1,770 research outputs found


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    The extended empirical process test for non-Gaussianity in the CMB, with an application to non-Gaussian inflationary models

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    In (Hansen et al. 2002) we presented a new approach for measuring non-Gaussianity of the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) anisotropy pattern, based on the multivariate empirical distribution function of the spherical harmonics a_lm of a CMB map. The present paper builds upon the same ideas and proposes several improvements and extensions. More precisely, we exploit the additional information on the random phases of the a_lm to provide further tests based on the empirical distribution function. Also we take advantage of the effect of rotations in improving the power of our procedures. The suggested tests are implemented on physically motivated models of non-Gaussian fields; Monte-Carlo simulations suggest that this approach may be very promising in the analysis of non-Gaussianity generated by non-standard models of inflation. We address also some experimentally meaningful situations, such as the presence of instrumental noise and a galactic cut in the map.Comment: 15 pages, 6 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Phase transition in a spatial Lotka-Volterra model

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    Spatial evolution is investigated in a simulated system of nine competing and mutating bacterium strains, which mimics the biochemical war among bacteria capable of producing two different bacteriocins (toxins) at most. Random sequential dynamics on a square lattice is governed by very symmetrical transition rules for neighborhood invasion of sensitive strains by killers, killers by resistants, and resistants by by sensitives. The community of the nine possible toxicity/resistance types undergoes a critical phase transition as the uniform transmutation rates between the types decreases below a critical value PcP_c above which all the nine types of strain coexist with equal frequencies. Passing the critical mutation rate from above, the system collapses into one of the three topologically identical states, each consisting of three strain types. Of the three final states each accrues with equal probability and all three maintain themselves in a self-organizing polydomain structure via cyclic invasions. Our Monte Carlo simulations support that this symmetry breaking transition belongs to the universality class of the three-state Potts model.Comment: 4 page

    On the effects of using CO2 and F2 lasers to modify the wettability of a polymeric biomaterial.

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    Enhancement of the surface properties of a material by means of laser radiation has been amply demonstrated previously. In this work a comparative study for the surface modification of nylon 6,6 has been conducted in order to vary the wettability characteristics using CO2 and excimer lasers. This was done by producing 50 μm spaced (with depths between 1 and 10 μm) trench-like patterns using various laser parameters such as varying the laser power for the CO2 laser and number of pulses for the excimer laser. Topographical changes were analysed using optical microscopy and white light interferometry which indicated that both laser systems can be implemented for modifying the topography of nylon 6,6. Variations in the surface chemistry were evaluated using energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy and x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy analysis and showed that the O2 increased by up to 1.5% At. and decreased by up to 1.6% At. for the CO2 and F2 laser patterned samples, respectively. Modification of the wettability characteristics was quantified by measuring the advancing contact angle, which was found to increase in all instances for both laser systems. Emery paper roughened samples were also analysed in the same manner to determine that the topographical pattern played a major role in the wettability characteristics of nylon 6,6. From this, it is proposed that the increase in contact angle for the laser processed samples is due to a mixed intermediate state wetting regime owed to the periodic surface roughness brought about by the laser induced trench-like topographical patterns

    Partially spin polarized quantum Hall effect in the filling factor range 1/3 < nu < 2/5

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    The residual interaction between composite fermions (CFs) can express itself through higher order fractional Hall effect. With the help of diagonalization in a truncated composite fermion basis of low-energy many-body states, we predict that quantum Hall effect with partial spin polarization is possible at several fractions between ν=1/3\nu=1/3 and ν=2/5\nu=2/5. The estimated excitation gaps are approximately two orders of magnitude smaller than the gap at ν=1/3\nu=1/3, confirming that the inter-CF interaction is extremely weak in higher CF levels.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Orbital evolution of P\v{r}\'{i}bram and Neuschwanstein

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    The orbital evolution of the two meteorites P\v{r}\'{i}bram and Neuschwanstein on almost identical orbits and also several thousand clones were studied in the framework of the N-body problem for 5000 years into the past. The meteorites moved on very similar orbits during the whole investigated interval. We have also searched for photographic meteors and asteroids moving on similar orbits. There were 5 meteors found in the IAU MDC database and 6 NEAs with currently similar orbits to P\v{r}\'{i}bram and Neuschwanstein. However, only one meteor 161E1 and one asteroid 2002 QG46 had a similar orbital evolution over the last 2000 years.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figures, 3 table

    A non trivial extension of the two-dimensional Ising model: the d-dimensional "molecular" model

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    A recently proposed molecular model is discussed as a non-trivial extension of the Ising model. For d=2 the two models are shown to be equivalent, while for d>2 the molecular model describes a peculiar second order transition from an isotropic high temperature phase to a low-dimensional anisotropic low temperature state. The general mean field analysis is compared with the results achieved by a variational Migdal-Kadanoff real space renormalization group method and by standard Monte Carlo sampling for d=3. By finite size scaling the critical exponent has been found to be 0.44\pm 0.02 thus establishing that the molecular model does not belong to the universality class of the Ising model for d>2.Comment: 25 pages, 5 figure

    Semiclassical Quantization for the Spherically Symmetric Systems under an Aharonov-Bohm magnetic flux

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    The semiclassical quantization rule is derived for a system with a spherically symmetric potential V(r)rνV(r) \sim r^{\nu} (2<ν<)(-2<\nu <\infty) and an Aharonov-Bohm magnetic flux. Numerical results are presented and compared with known results for models with ν=1,0,2,\nu = -1,0,2,\infty. It is shown that the results provided by our method are in good agreement with previous results. One expects that the semiclassical quantization rule shown in this paper will provide a good approximation for all principle quantum number even the rule is derived in the large principal quantum number limit n1n \gg 1. We also discuss the power parameter ν\nu dependence of the energy spectra pattern in this paper.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figures, some typos correcte

    Pairing symmetry and long range pair potential in a weak coupling theory of superconductivity

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    We study the superconducting phase with two component order parameter scenario, such as, dx2y2+eiθsαd_{x^2-y^2} + e^{i\theta}s_{\alpha}, where α=xy,x2+y2\alpha = xy, x^2+y^2. We show, that in absence of orthorhombocity, the usual dx2y2d_{x^2-y^2} does not mix with usual sx2+y2s_{x^2+y^2} symmetry gap in an anisotropic band structure. But the sxys_{xy} symmetry does mix with the usual d-wave for θ=0\theta =0. The d-wave symmetry with higher harmonics present in it also mixes with higher order extended ss wave symmetry. The required pair potential to obtain higher anisotropic dx2y2d_{x^2-y^2} and extended s-wave symmetries, is derived by considering longer ranged two-body attractive potential in the spirit of tight binding lattice. We demonstrate that the dominant pairing symmetry changes drastically from dd to ss like as the attractive pair potential is obtained from longer ranged interaction. More specifically, a typical length scale of interaction ξ\xi, which could be even/odd multiples of lattice spacing leads to predominant s/ds/d wave symmetry. The role of long range interaction on pairing symmetry has further been emphasized by studying the typical interplay in the temperature dependencies of these higher order dd and ss wave pairing symmetries.Comment: Revtex 8 pages, 7 figures embeded in the text, To appear in PR