45 research outputs found

    Nuaulu Settlement and Ecology

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    This book is about the pattern of settlement and ecology of the Nuaulu, a group of sedentary swidden cultivators and hunters of southcentral Seram (Eastern Indonesia). It has three inter-related aims: to describe and account for nuaulu settlement; to outline and exemplify a suitable method of assessing the fine inter-action of cultural and ecological variables in small scale communities; and to explore the usefulness of a generative form of analysis in this respect

    Pottery production and trade in the Banda zone, Indonesia: the Kei tradition in its spatial and historical context

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    This paper provides the first comprehensive description of pottery production in the Kei islands of eastern Indonesia, based on field data collected mainly in 1981 and on Museum collections in the UK and The Netherlands. The account is situated in what we know of the dynamics of trading systems that existed in the Moluccan islands between 1500 and 2000. Kei pottery is widely thought to be the successor of a tradition established in the Banda islands that was extinguished with the 1621 Dutch massacre of Bandanese, but re-established at several sites in the Kei islands by Bandanese migrants after this date. These claims are critically examined using ethnographic and archaeological data, and an attempt made to compare the production and trading patterns of pottery in the ‘Banda zone’ before and after 1621

    Nuaulu Settlement and Ecology

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    This book is about the pattern of settlement and ecology of the Nuaulu, a group of sedentary swidden cultivators and hunters of southcentral Seram (Eastern Indonesia). It has three inter-related aims: to describe and account for nuaulu settlement; to outline and exemplify a suitable method of assessing the fine inter-action of cultural and ecological variables in small scale communities; and to explore the usefulness of a generative form of analysis in this respect

    The discovery of grounded theory: Strategies for qualitative research

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    Chicagoxx, 185 p.: bibl. ref.; 21 c

    Trender i sosial ulikhet i helseatferd

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    I denne artikkelen studerer forskerne sosial ulikhet i kosthold, fysisk aktivitet og røyking for perioden 2001–2009 blant norske 11-, 13- og 15-åringer. Dataene er hentet fra den landsrepresentative studien «Helsevaner blant skoleelever. En WHO-undersøkelse i flere land» (HEVAS). Forskjellene mellom de sosioøkonomiske gruppene var stabile over tid for frokostinntak, høyintensiv fysisk aktivitet utenom skoletid og røyking. For inntak av frukt var det en økning i forskjell mellom de sosioøkonomiske gruppene fra 2001 til 2005, men en reduksjon tilbake til 2001-nivå fra 2005 til 2009. Barn og unge fra familier med lavere sosioøkonomisk status kom dårligst ut når det gjelder alle de fire helseatferdene som er studert