cintractiellales may have shared a most recent common ancestor with the Malasseziomycetes, but are otherwise unresolved at the rank of class.https://fuse-journal.orghj2021Forestry and Agricultural Biotechnology Institute (FABI)Plant Production and Soil Scienc

    A case for re-inventory of Australia’s plant pathogens

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    Australia has efficient and visible plant quarantine measures, which through various border controls and survey activities attempt to prevent the entry of unwanted pests and diseases. The ability to successfully perform this task relies heavily on determining what pathogens are present and established in Australia as well as those pathogens that are exotic and threatening. There are detailed checklists and databases of fungal plant pathogens in Australia, compiled, in part, from surveys over many years sponsored by Federal and State programmes. These checklists and databases are mostly specimen-based, which enables validation of records with reference herbarium specimens and sometimes associated cultures. Most of the identifications have been based on morphological examination. The use of molecular methods, particularly the analysis of DNA sequence data, has recently shown that several well-known and important plant pathogenic species are actually complexes of cryptic species. We provide examples of this in the important plant pathogenic genera Botryosphaeria and its anamorphs, Colletotrichum, Fusarium, Phomopsis / Diaporthe and Mycosphaerella and its anamorphs. The discovery of these cryptic species indicates that many of the fungal names in checklists need scrutiny. It is difficult, and often impossible, to extract DNA for sequence analysis from herbarium specimens in order to validate identifications that may now be considered suspect. This validation can only be done if specimens are recollected, re-isolated and subjected to DNA analysis. Where possible, herbarium specimens as well as living cultures are needed to support records. Accurate knowledge of the plant pathogens within Australia’s borders is an essential prerequisite for the effective discharge of plant quarantine activities that will prevent or delay the arrival of unwanted plant pathogens

    Endophytic and pathogenic Phyllosticta species, with reference to those associated with Citrus Black Spot

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    We investigated the identity and genetic diversity of more than 100 isolates belonging to Phyllosticta (teleomorph Guignardia), with particular emphasis on Phyllosticta citricarpa and Guignardia mangiferae s.l. occurring on Citrus. Phyllosticta citricarpa is the causal agent of Citrus Black Spot and is subject to phytosanitary legislation in the EU. This species is frequently confused with a taxon generally referred to as G. mangiferae, the presumed teleomorph of P. capitalensis, which is a non-pathogenic endophyte, commonly isolated from citrus leaves and fruits and a wide range of other hosts. DNA sequence analysis of the nrDNA internal transcribed spacer region (ITS1, 5.8S nrDNA, ITS2) and partial translation elongation factor 1-alpha (TEF1), actin and glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GPDH) genes resolved nine clades correlating to seven known, and two apparently undescribed species. Phyllosticta citribraziliensis is newly described as an endophytic species occurring on Citrus in Brazil. An epitype is designated for P. citricarpa from material newly collected in Australia, which is distinct from P. citriasiana, presently only known on C. maxima from Asia. Phyllosticta bifrenariae is newly described for a species causing leaf and bulb spots on Bifrenaria harrisoniae (Orchidaceae) in Brazil. It is morphologically distinct from P. capitalensis, which was originally described from Stanhopea (Orchidaceae) in Brazil; an epitype is designated here. Guignardia mangiferae, which was originally described from Mangifera indica (Anacardiaceae) in India, is distinguished from the non-pathogenic endophyte, P. brazilianiae sp. nov., which is common on M. indica in Brazil. Furthermore, a combined phylogenetic tree revealed the P. capitalensis s.l. clade to be genetically distinct from the reference isolate of G. mangiferae. Several names are available for this clade, the oldest being P. capitalensis. These results suggest that endophytic, non-pathogenic isolates occurring on a wide host range would be more correctly referred to as P. capitalensis. However, more genes need to be analysed to fully resolve the morphological variation still observed within this clade

    The Colletotrichum boninense species complex

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    Although only recently described, Colletotrichum boninense is well established in literature as an anthracnose pathogen or endophyte of a diverse range of host plants worldwide. It is especially prominent on members of Amaryllidaceae, Orchidaceae, Proteaceae and Solanaceae. Reports from literature and preliminary studies using ITS sequence data indicated that C. boninense represents a species complex. A multilocus molecular phylogenetic analysis (ITS, ACT, TUB2, CHS-1, GAPDH, HIS3, CAL) of 86 strains previously identified as C. boninense and other related strains revealed 18 clades. These clades are recognised here as separate species, including C. boninense s. str., C. hippeastri, C. karstii and 12 previously undescribed species, C. annellatum, C. beeveri, C. brassicicola, C. brasiliense, C. colombiense, C. constrictum, C. cymbidiicola, C. dacrycarpi, C. novae-zelandiae, C. oncidii, C. parsonsiae and C. torulosum. Seven of the new species are only known from New Zealand, perhaps reflecting a sampling bias. The new combination C. phyllanthi was made, and C. dracaenae Petch was epitypified and the name replaced with C. petchii. Typical for species of the C. boninense species complex are the conidiogenous cells with rather prominent periclinal thickening that also sometimes extend to form a new conidiogenous locus or annellations as well as conidia that have a prominent basal scar. Many species in the C. boninense complex form teleomorphs in culture

    Population genomics reveals historical and ongoing recombination in the Fusarium oxysporum species complex

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    The Fusarium oxysporum species complex (FOSC) is a group of closely related plant pathogens long-considered strictly clonal, as sexual stages have never been recorded. Several studies have questioned whether recombination occurs in FOSC, and if it occurs its nature and frequency are unknown. We analysed 410 assembled genomes to answer whether FOSC diversified by occasional sexual reproduction interspersed with numerous cycles of asexual reproduction akin to a model of predominant clonal evolution (PCE). We tested the hypothesis that sexual reproduction occurred in the evolutionary history of FOSC by examining the distribution of idiomorphs at the mating locus, phylogenetic conflict and independent measures of recombination from genome-wide SNPs and genes. A phylogenomic dataset of 40 single copy orthologs was used to define structure a priori within FOSC based on genealogical concordance. Recombination within FOSC was tested using the pairwise homoplasy index and divergence ages were estimated by molecular dating. We called SNPs from assembled genomes using a k-mer approach and tested for significant linkage disequilibrium as an indication of PCE. We clone-corrected and tested whether SNPs were randomly associated as an indication of recombination. Our analyses provide evidence for sexual or parasexual reproduction within, but not between, clades of FOSC that diversified from a most recent common ancestor about 500 000 years ago. There was no evidence of substructure based on geography or host that might indicate how clades diversified. Competing evolutionary hypotheses for FOSC are discussed in the context of our results.The University of Queensland Development Fellowships, the Department of the Environment and Energy under the Australian Biological Resources Study; the Tree Protection Co-operative Programme (TPCP), the National Research Foundation of South Africa and the DST-NRF Centre of Excellence in Tree Health Biotechnology (CTHB).http://www.studiesinmycology.orgam2022BiochemistryForestry and Agricultural Biotechnology Institute (FABI)GeneticsMicrobiology and Plant Patholog

    Species diversity in Pseudocercospora

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    SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL : TABLE S1. Metadata and GenBank accession numbers of Pseudocercospora isolates included in the morphological and/or phylogenetic analyses. TABLE S2. Summary of phylogenetic information for the different analyses in this study. TABLE S3. Comparison of the phylogenetic position of strains represented by only ITS in the sequence dataset.Species of Pseudocercospora are commonly associated with leaf and fruit spots on diverse plant hosts in sub-tropical and tropical regions. Pseudocercospora spp. have mycosphaerella-like sexual morphs, but represent a distinct genus in Mycosphaerellaceae (Mycosphaerellales, Dothideomycetes). The present study adds a further 29 novel species of Pseudocercospora from 413 host species representing 297 host genera occurring in 60 countries and designates four epitypes and one lectotype for established names. This study recognises 329 species names, with an additional 69 phylogenetic lineages remaining unnamed due to difficulty in being able to unambiguously apply existing names to those lineages. To help elucidate the taxonomy of these species, a phylogenetic tree was generated from multi-locus DNA sequence data of the internal transcribed spacers and intervening 5.8S nuclear nrRNA gene (ITS), partial actin (actA), and partial translation elongation factor 1-alpha (tef1), as well as the partial DNA-directed RNA polymerase II second largest subunit (rpb2) gene sequences. Novel species described in this study include those from various countries as follows: Australia, Ps. acaciicola from leaf spots on Acacia sp., Ps. anopter from leaf spots on Anopterus glandulosus, Ps. asplenii from leaf spots on Asplenium dimorphum, Ps. australiensis from leaf spots on Eucalyptus gunnii, Ps. badjensis from leaf spots on Eucalyptus badjensis, Ps. erythrophloeicola from leaf spots on Erythrophleum chlorostachys, Ps. grevilleae from leaf spots on Grevillea sp., Ps. lophostemonigena from leaf spots on Lophostemon confertus, Ps. lophostemonis from leaf spots on Lophostemon lactifluus, Ps. paramacadamiae from leaf spots on Macadamia integrifolia, Ps. persooniae from leaf spots on Persoonia sp., Ps. pultenaeae from leaf spots on Pultenaea daphnoides, Ps. tristaniopsidis from leaf spots on Tristaniopsis collina, Ps. victoriae from leaf spots on Eucalyptus globoidea. Brazil, Ps. musigena from leaf spots on Musa sp. China, Ps. lonicerae-japonicae from leaf spots on Lonicera japonica, Ps. rubigena leaf spots on Rubus sp. France (Réunion), Ps. wingfieldii from leaf spots on Acacia heterophylla. Malaysia, Ps. musarum from leaf spots on Musa sp. Netherlands, Ps. rhododendri from leaf spots on Rhododendron sp. South Africa, Ps. balanitis from leaf spots on Balanites sp., Ps. dovyalidicola from leaf spots on Dovyalis zeyheri, Ps. encephalarticola from leaf spots on Encephalartos sp. South Korea, Ps. grewiana from leaf spots on Grewia biloba, Ps. parakaki from leaf spots on Diospyros kaki, Ps. pseudocydoniae from leaf spots on Chaenomeles lagenaria, Ps. paracydoniae from leaf spots on Chaenomeles speciosa. Thailand, Ps. acerigena from leaf spots on Acer sp., Ps. tectonigena from leaf spots on Tectona grandis. Epitypes are designated for Cercospora bonjeaneae-rectae, Cercospora halleriae, Ps. eucleae, and an epitype as well as a lectotype for Ps. macadamiae. Results obtained in the present study contribute to a better understanding of the host specificity and distribution in Pseudocercospora spp., many of which represent important pathogens of food or fibre crops, or organisms of quarantine concern.The European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program (RISE) under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No. 10100812, the Dutch NWO Roadmap grant agreement No. 2020/ENW/00901156, the National Natural Science Foundation of China and the China Scholarship Council.https://fuse-journal.orghj2024BiochemistryForestry and Agricultural Biotechnology Institute (FABI)GeneticsMicrobiology and Plant PathologySDG-15:Life on lan

    Genera of phytopathogenic fungi: GOPHY 1

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    Genera of Phytopathogenic Fungi (GOPHY) is introduced as a new series of publications in order to provide a stable platform for the taxonomy of phytopathogenic fungi. This first paper focuses on 21 genera of phytopathogenic fungi: Bipolaris, Boeremia, Calonectria, Ceratocystis, Cladosporium, Colletotrichum, Coniella, Curvularia, Monilinia, Neofabraea, Neofusicoccum, Pilidium, Pleiochaeta, Plenodomus, Protostegia, Pseudopyricularia, Puccinia, Saccharata, Thyrostroma, Venturia and Wilsonomyces. For each genus, a morphological description and information about its pathology, distribution, hosts and disease symptoms are provided. In addition, this information is linked to primary and secondary DNA barcodes of the presently accepted species, and relevant literature. Moreover, several novelties are introduced, i.e. new genera, species and combinations, and neo-, lecto- and epitypes designated to provide a stable taxonomy. This first paper includes one new genus, 26 new species, nine new combinations, and four typifications of older names

    Fungal Planet description sheets: 1383–1435

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    Novel species of fungi described in this study include those from various countries as follows: Australia, Agaricus albofoetidus, Agaricus aureoelephanti and Agaricus parviumbrus on soil, Fusarium ramsdenii from stem cankers of Araucaria cunninghamii, Keissleriella sporoboli from stem of Sporobolus natalensis, Leptosphaerulina queenslandica and Pestalotiopsis chiaroscuro from leaves of Sporobolus natalensis, Serendipita petricolae as endophyte from roots of Eriochilus petricola, Stagonospora tauntonensis from stem of Sporobolus natalensis, Teratosphaeria carnegiei from leaves of Eucalyptus grandis × E. camaldulensis and Wongia ficherai from roots of Eragrostis curvula. Canada, Lulworthia fundyensis from intertidal wood and Newbrunswickomyces abietophilus (incl. Newbrunswickomyces gen. nov.)on buds of Abies balsamea. Czech Republic, Geosmithia funiculosa from a bark beetle gallery on Ulmus minor and Neoherpotrichiella juglandicola (incl. Neoherpotrichiella gen. nov.)from wood of Juglans regia. France, Aspergillus rouenensis and Neoacrodontium gallica (incl. Neoacrodontium gen. nov.)from bore dust of Xestobium rufovillosum feeding on Quercus wood, Endoradiciella communis (incl. Endoradiciella gen. nov.)endophyticin roots of Microthlaspi perfoliatum and Entoloma simulans on soil. India, Amanita konajensis on soil and Keithomyces indicus from soil. Israel, Microascus rothbergiorum from Stylophora pistillata. Italy, Calonarius ligusticus on soil. Netherlands , Appendopyricularia juncicola (incl. Appendopyricularia gen. nov.), Eriospora juncicola and Tetraploa juncicola on dead culms of Juncus effusus, Gonatophragmium physciae on Physcia caesia and Paracosmospora physciae (incl. Paracosmospora gen. nov.)on Physcia tenella, Myrmecridium phragmitigenum on dead culm of Phragmites australis, Neochalara lolae on stems of Pteridium aquilinum, Niesslia nieuwwulvenica on dead culm of undetermined Poaceae, Nothodevriesia narthecii (incl. Nothodevriesia gen. nov.) on dead leaves of Narthecium ossifragum and Parastenospora pini (incl. Parastenospora gen. nov.)on dead twigs of Pinus sylvestris. Norway, Verticillium bjoernoeyanum from sand grains attached to a piece of driftwood on a sandy beach. Portugal, Collybiopsis cimrmanii on the base of living Quercus ilex and amongst dead leaves of Laurus and herbs. South Africa , Paraproliferophorum hyphaenes (incl. Paraproliferophorum gen. nov.) on living leaves of Hyphaene sp. and Saccothecium widdringtoniae on twigs of Widdringtonia wallichii. Spain, Cortinarius dryosalor on soil, Cyphellophora endoradicis endophytic in roots of Microthlaspi perfoliatum, Geoglossum laurisilvae on soil, Leptographium gemmatum from fluvial sediments, Physalacria auricularioides from a dead twig of Castanea sativa , Terfezia bertae and Tuber davidlopezii in soil. Sweden, Alpova larskersii, Inocybe alpestris and Inocybe boreogodeyi on soil. Thailand, Russula banwatchanensis, Russula purpureoviridis and Russula lilacina on soil. Ukraine, Nectriella adonidis on over wintered stems of Adonis vernalis. USA, Microcyclus jacquiniae from living leaves of Jacquinia keyensis and Penicillium neoherquei from a minute mushroom sporocarp. Morphological and culture characteristics are supported by DNA barcodes