43 research outputs found

    Les fractures de fatigue

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    The domain of professional business ethics

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    This article attempts to further the discussion of Iain Mangham's (1995) consideration of Alistair MacIntyre's reflections on the moral character of the manager in Vol. 2(2) of this journal. In the same volume, Anthony suggests that, after the denigration of this moral character effected by MacIntyre and his ilk, both professors and practitioners of business management `need new ethics' (Anthony, 1995: 293). Other contributions by Rundles (1995), Goodpaster (1995), Deetz (1995) and Nash (1995) go some way towards satisfying that craving. They have brought us back to earth from the celestial heights of MacIntyre's panoramic vision of the moral malaise he claims afflicts the management world below. Following that lead this down-to-earth article specifically addresses the question: what are the constitutive requirements of a professional code of business conduct comparable with those of other professions? The objective of this exercise is to locate the absolute presuppositions of the moral obligations of business management in a free market economy and to spell out the logical requirements of their practical satisfaction

    Avaliação de políticas públicas: a inclusão de alunos com necessidades educacionais especiais no Ensino Fundamental das cidades-pólo do Estado de São Paulo Public policy evaluation: the inclusion of students with special needs in primary education in selected cities located in the State of São Paulo

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    Esta pesquisa fundamenta-se nas diretrizes políticas para a educação inclusiva no Brasil e suas estratégias de implementação que propõem, além da garantia do acesso, permanência e qualidade da educação para os alunos com necessidades especiais no ensino regular. A literatura nacional reporta inúmeros estudos sobre as questões legais e as diretrizes políticas. Não obstante, indica-se que pouco se conhece sobre as práticas em perspectivas locais, observando-se a possibilidade de um descompasso entre as práticas e as políticas públicas em educação especial. O governo federal apoiou-se nas ações de 144 cidades-pólo, visando a interação entre a gestão e as práticas educacionais desenvolvidas nas escolas dos municípios. O objetivo desta pesquisa é identificar, de acordo com a percepção dos gestores da área da Educação Especial de cidades-pólo do estado de São Paulo, quais as ações foram implementadas a partir das diretrizes nacionais para a educação inclusiva na rede regular - Ensino Fundamental. Participaram do estudo seis Secretarias Municipais de Educação - Educação Especial. O instrumento de coleta de dados foi um questionário com questões abertas e fechadas. Os resultados demonstram que na esfera municipal há o conhecimento da legislação acerca das diretrizes nacionais, há formação, capacitação continuada e apoio para professores, além de transporte, acessibilidade e alguns materiais para o atendimento da educação especial no ensino regular. No entanto, constata-se um número reduzido de alunos atendidos e a necessidade do levantamento da demanda total da educação especial, além da pouca atuação de equipes multiprofissionais e a falta de envolvimento da esfera estadual em ações para a Educação Especial.<br>This research paper presents and compares aspects of theory and practice for inclusive education in Brazil. Brazilian policy on inclusive education and implementation strategies seek to guarantee access, attendance, and quality education for students with special needs in regular school. Although there are many studies about the legal aspects and the implementation for inclusive school policy, there seems to be a gap between theory and what actually happens in local schools. The Federal government focused on 144 cities intending to promote interaction between administration policies and educational practices in local schools. Based on the perceptions of Special Education administrators of the selected São Paulo cities, the aim of this study is to identify those actions that were implemented according to national directives for special education in the regular school system for Primary Education. Six Special Education Departments of these cities participated in the study. Data was collected using questionnaires, with open and closed questions. The results show that in these cities in the state of São Paulo, the administrators are aware of national public policy regulations; provisions also are in place to promote teacher preparation, continuing education courses and support for teachers. There is transportation, accessibility and access to some educational resources necessary for students with special needs in the regular school. However, there is no statistical information about the total population of special need students in each city; the number of students with disabilities enrolled in regular schools is still very small. Besides these limitations, there are few multidisciplinary teams, and scant collaboration of state departments in Special Education initiatives

    HIV outbreaks among people who inject drugs in Europe, North America, and Israel

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    During 2011–16, HIV outbreaks occurred among people who inject drugs (PWID) in Canada (southeastern Saskatchewan), Greece (Athens), Ireland (Dublin), Israel (Tel Aviv), Luxembourg, Romania (Bucharest), Scotland (Glasgow), and USA (Scott County, Indiana). Factors common to many of these outbreaks included community economic problems, homelessness, and changes in drug injection patterns. The outbreaks differed in size (from under 100 to over 1000 newly reported HIV cases among PWID) and in the extent to which combined prevention had been implemented before, during, and after the outbreaks. Countries need to ensure high coverage of HIV prevention services and coverage higher than the current UNAIDS recommendation might be needed in areas in which short acting drugs are injected. In addition, monitoring of PWID with special attention for changing drug use patterns, risk behaviours, and susceptible subgroups (eg, PWID experiencing homelessness) needs to be in place to prevent or rapidly detect and contain new HIV outbreaks. © 2020 Elsevier Lt