22 research outputs found

    Sustainability logic in the Swedish major banks : An analysis of the development of the banks’ sustainability reports

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    Bakgrund och Problematisering: I dagens samhĂ€lle har hĂ„llbarhetsfrĂ„gor fĂ„tt ett allt större fokus och mĂ„nga företag upprĂ€ttar hĂ„llbarhetsredovisningar för att beskriva hur de jobbar med hĂ„llbarhet. Företags hĂ„llbarhetsarbete har Ă€ven blivit mer harmoniserat runt om i vĂ€rlden vilket eventuellt innebĂ€r att det har vuxit fram hĂ„llbarhetslogiker inom vissa branscher. Samtidigt har bankernas hĂ„llbarhetsarbete fĂ„tt en större uppmĂ€rksamhet i medier dĂ€r bland annat negativa hĂ€ndelser sĂ„som Panamaskandalen och Finanskrisen 2007-2008 har belysts, vilket har lett till att folk tappat förtroendet för banker. Syfte: PĂ„ grund av den ökade uppmĂ€rksamheten och förĂ€ndringar i hĂ„llbarhetsarbetet Ă€r syftet att analysera om det gĂ„r att se en viss hĂ„llbarhetslogik inom de fyra svenska storbankerna, Handelsbanken, Nordea, SEB och Swedbank, samt hur den i sĂ„ fall har utvecklats över tid. Metod: För att se om det finns en hĂ„llbarhetslogik inom de fyra bankerna Ă€r uppsatsen uppbyggd pĂ„ en kvalitativ innehĂ„llsanalys av bankernas hĂ„llbarhetsredovisningar och av deras Ă„rsredovisningar i de fall dĂ„ separata hĂ„llbarhetsredovisningar inte finns. Kodning av redovisningar har skett i dataprogrammet Nvivo för kvalitativa innehĂ„llsanalyser. Redovisningarna har kodats utifrĂ„n fyra kategorier: anstĂ€llda, etik, miljö och samhĂ€lle. Resultat: Det finns en hĂ„llbarhetslogik inom bankerna som delvis kan förklaras av att de ingĂ„r i samma organisationsfĂ€lt dĂ„ de alla verkar pĂ„ samma marknad, erbjuder liknande produkter och tjĂ€nster, har liknande intressenter och följer samma lagar. I hĂ„llbarhetsredovisningarna syns det framförallt en tydlig utveckling gĂ€llande hur bankerna har tagit större ansvar med Ă„ren nĂ€r det gĂ€ller miljö och etik. Denna utveckling kan kopplas till hur de anpassat sig till förĂ€ndrade normer, lagar och vĂ€rderingar i samhĂ€llet. Till en viss del har Ă€ven pĂ„tvingad isomorfism bidragit till att en hĂ„llbarhetslogik vuxit fram eftersom bankerna har varit tvungna att anpassa sig efter skĂ€rpta regelkrav sĂ„som högre kapitalbuffertar och finansiering av terrorism.Background and Problematization: In today’s society the knowledge about sustainability has increased, therefore many companies have decided to publish a sustainability report where they explain how they conduct their operation in a sustainable manner. Companies sustainability efforts have also become more harmonized around the world which might indicate that a certain sustainability logic has developed. Media have recently especially paid attention to issues of banks and have enlightened negative occurrences such as the tax evasion in Panama and the financial crisis of 2007-2008 that have led to people losing their confidence in banks. Purpose: Due to the increased attention and changes in sustainability work, the purpose of this study is to analyse if there exists a sustainability logic within the four major banks in Sweden, Handelsbanken, Nordea, SEB and Swedbank and how the logic has developed over time. Methodology: In order to see if there exists a sustainability logic within the four banks we decided to conduct a qualitative content analysis of the banks’ sustainability reports. The reports have been coded in a software program called Nvivo. The reports have been coded based on four categories: employees, ethics, environment and society. Result: There exists a sustainability logic within the banks which partially can be explained by the fact that they are a part of the same business field. They all operate in the same market, offer similar products and services, have similar stakeholders and follow the same laws and regulations. In the sustainability reports we can see a clear development regarding the level of responsibility banks have taken when it comes to their impact on environmental and ethical questions within their investments and customers. This development can be explained by how they have adapted to changed norms, laws and values in the community. We can also see how a coercive isomorphism has contributed to a harmonization of their sustainability work through changed laws regarding both capital demands and financing of terrorism

    Modeling Workflow Patterns from First Principles

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    Abstract. We propose a small set of parameterized abstract models for workflow patterns, starting from first principles for sequential and distributed control. Appropriate instantiations yield the 43 workflow patterns that have been listed recently by the Business Process Modeling Center. The resulting structural classification of those patterns into eight basic categories, four for sequential and four for parallel workflows, provides a semantical foundation for a rational evaluation of workflow patterns.

    Relaxed Safeness in Datalog-Based Policies

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    A formally verified calculus for full Java Card

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    We present a calculus for the verification of sequential Java programs. It supports all Java language constructs and has additional support for Java Card. The calculus is formally proved correct with respect to a natural semantics. It is implemented in the KIV system and used for smart card applications