15 research outputs found

    Stateful Contracts for Affine Types

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    Abstract. Affine type systems manage resources by preventing some values from being used more than once. This offers expressiveness and performance benefits, but difficulty arises in interacting with components written in a conventional language whose type system provides no way to maintain the affine type system’s aliasing invariants. We propose and implement a technique that uses behavioral contracts to mediate between code written in an affine language and code in a conventional typed language. We formalize our approach via a typed calculus with both affine-typed and conventionally-typed modules. We show how to preserve the guarantees of both type systems despite both languages being able to call into each other and exchange higher-order values.

    Pascual LĂłpez: autobiografĂ­a de un estudiante de medicina

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    We propose an integration of structural subtyping with boolean connectives and semantic subtyping to define a Java-like programming language that exploits the benefits of both techniques. Semantic subtyping is an approach to defining subtyping relation based on set-theoretic models, rather than syntactic rules. On the one hand, this approach involves some non trivial mathematical machinery in the background. On the other hand, final users of the language need not know this machinery and the resulting subtyping relation is very powerful and intuitive. While semantic subtyping is naturally linked to the structural one, we show how the framework can also accommodate the nominal subtyping. Several examples show the expressivity and the practical advantages of our proposal. © 2013 IFIP International Federation for Information Processing

    Feature-Specific Profiling

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    Embedding dynamic dataflow in a call-by-value language

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    Abstract. This paper describes FrTime, an extension of Scheme designed for writing interactive applications. Inspired by functional reactive programming, the language embeds dynamic dataflow within a call-by-value functional language. The essence of the embedding is to make program expressions evaluate to nodes in a dataflow graph. This strategy eases importation of legacy code and permits incremental program construction. We have integrated FrTime with the DrScheme programming environment and have used it to develop several novel applications. We describe FrTime’s design and implementation in detail and present a formal semantics of its evaluation model.

    Graceful Dialects

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    Every Animation Should Have a Beginning, a Middle, and an End

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    Scheme with classes, mixins, and traits

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    Abstract. The Scheme language report advocates language design as the composition of a small set of orthogonal constructs, instead of a large accumulation of features. In this paper, we demonstrate how such a design scales with the addition of a class system to Scheme. Specifically, the PLT Scheme class system is a collection of orthogonal linguistic constructs for creating classes in arbitrary lexical scopes and for manipulating them as first-class values. Due to the smooth integration of classes and the core language, programmers can express mixins and traits, two major recent innovations in the object-oriented world. The class system is implemented as a macro in terms of procedures and a record-type generator; the mixin and trait patterns, in turn, are naturally codified as macros over the class system. 1 Growing a Language The Revised 5 Report on the Scheme programming language [20] starts with the famous proclamation that “[p]rogramming languages should be designed not by piling feature on top of feature, but by removing the weaknesses and restrictions that make additiona

    Syntactic Abstraction in Component Interfaces

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    In this paper, we show how to combine a component system and a macro system. A component system separates the definition of a program fragment from the statements that link it, enabling independent compilation of the fragment. A macro system, in contrast, relies on explicit links among fragments that import macros, since macro expansion must happen at compile time. Our combination places macro definitions inside component signatures, thereby permitting macro expansion at compile time, while still allowing independent compilation and linking for the run-time part of components

    On the Integration of Classboxes into C

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    Abstract. Classboxes are a new module system for object-oriented languages defining a packaging and scoping mechanism for controlling the visibility of isolated extensions to portions of class-based systems. Unlike object-oriented specialization, the class extension mechanisms supported by classboxes preserve the identity of extended classes and, therefore, all clients of extended classes can benefit from the applied extensions. In this paper, we present a language design and a corresponding implementation strategy for classboxes in C#. A particular challenge in incorporating classboxes into C # is to preserve the identity of extended classes as the.NET framework represents classes as metadata type declarations and access to classes by static links into metadata of the host assembly. However, the local refinement of an imported class results in a new metadata type declaration. In order to guarantee the identity of extended classes, new metadata type declarations have to be incorporated into the original metadata of imported classes. But this “re-wiring ” has to occur in a manner that is consistent with the Common Language Infrastructure (CLI).