1,274 research outputs found

    A comparative study of acute phase protein concentrations in historical and modern broiler breeding lines

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    Acute-phase proteins (APP) are secreted from the liver as a result of inflammation or infection and are measurable in serum and plasma. To determine whether the constitutive APP serum amyloid A (SAA), alpha-1-acid glycoprotein (AGP), ceruloplasmin (Cp), and ovotransferrin (Ovt) have changed as a result of selection for improved production and growth characteristics over the last 40 yr two historical broilers lines were compared to a modern line of the same lineage. Serum was harvested from blood samples taken from the 3 broiler lines on days 10, 17, and 20, and the APP concentrations were determined using immunoassay methods. Most of the significant changes observed were age related, with SAA and Cp having significantly lower concentrations at day 20 than days 10 and 17 in all lines. The only significant difference between lines was observed at day 20 on which both Cp (P = 0.01) and AGP (P = 0.03) were significantly higher in the modern line than the 90s line, though no significant differences were noted between the modern and 70s line. When evaluating the difference in APP concentrations between males (Cx) and females (Px) across all 3 lines, females had a higher SAA at day 17 and lower SAA at day 20, P = 0.0078 and 0.0327 respectively, and males had a significantly higher Ovt on days 17 and 20 (P = 0.0002 and P = 0.003 respectively). These results reveal that APP concentrations fluctuate over this early period of growth and that the changes in APP serum concentration appear uniform between 3 lines with very contrasting selection history, suggesting the improvements made in meat production efficiency since the 1970s have not affected the circulating concentrations of these constitutively expressed APP

    Habituation is not neutral or equal: Individual differences in tolerance suggest an overlooked personality trait

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    In behavioral studies, observer effects can be substantial, even for habituated animals, but few studies account for potential observer-related phenomenon empirically. We used wild, habituated chacma baboons to explore two key assumptions of behavioral ecology (i) that observers become a “neutral” stimulus and (ii) that habituation is “equal” across group members. Using flight initiation distance (FID) methods within a personality paradigm, the behavioral responses of baboons suggested that observers were not perceived as neutral but instead viewed as a high-ranking social threat. Habituation was also not equal across group members, with repeatable individual differences more important than contextual factors (e.g., habitat) in determining the distance at which baboons visually oriented or displaced from observers. A strong correlation between individual visual tolerance and displacement tolerance (i.e., convergent validity) indicated a personality trait. We offer several suggestions for how to account for these factors and minimize potential bias in future studies

    DNA yield and quality of saliva samples and suitability for large scale epidemiological studies in children

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    Objective: To evaluate two saliva collection methods for DNA yield and quality as applied to a large, integrated, multicentre, European project involving the collection of biological material from children. Design: Cross-sectional multicentre comparative study in young children. Methods: Saliva samples were collected from 14 019 children aged 2-9 years from eight European countries participating in the IDEFICS (Identification and prevention of dietary-and lifestyle-induced health effects in children and infants) study. This involved either the collection of 2 ml of saliva from children who were able to spit, or using a sponge to collect whole saliva and buccal mucosal cells from the inside of the mouth of younger children unable to spit. Samples were assembled centrally in each participating centre and subsequently despatched for DNA extraction and biobanking to the University of Glasgow. A subgroup of 4678 samples (similar to 33% of sampled individuals) were chosen for DNA extraction before genotyping. Results: The whole-saliva collection method resulted in a higher DNA yield than the sponge collection method (mean +/- s.d.; saliva: 20.95 +/- 2.35 mu g, sponge: 9.13 +/- 2.25 mu g; P < 0.001). DNA quality as measured by A(260)/A(280) was similar for the two collection methods. A minimum genotype calling success rate of 95% showed that both methods provide good-quality DNA for genotyping using TaqMan allelic discrimination assays. Conclusions: Our results showed higher DNA yield from the whole-saliva collection method compared with the assisted sponge collection. However, both collection methods provided DNA of sufficient quantity and quality for large-scale genetic epidemiological studies

    Multilateral inversion of A_r, C_r and D_r basic hypergeometric series

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    In [Electron. J. Combin. 10 (2003), #R10], the author presented a new basic hypergeometric matrix inverse with applications to bilateral basic hypergeometric series. This matrix inversion result was directly extracted from an instance of Bailey's very-well-poised 6-psi-6 summation theorem, and involves two infinite matrices which are not lower-triangular. The present paper features three different multivariable generalizations of the above result. These are extracted from Gustafson's A_r and C_r extensions and of the author's recent A_r extension of Bailey's 6-psi-6 summation formula. By combining these new multidimensional matrix inverses with A_r and D_r extensions of Jackson's 8-phi-7 summation theorem three balanced very-well-poised 8-psi-8 summation theorems associated with the root systems A_r and C_r are derived.Comment: 24 page

    A new multivariable 6-psi-6 summation formula

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    By multidimensional matrix inversion, combined with an A_r extension of Jackson's 8-phi-7 summation formula by Milne, a new multivariable 8-phi-7 summation is derived. By a polynomial argument this 8-phi-7 summation is transformed to another multivariable 8-phi-7 summation which, by taking a suitable limit, is reduced to a new multivariable extension of the nonterminating 6-phi-5 summation. The latter is then extended, by analytic continuation, to a new multivariable extension of Bailey's very-well-poised 6-psi-6 summation formula.Comment: 16 page

    New developments in CLAMP: Calibration using global gridded meteorological data

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    Climate Leaf Analysis Multivariate Program (CLAMP) is a versatile technique for obtaining quantitative estimates for multiple terrestrial palaeoclimate variables from woody dicot leaf assemblages. To date it has been most widely applied to the Late Cretaceous and Tertiary of the mid- to high latitudes because of concerns over the relative dearth of calibration sites in modern low-latitude warm climates, and the loss of information associated with the lack of marginal teeth on leaves in paratropical to tropical vegetation. This limits CLAMP's ability to quantify reliably climates at low latitudes in greenhouse worlds of the past. One of the reasons for the lack of CLAMP calibration samples from warm environments is the paucity of climate stations close to potential calibration vegetation sites at low latitudes. Agriculture and urban development have destroyed most lowland sites and natural vegetation is now largely confined to mountainous areas where climate stations are few and climatic spatial variation is high due to topographic complexity. To attempt to overcome this we have utilised a 0.5° × 0.5° grid of global interpolated climate data based on the data set of New et al. (1999) supplemented by the ERA40 re-analysis data for atmospheric temperature at upper levels. For each location, the 3-D climatology of temperature from the ECMWF re-analysis project was used to calculate the mean lower tropospheric lapse rate for each month of the year. The gridded data were then corrected to the altitude of the plant site using the monthly lapse rates. Corrections for humidity were also made. From this the commonly returned CLAMP climate variables were calculated. A bi-linear interpolation scheme was then used to calculate the climate parameters at the exact lat/long of the site. When CLAMP analyses using the PHYSG3BR physiognomic data calibrated with the climate station based MET3BR were compared to analyses using the gridded data at the same locations (GRIDMET3BR), the results were indistinguishable in that they fell within the range of statistical uncertainty determined for each analysis. This opens the way to including natural vegetation anywhere in the world irrespective of the proximity of a meteorological station

    A Derivation of Three-Dimensional Inertial Transformations

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    The derivation of the transformations between inertial frames made by Mansouri and Sexl is generalised to three dimensions for an arbitrary direction of the velocity. Assuming lenght contraction and time dilation to have their relativistic values, a set of transformations kinematically equivalent to special relativity is obtained. The ``clock hypothesis'' allows the derivation to be extended to accelerated systems. A theory of inertial transformations maintaining an absolute simultaneity is shown to be the only one logically consistent with accelerated movements. Algebraic properties of these transformations are discussed. Keywords: special relativity, synchronization, one-way velocity of light, ether, clock hypothesis.Comment: 16 pages (A5), Latex, one figure, to be published in Found. Phys. Lett. (1997

    The interaction of a gap with a free boundary in a two dimensional dimer system

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    Let \ell be a fixed vertical lattice line of the unit triangular lattice in the plane, and let \Cal H be the half plane to the left of \ell. We consider lozenge tilings of \Cal H that have a triangular gap of side-length two and in which \ell is a free boundary - i.e., tiles are allowed to protrude out half-way across \ell. We prove that the correlation function of this gap near the free boundary has asymptotics 14πr\frac{1}{4\pi r}, rr\to\infty, where rr is the distance from the gap to the free boundary. This parallels the electrostatic phenomenon by which the field of an electric charge near a conductor can be obtained by the method of images.Comment: 34 pages, AmS-Te

    Gravitational spectrum of black holes in the Einstein-Aether theory

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    Evolution of gravitational perturbations, both in time and frequency domains, is considered for a spherically symmetric black hole in the non-reduced Einstein-Aether theory. It is shown that real oscillation frequency and damping rate are larger for the Einstein-Aether black hole than for the Schwarzschild black hole. This may provide an opportunity to observe aether in the forthcoming experiments with new generation of gravitational antennas.Comment: 4 pages, RevTex, to be published in Phys. Lett.