26 research outputs found

    Statistical properties of the GALEX spectroscopic stellar sample

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    The GALEX General Data Release 4/5 includes 174 spectroscopic tiles, obtained from slitless grism observations, for a total of more than 60,000 ultraviolet spectra. We have determined statistical properties of the sample of GALEX stars. We have defined a suitable system of spectroscopic indices, which measure the main mid-UV features at the GALEX low spectral resolution and we have employed it to determine the atmospheric parameters of of stars in the range 4500<Teff<9000 K. Our preliminary results indicate that the sample is formed by a majority of main sequence F- and G-type stars, with metallicity [M/H]>-1 dex.Comment: 9 pages, 9 figures, accepted for publication in Astrophysics & Space Science, UV universe special issu

    The Self-Calibrating Hubble Diagram

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    As an increasing number of well measured type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) become available, the statistical uncertainty on w has been reduced to the same size as the systematic uncertainty. The statistical error will decrease further in the near future, and hence the improvement of systematic uncertainties needs to be addressed, if further progress is to be made. We study how uncertainties in the primary reference spectrum - which are a main contribution to the systematic uncertainty budget - affect the measurement of the Dark Energy equation of state parameter w from SNe Ia. The increasing number of SN observations can be used to reduce the uncertainties by including perturbations of the reference spectrum as nuisance parameters in a cosmology fit, thus "self-calibrating" the Hubble diagram. We employ this method to real SNe data for the first time and find the perturbations of the reference spectrum consistent with zero at the 1%-level. For future surveys we estimate that ~3500 SNe will be required for our method to outperform the standard method of deriving the cosmological parameters.Comment: 17 pages, 8 figures, 1 table. Update to revised version accepted for publication in JCA

    The Local Bubble and Interstellar Material Near the Sun

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    The properties of interstellar matter (ISM) at the Sun are regulated by our location with respect to the Local Bubble (LB) void in the ISM. The LB is bounded by associations of massive stars and fossil supernovae that have disrupted natal ISM and driven intermediate velocity ISM into the LB interior void. The Sun is located in such a driven ISM parcel. The Local Fluff has a bulk velocity of 19 km/s in the LSR, and an upwind direction towards the center of the gas and dust ring formed by the Loop I supernova remnant interaction with the LB. When the ram pressure of the LIC is included in the total LIC pressure, and if magnetic thermal and cosmic ray pressures are similar, the LIC appears to be in pressure equilibrium with the local hot bubble plasma.Comment: Proceedings of Symposium on the Composition of Matter, honoring Johannes Geiss on the occasion of his 80th birthday. Space Science Reviews (in press

    Time-variability in the Interstellar Boundary Conditions of the Heliosphere: Effect of the Solar Journey on the Galactic Cosmic Ray Flux at Earth

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    During the solar journey through galactic space, variations in the physical properties of the surrounding interstellar medium (ISM) modify the heliosphere and modulate the flux of galactic cosmic rays (GCR) at the surface of the Earth, with consequences for the terrestrial record of cosmogenic radionuclides. One phenomenon that needs studying is the effect on cosmogenic isotope production of changing anomalous cosmic ray fluxes at Earth due to variable interstellar ionizations. The possible range of interstellar ram pressures and ionization levels in the low density solar environment generate dramatically different possible heliosphere configurations, with a wide range of particle fluxes of interstellar neutrals, their secondary products, and GCRs arriving at Earth. Simple models of the distribution and densities of ISM in the downwind direction give cloud transition timescales that can be directly compared with cosmogenic radionuclide geologic records. Both the interstellar data and cosmogenic radionuclide data are consistent with cloud transitions during the Holocene, with large and assumption-dependent uncertainties. The geomagnetic timeline derived from cosmic ray fluxes at Earth may require adjustment to account for the disappearance of anomalous cosmic rays when the Sun is immersed in ionized gas.Comment: Submitted to Space Sciences Review

    A New Catalog of Ultraviolet Stellar Spectra for Calibration

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    The SOLar-STellar Irradiance Comparison Experiment (SOLSTICE) on the SOlar Radiation and Climate Experiment (SORCE) observes both the Sun and stars in the ultraviolet (115-300 nm). Prior to launch, it was calibrated at the SURF-III synchrotron. Spectra from the International Ultraviolet Explorer (IUE) corrected to the white dwarf flux scale are in good agreement with SOLSTICE observations, validating the two completely independent methods of calibration. Measurements of stars in the SOLSTICE catalog are then used to transfer this calibration to the SPectroscopy for the Investigation of the Characteristics of the Atmosphere of Mars (SPICAM) instrument. We describe the steps used to calculate the effective area for SPICAM to calibrate its stellar observations. Since only a handful of stars in the IUE archive have been converted to the white dwarf scale and many of them are relatively faint, the SOLSTICE catalog of bright stars can be an extremely useful resource for inflight calibration of ultraviolet spectrographs

    Filaments and Pre-stellar Sources in the Orion A L 1641 Molecular Clouds

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    The Herschel Gould Belt Survey far-IR maps of the Orion L 1641 molecular clouds have revealed a wealth of interconnected filaments and dense sources in the region. We report here the first estimation of the total mass of the L 1641 clouds as derived from dust (3. 7 × 104 M☉). We further present our initial analysis of the physical properties of these dense sources as a result of their immediate environment. We have extracted a robust and statistically significant sample of 321 pre-stellar sources with a mass distribution that spans a range of 0.1-20 M☉. We show that there are two mass range distributions that depend on the location of the dense cores on or off the identified filaments. <P /