465 research outputs found

    Conformal symmetry and deflationary gas universe

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    We describe the ``deflationary'' evolution from an initial de Sitter phase to a subsequent Friedmann-Lema\^{\i}tre-Robertson-Walker (FLRW) period as a specific non-equilibrium configuration of a self-interacting gas. The transition dynamics corresponds to a conformal, timelike symmetry of an ``optical'' metric, characterized by a refraction index of the cosmic medium which continously decreases from a very large initial value to unity in the FLRW phase.Comment: 10 pages, to appear in "Exact Solutions and Scalar Fields in Gravity: Recent Developments", ed. by A. Macias, J. Cervantes-Cota, and C. L\"ammerzahl, Kluwer Academic Publishers 200

    Scaling cosmology with variable dark-energy equation of state

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    Interactions between dark matter and dark energy which result in a power-law behavior (with respect to the cosmic scale factor) of the ratio between the energy densities of the dark components (thus generalizing the LCDM model) have been considered as an attempt to alleviate the cosmic coincidence problem phenomenologically. We generalize this approach by allowing for a variable equation of state for the dark energy within the CPL-parametrization. Based on analytic solutions for the Hubble rate and using the Constitution and Union2 SNIa sets, we present a statistical analysis and classify different interacting and non-interacting models according to the Akaike (AIC) and the Bayesian (BIC) information criteria. We do not find noticeable evidence for an alleviation of the coincidence problem with the mentioned type of interaction.Comment: 21 pages, 11 figures, 11 tables, discussion improve

    Cosmological particle production, causal thermodynamics, and inflationary expansion

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    Combining the equivalence between cosmological particle creation and an effective viscous fluid pressure with the fact that the latter represents a dynamical degree of freedom within the second-order Israel-Stewart theory for imperfect fluids, we reconsider the possibility of accelerated expansion in fluid cosmology. We find an inherent self-limitation for the magnitude of an effective bulk pressure which is due to adiabatic (isentropic) particle production. For a production rate which depends quadratically on the Hubble rate we confirm the existence of solutions which describe a smooth transition from inflationary to noninflationary behavior and discuss their interpretation within the model of a decaying vacuum energy density. An alternative formulation of the effective imperfect fluid dynamics in terms of a minimally coupled scalar field is given. The corresponding potential is discussed and an entropy equivalent for the scalar field is found.Comment: 16 pages, revtex file, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Kinetic theory for nongeodesic particle motion: Selfinteracting equilibrium states and effective viscous fluid pressures

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    The particles of a classical relativistic gas are supposed to move under the influence of a quasilinear (in the particle four-momenta), self-interacting force inbetween elastic, binary collisions. This force which is completely fixed by the equilibrium conditions of the gas, gives rise to an effective viscous pressure on the fluid phenomenological level. Earlier results concerning the possibility of accelerated expansion of the universe due to cosmological particle production are reinterpreted. A phenomenon such as power law inflation may be traced back to specific self-interacting forces keeping the particles of a gas universe in states of generalized equilibrium.Comment: 16 pages, latex, uses ioplppt.sty. To appear in Class. Quantum Gra

    Generalised equilibrium of cosmological fluids in second-order thermodynamics

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    Combining the second-order entropy flow vector of the causal Israel-Stewart theory with the conformal Killing-vector property of ui/Tu_{i}/T, where uiu_{i} is the four-velocity of the medium and T its equilibrium temperature, we investigate generalized equilibrium states for cosmological fluids with nonconserved particle number. We calculate the corresponding equilibrium particle production rate and show that this quantity is reduced compared with the results of the previously studied first-order theory. Generalized equilibrium for massive particles turns out to be compatible with a dependence ρa2\rho \propto a ^{-2} of the fluid energy density ρ\rho on the scale factor a of the Robertson-Walker metric and may be regarded as a realization of so-called K-matter.Comment: 17 pages, iopfts.tex file, submitted to Class. Quantum Gra

    Cosmology with Ricci-type dark energy

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    We consider the dynamics of a cosmological substratum of pressureless matter and holographic dark energy with a cutoff length proportional to the Ricci scale. Stability requirements for the matter perturbations are shown to single out a model with a fixed relation between the present matter fraction Ωm0\Omega_{m0} and the present value ω0\omega_{0} of the equation-of-state parameter of the dark energy. This model has the same number of free parameters as the Λ\LambdaCDM model but it has no Λ\LambdaCDM limit. We discuss the consistency between background observations and the mentioned stability-guaranteeing parameter combination.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, submitted to the Proceedings of the CosmoSurII conference, Valpara\'iso, Chile, 27 - 31 May 201

    Is the cosmological dark sector better modeled by a generalized Chaplygin gas or by a scalar field?

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    Both scalar fields and (generalized) Chaplygin gases have been widely used separately to characterize the dark sector of the Universe. Here we investigate the cosmological background dynamics for a mixture of both these components and quantify the fractional abundances that are admitted by observational data from supernovae of type Ia and from the evolution of the Hubble rate. Moreover, we study how the growth rate of (baryonic) matter perturbations is affected by the dark-sector perturbations.Comment: 20 pages, 9 figures, substantially revised, section on matter perturbations added, accepted for publication in EPJ

    Collisional equilibrium, particle production and the inflationary universe

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    Particle production processes in the expanding universe are described within a simple kinetic model. The equilibrium conditions for a Maxwell-Boltzmann gas with variable particle number are investigated. We find that radiation and nonrelativistic matter may be in equilibrium at the same temperature provided the matter particles are created at a rate that is half the expansion rate. Using the fact that the creation of particles is dynamically equivalent to a nonvanishing bulk pressure we calculate the backreaction of this process on the cosmological dynamics. It turns out that the `adiabatic' creation of massive particles with an equilibrium distribution for the latter necessarily implies power-law inflation. Exponential inflation in this context is shown to become inconsistent with the second law of thermodynamics after a time interval of the order of the Hubble time.Comment: 19 pages, latex, no figures, to appear in Phys.Rev.