112 research outputs found

    Neuroactive steroids and the new decade

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    Physiopathological role of the enzymatic complex 5α-reductase and 3α/β-hydroxysteroid oxidoreductase in the generation of progesterone and testosterone neuroactive metabolites

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    The enzymatic complex 5\u3b1-reductase (5\u3b1-R) and 3\u3b1/3\u3b2-hydroxysteroid oxidoreductase (HSOR) is expressed in the nervous system, where it transforms progesterone (PROG) and testosterone (T) into neuroactive metabolites. These metabolites regulate myelination, brain maturation, neurotransmission, reproductive behavior and the stress response. The expression of 5\u3b1-R and 3\u3b1-HSOR and the levels of PROG and T reduced metabolites show regional and sex differences in the nervous system and are affected by changing physiological conditions as well as by neurodegenerative and psychiatric disorders. A decrease in their nervous tissue levels may negatively impact the course and outcome of some pathological events. However, in other pathological conditions their increased levels may have a negative impact. Thus, the use of synthetic analogues of these steroids or 5\u3b1-R modulation have been proposed as therapeutic approaches for several nervous system pathologies. However, further research is needed to fully understand the consequences of these manipulations, in particular with 5\u3b1-R inhibitors

    Steroid metabolism and effects in central and peripheral glial cells

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    Hormonal steroids participate in the control of a large number of functions of the central nervous system (CNS); recent data show that they may also intervene at the level of the peripheral nervous system (PNS). Both the CNS and the PNS metabolize endogenous as well as exogenous steroids; one of the major enzymatic system is represented by the 5alpha-reductase-3alpha-hydroxysteroid complex. This is a versatile system, since every steroid possessing the delta 4-3keto configuration (e.g., testosterone, progesterone, deoxycorticosterone) may be a substrate. High levels of 5alpha-reductase are found in the white matter of the CNS and in purified myelin. The observation that, in addition to neurons, glia may be a target for steroid action is an important recent finding. The effects of progesterone, testosterone, corticoids, and their respective 5alpha and 3alpha-5alpha derivatives on the expression of glial genes are presented and discussed. It has also been found that progesterone and/or its 5alpha-reduced metabolites increase the mRNA for the two major proteins of peripheral myelin, the glycoprotein Po and the peripheral myelin protein 22, in the sciatic nerve of normal and aged animals and in Schwann cells. The hypothesis has been put forward that glycoprotein Po might be under the control of progestagens acting mainly via the progesterone receptor, and that peripheral myelin protein 22 might be controlled via an interaction of steroids with the gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA)ergic system. It is known that tetrahydroprogesterone, the 3alpha-5alpha-reduced metabolite of progesterone, interacts with the GABA(A) receptor. Our recent data show that several subunits of this receptor are present in sciatic nerve as well as in Schwann cells that reside in this nerve. These data open multiple possibilities for new therapeutic approaches to demyelinating diseases

    Liver X receptors, nervous system, and lipid metabolism

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    Lipids in the nervous system are represented by cholesterol and phospholipids as constituents of cell membranes and, in particular, of myelin. Therefore, lipids are finely regulated to guarantee physiological functions. In the central nervous system, cholesterol is locally synthesized due to the presence of the blood brain barrier. In the peripheral nervous system cholesterol is either up-taken by lipoproteins and/or produced by de novo biosynthesis. Defects in lipid homeostasis in these tissues lead to structural and functional changes that often result in different pathological conditions depending on the affected pathways (i.e. cholesterol biosynthesis, cholesterol efflux, fatty acid biosynthesis etc.). Alterations in cholesterol metabolism in the central nervous system are linked to several disorders such as Alzheimer's disease, Huntington disease, Parkinson disease, Multiple sclerosis, Smith-Lemli-Opitz syndrome, Niemann-Pick type C disease, and glioblastoma. In the peripheral nervous system changes in lipid metabolism are associated with the development of peripheral neuropathy that may be caused by metabolic disorders, injuries, therapeutics, and autoimmune diseases. Transcription factors, such as the Liver X receptors (LXR), regulate both cholesterol and fatty acid metabolism in several tissues including the nervous system. In the last few years several studies elucidated the biology of LXR in the nervous system due to the availability of knock-out mice and the development of synthetic ligands. Here, we review a survey of the literature focused on the central and peripheral nervous system and in physiological and pathological settings with particular attention to the roles played by LXR in both districts

    Neuroprotective Effect of Progesterone in MPTP-Treated Male Mice

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    Background: Numerous studies have reported on the neuroprotective activity of estradiol, whereas the effect of the other ovarian steroid, progesterone, is much less documented. Methods: This study sought to investigate neuroprotection with a low dose of progesterone (1 mu g) in 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine (MPTP)-treated male mice to model Parkinson's disease and compare it to the effect of this steroid in intact mice (experiment 1). We also investigated if high doses of progesterone could protect dopaminergic neurons already exposed to MPTP (experiment 2). We measured progesterone effects on various dopaminergic markers [dopamine and its metabolites, dopamine transporter (DAT) and vesicular monoamine transporter 2 (VMAT2)] and on neuroactive steroids in both plasma and the brain. Results: For experiment 1, our results showed that progesterone completely prevented the effect of MPTP toxicity on dopamine concentrations, on the increase in the 3-methoxytyramine/dopamine ratio, as well as on VMAT2-specific binding in the striatum and the substantia nigra. Progesterone decreased MPTP effects on 3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetic acid concentrations and DAT-specific binding in the lateral part of the anterior striatum and in the middle striatum (medial and lateral parts). Progesterone treatment of intact mice had no effect on the markers investigated. For experiment 2, measures of dopaminergic markers in the striatum showed that 8 mg/kg of progesterone was the most effective dose to reduce MPTP effects, and more limited effects were observed with 16 mg/kg. We found that progesterone treatment increases the levels of brain progesterone itself as well as of its metabolites. Conclusion: Our result showed that progesterone has neuroprotective effects on dopaminergic neurons in MPTP-treated male mice

    Gender effect on neurodegeneration and myelin markers in an animal model for multiple sclerosis

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    Multiple sclerosis (MS) varies considerably in its incidence and progression in females and males. In spite of clinical evidence, relatively few studies have explored molecular mechanisms possibly involved in gender-related differences. The present study describes possible cellular- and molecular-involved markers which are differentially regulated in male and female rats and result in gender-dependent EAE evolution and progression. Attention was focused on markers of myelination (MBP and PDGF\u3b1R) and neuronal distress and/or damage (GABA synthesis enzymes, GAD65 and GAD67, NGF, BDNF and related receptors), in two CNS areas, i.e. spinal cord and cerebellum, which are respectively severely and mildly affected by inflammation and demyelination. Tissues were sampled during acute, relapse/remission and chronic phases and results were analysed by two-way ANOVA

    Allopregnanolone: state of the art.

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    Allopregnanolone, a neuroactive steroid derived from progesterone, is synthesized within the nervous tissue, by means of specific enzymes. Contrary to progesterone and its first metabolite dihydroprogesterone, allopregnanolone is able to interact with GABA-A receptor and not with the classical progesterone receptor. This suggests that the effect of progesterone administration may be due to activation of progesterone receptor, or of GABA-A receptor, or both. However, this is rarely considered in the experimental studies. Here we summarize and discuss the hot topics involving the actions of allopregnanolone within the nervous tissue. One major role of this neuroactive steroid is neuroprotection in case of lesion, ischemia or peripheral neuropathies (i.e., diabetes). In addition, allopregnanolone may reduce the symptoms of neurodegenerative diseases (e.g., Alzheimer, Parkinson, Niemann-Pick type C, multiple sclerosis) in animal models and now translational studies are developed for its therapeutic use. Allopregnanolone may exert a beneficial effect also in case of neuropathic pain and it is also a potential candidate for the treatment of mood and anxiety disorders. Finally, this neuroactive steroid seems to have important physiological roles in the early differentiation of some neural circuits (in particular at hippocampal level), and to reduce stress during pregnancy. In conclusion, it appears that allopregnanolone is a key regulator of physiological functions and may have interesting therapeutic perspectives for neurodegenerative and psychiatric disorders

    Neuroactive steroids: old players in a new game

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    It is now clear that the study of the effects exerted by steroids on the nervous system may be considered as one of the most interesting and promising topics for biomedical research. Indeed, new effects, mechanisms of action and targets are becoming more and more evident suggesting that steroids are not only important key regulators of nervous system function but they may also represent a new therapeutic tool to combat certain diseases of the nervous system. The present review summarizes recent observations on this topic indicating that while the concept of the nervous system as a target for steroid hormones has been appreciated for decades, a promising new era for the study of these molecules and their actions in the nervous system has been initiated in the last few years

    Structural and molecular brain sexual differences: A tool to understand sex differences in health and disease

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    Sex differences are present both in the genotype and in the phenotype of all vertebrates, and they have been evidenced also within the central and peripheral nervous system. Earlier studies on brain sex differences suggested a relatively simple view based on (1) the presence of sexually dimorphic circuits in the hypothalamus (or in regions related to reproductive behaviors), (2) the action of gonadal hormones to masculinize the brain, and (3) the gonadal steroids' action to modulate gene transcription through nuclear receptors. These assumptions are today contradicted by the findings accumulated in the last 20 years. We know now that mechanisms determining sexual dimorphisms may vary according to location and species, and may involve several factors, as genes, epigenetic factors, gonadal hormones and neurosteroids. Sex differences were also revealed by epidemiological studies in several neural pathologies. This suggests that the approach to understand the genesis of these pathologies, should involve specific attention to interactions among genes, gonadal and brain-born steroid hormones, epigenetic and environmental factors
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