7 research outputs found

    Coupled Dynamics on Networks

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    We study the synchronization of coupled dynamical systems on a variety of networks. The dynamics is governed by a local nonlinear map or flow for each node of the network and couplings connecting different nodes via the links of the network. For small coupling strengths nodes show turbulent behavior but form synchronized clusters as coupling increases. When nodes show synchronized behaviour, we observe two interesting phenomena. First, there are some nodes of the floating type that show intermittent behaviour between getting attached to some clusters and evolving independently. Secondly, we identify two different ways of cluster formation, namely self-organized clusters which have mostly intra-cluster couplings and driven clusters which have mostly inter-cluster couplings

    Complex transitions to synchronization in delay-coupled networks of logistic maps

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    A network of delay-coupled logistic maps exhibits two different synchronization regimes, depending on the distribution of the coupling delay times. When the delays are homogeneous throughout the network, the network synchronizes to a time-dependent state [Atay et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 92, 144101 (2004)], which may be periodic or chaotic depending on the delay; when the delays are sufficiently heterogeneous, the synchronization proceeds to a steady-state, which is unstable for the uncoupled map [Masoller and Marti, Phys. Rev. Lett. 94, 134102 (2005)]. Here we characterize the transition from time-dependent to steady-state synchronization as the width of the delay distribution increases. We also compare the two transitions to synchronization as the coupling strength increases. We use transition probabilities calculated via symbolic analysis and ordinal patterns. We find that, as the coupling strength increases, before the onset of steady-state synchronization the network splits into two clusters which are in anti-phase relation with each other. On the other hand, with increasing delay heterogeneity, no cluster formation is seen at the onset of steady-state synchronization; however, a rather complex unsynchronized state is detected, revealed by a diversity of transition probabilities in the network nodes

    Generalized synchronization of coupled chaotic systems

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    In this paper we briefly report some recent developments on generalized synchronization. We discuss different methods of detecting generalized synchronization. We first consider two unidirectionally coupled systems and then two mutually coupled systems. We then extend the study to a network of coupled systems. In the study of generalized synchronization of coupled nonidentical systems we discuss the Master Stability Function (MSF) formalism for coupled nearly identical systems. Later we use this MSF to construct synchronized optimized networks. In the optimized networks the nodes which have parameter value at one extreme are chosen as hubs and the pair of nodes with larger difference in parameter are chosen to create links