13 research outputs found
Efeito de reguladores de crescimento sobre os teores de ácido ascórbico e carboidratos solúveis de morango (Fragaria hybridus)
Several growth regulators were sprayed on strawberry plants: SADH (5000 ppm), CCC (2000 ppm), IAA (10 ppm, 3 times), GA 10 ppm, 3 times) and GA (550 ppm), Ascorbic acid, dry weight and soluble carbohydrates contents of fruits were determined. Statistically differences were not observed between treatments and control. Dry weight varied from 7.62 to 9.53%. Ascorbic acid content varied from 35.88 to 71.81 mg/100 g on fresh weight basis. Mean values of soluble carbohydrates, in grams/100 g on fresh weight basis, were total (5.58), sucrose (1.01), glucose (1.63) and frutose (1.54).Foram feitas aplicações dos seguintes reguladores de crescimento em morango (Fragarm hybridus): SADH a 5000 ppm, CCC a 2000 ppm, ATA a 10 ppm (3 aplicações), ácido giberélico a 10 ppm (3 aplicações) e 550 ppm. Análises de peso seco, ácido ascórbico e carboidratos solúveis dos frutos foram efetuadas a fim de se estudar o efeito desses reguladores de crescimento. Não foram detectadas diferenças significativas entre os diversas tratamentos e o controle. O peso seco variou de 7,62 a 9,53%. O conteúdo de ácido ascórbico variou de 35,88 a 71,81 mg/100 g de peso fresco. Os teores médios de carboidratos solúveis, expresso em g/100 g peso fresco, foram: totais (5,58), sacarose (1,01), glucose (1,63) e frutose (1,54)
Apparent extinction of non-G2 rotavirus strains from circulation in Recife, Brazil, after the introduction of rotavirus vaccine
The introduction of a G1P[8] rotavirus vaccine in Recife, Brazil, caused a decrease in rotavirus detection from 27% (March-May, 2006) to 5.0% (March-May, 2007), with all strains becoming G2, against which less protection had been predicted
Sazonalidade de variáveis biofísicas em regiões semiáridas pelo emprego do sensoriamento remoto Biophysics variables seasonality on surface in semiarid regions by using remote sensing
Para investigar alterações no albedo, no Índice de Vegetação por Diferença Normalizada (NDVI), no saldo de radiação e no fluxo de calor no solo, em decorrência do regime pluviométrico no semiárido cearense, desenvolveu-se um estudo na bacia do Rio Trussu - Ceará, empregando-se sensoriamento remoto. Foram utilizadas duas imagens Landsat 7 ETM+, datadas de 25-10-2000 e 24-7-2001, sendo as variáveis estimadas pelo emprego do algoritmo SEBAL (Surface Energy Balance Algorithms for Land). Os resultados mostraram que as variáveis investigadas apresentaram alterações entre as duas estações, sendo os maiores valores de albedo registrados na estação seca. O NDVI apresentou maior sensibilidade ao regime hídrico, mostrando alto potencial de recuperação da vegetação ao efeito da precipitação. As margens do Rio Trussu apresentaram NDVI superior a 0,39, sendo indicativo de preservação da mata ciliar. A vegetação da bacia mostrou alto poder resiliente expresso pelo incremento nos valores de NDVI para o ano de 2001. A estação chuvosa exerceu também influência marcante sobre o saldo de radiação e fluxo de calor no solo, confirmando o efeito da estação climática na modificação do balanço de energia sobre a bacia.<br>To investigate the rainfall regime effects over the albedo, NDVI (normalized difference vegetation index), net radiation and soil heat flux in a semiarid region (Northeast of Brazil), a study in the Trussu watershed was developed by using remote sensing. The study focuses on two images (Landsat 7 ETM+) provided by Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE), from October 25, 2000 and July 24, 2001, each of them having a different rainfall regime (dry and wet seasons). The images were analyzed by using the SEBAL algorithm (surface energy balance algorithm for land). The results showed that the amount of rainfall affected the investigated variables, and the highest values of albedo were registered during the dry season. The NDVI presented high sensibility to rainfall regime, pointing out a high vegetation potential recover during the rainfall season. The NDVI along the Trussu River was up to 0.39, expressing the repair zone preservation. The watershed vegetation showed a high resilience power expressed by NDVI values in the year of 2001. Net radiation and soil heat flux were greater in the dry season, in this way expressing the effect of humidity on the energy balance
Reproductive biology and feeding of Curimatella lepidura (Eigenmann & Eigenmann) (Pisces, Curimatidae) in Juramento reservoir, Minas Gerais, Brazil Biologia reprodutiva e alimentação de Curimatella lepidura (Eigenmann & Eigenmann) (Pisces, Curimatidae) no reservatório de Juramento, Minas Gerais, Brasil
Reproductive biology and feeding of Curimatella lepidura (Eigenmann & Eigenmann, 1889) were studied in Juramento reservoir, São Francisco River basin, Southeastern Brazil. Histological analyses and gonadosomatic indexes revealed females and males in reproductive activity from October to March and total spawning occurring from January to March coupled with the peak of spermiating males. In the dry season, the fishes accumulated energetic reserves for reproduction during a short rainy season. The species presented sexual dimorphism, being females larger than males and sexual maturation occurring close to 7.7 cm standard length for females and 7.1 cm for males. C. lepidura presented iliophagous feeding habit, ingesting mainly sediment/detritus and a small amount of acari, algae, Tricoptera insects and Ostracoda crustaceans, suggesting a probable role in nutrient recycling of the Juramento reservoir.<br>A biologia reprodutiva e alimentação de Curimatella lepidura (Eigenmann & Eigenmann, 1889) foram estudadas no reservatório de Juramento, Bacia do rio São Francisco, Sudeste do Brasil. Análises histológicas e índices gonadosomáticos mostraram fêmeas e machos em atividade reprodutiva de outubro a março e desova total ocorrendo de janeiro a março coincidindo com pico de espermiação. Na estação seca, os peixes acumularam reservas energéticas para a reprodução durante curta estação chuvosa. A espécie apresentou dimorfismo sexual, sendo as fêmeas maiores do que os machos e, a maturação gonadal ocorreu em torno de 7,7 cm de comprimento padrão para as fêmeas e 7,1 cm para os machos. C. lepidura apresentou hábito alimentar iliófago, ingerindo predominantemente sedimento/detrito e, em menor proporção, ácaros, algas, insetos Tricoptera e crustáceos Ostracodas sugerindo provável papel na reciclagem de nutrientes do reservatório de Juramento
Crescimento relativo do camar\ue3o canela Macrobrachium amazonicum (Heller) (Crustacea, Decapoda, Palaemonidae) em viveiros
<abstract language="eng">Some morphometric relationships in Macrobrachium amazonicum (Heller, 1862) reared in earthen ponds were studied. A total of 239 individuals were collected, sexed and sorted to juvenile or adult. Total length (Lt), post-orbital length (Lpo), carapace length (Lcp) and queliped length (Lql) were measured. The relationships Lt/Lpo, Lpo/Lcp and Lt/Lcp are the same for juveniles, males and females, indicating unchanged growth pattern during post-larval ontogenetic development. While Lt/Lpo showed isometric growth, Lpo/Lcp and Lt/Lcp showed negative allometry. On the other hand, for the Lql/Lcp relationship, juveniles showed isometric growth, females slight positive allometry and males a strong positive allometry. It suggests that the importance of chelipeds may be different in these groups. Quelipeds play important role on food capture and on agonistic, social and reproductive behavior. Therefore, inter and intraspecific interactions may change during prawn growth, even after morphologica