1,407 research outputs found

    Coherent state triplets and their inner products

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    It is shown that if H is a Hilbert space for a representation of a group G, then there are triplets of spaces F_H, H, F^H, in which F^H is a space of coherent state or vector coherent state wave functions and F_H is its dual relative to a conveniently defined measure. It is shown also that there is a sequence of maps F_H -> H -> F^H which facilitates the construction of the corresponding inner products. After completion if necessary, the F_H, H, and F^H, become isomorphic Hilbert spaces. It is shown that the inner product for H is often easier to evaluate in F_H than F^H. Thus, we obtain integral expressions for the inner products of coherent state and vector coherent state representations. These expressions are equivalent to the algebraic expressions of K-matrix theory, but they are frequently more efficient to apply. The construction is illustrated by many examples.Comment: 33 pages, RevTex (Latex2.09) This paper is withdrawn because it contained errors that are being correcte

    Cloning and sequence analysis of cDNAs encoding the cytosolic precursors of subunits GapA and GapB of chloroplast glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase from pea and spinach

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    Chloroplast glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) is composed of two different subunits, GapA and GapB. cDNA clones containing the entire coding sequences of the cytosolic precursors for GapA from pea and for GapB from pea and spinach have been identified, sequenced and the derived amino acid sequences have been compared to the corresponding sequences from tobacco, maize and mustard. These comparisons show that GapB differs from GapA in about 20% of its amino acid residues and by the presence of a flexible and negatively charged C-terminal extension, possibly responsible for the observed association of the enzyme with chloroplast envelopes in vitro. This C-terminal extension (29 or 30 residues) may be susceptible to proteolytic cleavage thereby leading to a conversion of chloroplast GAPDH isoenzyme I into isoenzyme II. Evolutionary rate comparisons at the amino acid sequence level show that chloroplast GapA and GapB evolve roughly two-fold slower than their cytosolic counterpart GapC. GapA and GapB transit peptides evolve about 10 times faster than the corresponding mature subunits. They are relatively long (68 and 83 residues for pea GapA and spinach GapB respectively) and share a similar amino acid framework with other chloroplast transit peptides

    A study of Association of Mast Cell Count in Different Grades of Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma

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    Background: Mast cells(MC) are cells of the immune cells which can secrete a variety of molecules. Many studies suggest that mast cells may either promote tumour growth in some types of cancer or may act in an opposite manner in other tumour types. Aim: To evaluate the association of mast cells in the different grades of Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma(OSCC). Material and methods: Fifteen diagnosed cases each of well, moderate and poorly differentiated OSCC were identified from the institutional archival material. Two slides each were made of 5 ÎĽm thickness and stained with Hematoxylin and eosin and 1% Toluidine blue stain. Each section was evaluated for mast cells in peritumoural, intratumoural locations and at the invasive front of the tumour. The results obtained were subjected to statistical evaluation by an SPSS version 19 using Chi square test, Anova and Post hoc Tuckey tests. Results: An inverse relation was observed between MC count with grade of the tumour with maximum MC located in the peritumoural area followed by the invasive front and the least in the intra tumoural areas. Conclusion: The results of the present study suggest that a decrease in MC count is associated with an advanced histologic grade of OSCC and hence a poorer prognosis, thus favouring the protective role of mast cells in OSCC.Keywords: Mast cells, Oral squamous cell carcinoma, Histological gradin

    Nonlinear collective nuclear motion

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    For each real number Λ\Lambda a Lie algebra of nonlinear vector fields on three dimensional Euclidean space is reported. Although each algebra is mathematically isomorphic to gl(3,R)gl(3,{\bf R}), only the Λ=0\Lambda=0 vector fields correspond to the usual generators of the general linear group. The Λ<0\Lambda < 0 vector fields integrate to a nonstandard action of the general linear group; the Λ>0\Lambda >0 case integrates to a local Lie semigroup. For each Λ\Lambda, a family of surfaces is identified that is invariant with respect to the group or semigroup action. For positive Λ\Lambda the surfaces describe fissioning nuclei with a neck, while negative Λ\Lambda surfaces correspond to exotic bubble nuclei. Collective models for neck and bubble nuclei are given by irreducible unitary representations of a fifteen dimensional semidirect sum spectrum generating algebra gcm(3)gcm(3) spanned by its nonlinear gl(3,R)gl(3,{\bf R}) subalgebra plus an abelian nonlinear inertia tensor subalgebra.Comment: 13 pages plus two figures(available by fax from authors by request

    The Dirac Oscillator. A relativistic version of the Jaynes--Cummings model

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    The dynamics of wave packets in a relativistic Dirac oscillator is compared to that of the Jaynes-Cummings model. The strong spin-orbit coupling of the Dirac oscillator produces the entanglement of the spin with the orbital motion similar to what is observed in the model of quantum optics. The collapses and revivals of the spin which result extend to a relativistic theory our previous findings on nonrelativistic oscillator where they were known under the name of `spin-orbit pendulum'. There are important relativistic effects (lack of periodicity, zitterbewegung, negative energy states). Many of them disappear after a Foldy-Wouthuysen transformation.Comment: LaTeX2e, uses IOP style files (included), 14 pages, 9 separate postscript figure

    Structural Basis for Potentiation by Alcohols and Anaesthetics in a Ligand-gated Ion Channel

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    Ethanol alters nerve signalling by interacting with proteins in the central nervous system, particularly pentameric ligand-gated ion channels. A recent series of mutagenesis experiments on Gloeobacter violaceus ligand-gated ion channel, a prokaryotic member of this family, identified a single-site variant that is potentiated by pharmacologically relevant concentrations of ethanol. Here we determine crystal structures of the ethanol-sensitized variant in the absence and presence of ethanol and related modulators, which bind in a transmembrane cavity between channel subunits and may stabilize the open form of the channel. Structural and mutagenesis studies defined overlapping mechanisms of potentiation by alcohols and anaesthetics via the inter-subunit cavity. Furthermore, homology modelling show this cavity to be conserved in human ethanol-sensitive glycine and GABA(A) receptors, and to involve residues previously shown to influence alcohol and anaesthetic action on these proteins. These results suggest a common structural basis for ethanol potentiation of an important class of targets for neurological actions of ethanol

    Sosialisasi Penggunaan Panic Button untuk Tanggap Darurat Bencana Desa Olele Kecamatan Kabila Bone

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    Permasalahan prioritas mitra sesuai kesepakatan bersama untuk diselesaikan selama pelaksanaan program proyek Pengabdian Masyarakat Desa Binaan adalah : (1) Proses pemasaran masih mengandalkan sistem penjualan secara langsung dan belum melayani permintaan dari luar daerah, hal ini dipengaruhi oleh kurangnya pengetahun tentang pemanfaatan teknologi informasi untuk jual beli secara (on-line). (2) Desa Olele terletak di daerah pesisir pantai Teluk Tomini, hal ini berpotensi bencana Tsunami, Banjir dan tanah longsor. Desa itu sendiri belum memiliki aplikasi tanggap bencana yang bisa memberikan solusi terhadap Desa akan bencana Alam. (3) selain pencatatan penduduk yang masih manual, Desa Olele juga masih terkendala dengan persoalan pajak daerah. Solusinya adalah: (1) Akan dibuatkan Website pemasaran digital marketing UMKM, (2) dibuatkan aplikasi penanggulangan bencana daerah berbasis aplikasi tanggap bencana dan (3) akan dibuatkan pelatihan dan aplikasi sistem informasi administrasi wajib pajak. Tujuan yang ingin dicapai dalam pelaksanaan kegiatan program Pengabdian Masyarakat Desa Binaan ini adalah (1) peningkatan produksi dan pendapatan mitra melalui penggunaan aplikasi berbasis teknologi informasi. (2) tersediaanya akses kemudahan tanggap bencana melalui aplikasi penanggulangan becana daerah. (3) Terkontrolnya wajib pajak daerah dalam pembayaran pajak berdasarkan by name by address dalam aplikasi wajib pajak. Metode yang akan dipakai dalam pencapaian tujuan tersebut adalah pelatihan dan pendampingan (ceramah dan praktek) serta evaluasi ketercapaian target pelaksanaan kegiatan program Pengabdian Masyarakat PNBP Fakultas . Hasil Pelatihan, pendampingan dan evaluasi akan dilaporkan oleh pelaksana secara periodik ke pihak Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian pada Masyarakat (LPPM) Universitas Negeri Gorontalo

    Kink propagation in a two-dimensional curved Josephson junction

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    We consider the propagation of sine-Gordon kinks in a planar curved strip as a model of nonlinear wave propagation in curved wave guides. The homogeneous Neumann transverse boundary conditions, in the curvilinear coordinates, allow to assume a homogeneous kink solution. Using a simple collective variable approach based on the kink coordinate, we show that curved regions act as potential barriers for the wave and determine the threshold velocity for the kink to cross. The analysis is confirmed by numerical solution of the 2D sine-Gordon equation.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures (2 in color

    Self-consistent anisotropic oscillator with cranked angular and vortex velocities

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    The Kelvin circulation is the kinematical Hermitian observable that measures the true character of nuclear rotation. For the anisotropic oscillator, mean field solutions with fixed angular momentum and Kelvin circulation are derived in analytic form. The cranking Lagrange multipliers corresponding to the two constraints are the angular and vortex velocities. Self-consistent solutions are reported with a constraint to constant volume.Comment: 12 pages, LaTex/RevTex, Phys. Rev. C4
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