557 research outputs found

    A Comparison between Dual Phase Steel and Interstitial Free Steel Due To the Springback Effect

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    International audienceThis is a study of the springback effect on two kinds of high strength steel, which are: dualphase and interstitial free, currently used as feedstock in the production of vehicles. The mechanical characterization of the springback effect was performed by means of a mechanical conformation test, called three-point air bending, performed by adapting it to the unconstrained cylindrical bending test. It was also evaluated the mechanical properties of the material defined by the tensile test in order to determine its tensile strength, yield strength, and elongation. Furthermore, it was performed a microstructural characterization of advanced steels by identifying and quantifying the present phases in coexistence by means of digital image processing. The results indicate that the springback effect in the dual-phase steel has the highest springback rates due to its high mechanical strength, and it causes a decrease in the aspect ratio of the grains that suffered mechanical conformation attempting to return it to its original form. On the other hand, the springback effect has the lowest rates, and the change in aspect ratio depends only on the interstitial free steel elongation capacity due to its lower mechanical strength

    Electric Field Control of Shallow Donor Impurities in Silicon

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    We present a tight-binding study of donor impurities in Si, demonstrating the adequacy of this approach for this problem by comparison with effective mass theory and experimental results. We consider the response of the system to an applied electric field: donors near a barrier material and in the presence of an uniform electric field may undergo two different ionization regimes according to the distance of the impurity to the Si/barrier interface. We show that for impurities ~ 5 nm below the barrier, adiabatic ionization is possible within switching times of the order of one picosecond, while for impurities ~ 10 nm or more below the barrier, no adiabatic ionization may be carried out by an external uniform electric field. Our results are discussed in connection with proposed Si:P quantum computer architectures.Comment: 18 pages, 6 figures, submitted to PR

    Carpal valgus angle deviation in thoroughbred foals corrected using single transphyseal screw implant

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    ABSTRACT The objective of this study was to demonstrate the effectiveness of the single transphyseal screw technique in foals diagnosed with carpal valgus deviation. This study included 22 thoroughbred animals of both sexes, with a mean age of 30 days. All animals had a carpal valgus deviation >5° with irregular development of the distal epiphysis of the radius. All animals were surgically treated to correct the carpal valgus deviation by creating a bridge using a single transphyseal screw. Surgical intervention was performed for 40 limbs, comprising 19 right and 21 left thoracic limbs. This corresponded to four animals with carpal valgus deviation >5° in only one of the limbs and 18 with the deviation in both limbs. It was observed that 38/40 treated limbs (95%) achieved normal angulation according to the literature, i.e., angulation between 0° and 5°. No statistical differences were observed between the affected limbs. The single transphyseal screw technique can be used for the correction of carpal valgus deviation in foals. It is indicated in animals with an average age of 30 days (20-55 days), as its main advantages are rapid application, simple execution, and limited trans- and post-surgical complications, making it an effective procedure in thoroughbred foals with carpal valgus angular deviation

    Comparison of etoricoxib and indomethacin for the treatment of experimental periodontitis in rats

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    We investigated the effect of etoricoxib, a selective cyclooxygenase-2 inhibitor, and indomethacin, a non-selective cyclooxygenase inhibitor, on experimental periodontitis, and compared their gastrointestinal side effects. A ligature was placed around the second upper left molars of female Wistar rats (160 to 200 g). Animals (6 per group) were treated daily with oral doses of 3 or 9 mg/kg etoricoxib, 5 mg/kg indomethacin, or 0.2 mL saline, starting 5 days after the induction of periodontitis, when bone resorption was detected, until the sacrifice on the 11th day. The weight and survival rate were monitored. Alveolar bone loss (ABL) was measured as the sum of distances between the cusp tips and the alveolar bone. The gastric mucosa was examined macroscopically and the periodontium and gastric and intestinal mucosa were examined by histopathology. The ongoing ABL was significantly inhibited (P < 0.05) by 3 and 9 mg/kg etoricoxib and by indomethacin: control = 4.08 ± 0.47 mm; etoricoxib (3 mg/kg) = 1.89 ± 0.26 mm; etoricoxib (9 mg/kg) = 1.02 ± 0.14 mm; indomethacin = 0.64 ± 0.15 mm. Histopathology of periodontium showed that etoricoxib and indomethacin reduced inflammatory cell infiltration, ABL, and cementum and collagen fiber destruction. Macroscopic and histopathological analysis of gastric and intestinal mucosa demonstrated that etoricoxib induces less damage than indomethacin. Animals that received indomethacin presented weight loss starting on the 7th day, and higher mortality rate (58.3%) compared to etoricoxib (0%). Treatment with etoricoxib, even starting when ABL is detected, reduces inflammation and cementum and bone resorption, with fewer gastrointestinal side effects

    Biostratigraphic sequence of Portuguese West-basin. Differentiation during the Lias and Dogger.

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    Depto. de Geodinámica, Estratigrafía y PaleontologíaFac. de Ciencias GeológicasTRUEpu

    γ-Oryzanol and tocopherol contents in residues of rice bran oil refining

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    AbstractRice bran oil (RBO) contains significant amounts of the natural antioxidants γ-oryzanol and tocopherols, which are lost to a large degree during oil refining. This results in a number of industrial residues with high contents of these phytochemicals. With the aim of supporting the development of profitable industrial procedures for γ-oryzanol and tocopherol recovery, the contents of these phytochemicals in all the residues produced during RBO refining were evaluated. The samples included residues from the degumming, soap precipitation, bleaching earth filtering, dewaxing and deodorisation distillation steps. The highest phytochemical concentrations were found in the precipitated soap for γ-oryzanol (14.2mgg−1, representing 95.3% of total γ-oryzanol in crude RBO), and in the deodorisation distillate for tocopherols (576mg100g−1, representing 6.7% of total tocopherols in crude RBO). Therefore, among the residues of RBO processing, the deodorisation distillate was the best source of tocopherols. As the soap is further processed for the recovery of fatty acids, samples taken from every step of this secondary process, including hydrosoluble fraction, hydrolysed soap, distillation residue and purified fatty acid fraction, were also analyzed. The distillation residue left after fatty acid recovery from soap was found to be the best source of γ-oryzanol (43.1mgg−1, representing 11.5% of total γ-oryzanol in crude RBO)