379 research outputs found

    Resonant photon absorption and hole burning in Cr7Ni antiferromagnetic rings

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    Presented are magnetization measurements on a crystal of Cr7Ni antiferromagnetic rings. Irradiation with microwaves at frequencies between 1 and 10 GHz leads to observation of very narrow resonant photon absorption lines which are mainly broadened by hyperfin interactions. A two-pulse hole burning technique allowed us to estimate the characteristic energy diffusion time.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Low temperature magnetization and the excitation spectrum of antiferromagnetic Heisenberg spin rings

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    Accurate results are obtained for the low temperature magnetization versus magnetic field of Heisenberg spin rings consisting of an even number N of intrinsic spins s = 1/2, 1, 3/2, 2, 5/2, 3, 7/2 with nearest-neighbor antiferromagnetic (AF) exchange by employing a numerically exact quantum Monte Carlo method. A straightforward analysis of this data, in particular the values of the level-crossing fields, provides accurate results for the lowest energy eigenvalue E(N,S,s) for each value of the total spin quantum number S. In particular, the results are substantially more accurate than those provided by the rotational band approximation. For s <= 5/2, data are presented for all even N <= 20, which are particularly relevant for experiments on finite magnetic rings. Furthermore, we find that for s > 1 the dependence of E(N,S,s) on s can be described by a scaling relation, and this relation is shown to hold well for ring sizes up to N = 80 for all intrinsic spins in the range 3/2 <= s <= 7/2. Considering ring sizes in the interval 8 <= N <= 50, we find that the energy gap between the ground state and the first excited state approaches zero proportional to 1/N^a, where a = 0.76 for s = 3/2 and a = 0.84 for s = 5/2. Finally, we demonstrate the usefulness of our present results for E(N,S,s) by examining the Fe12 ring-type magnetic molecule, leading to a new, more accurate estimate of the exchange constant for this system than has been obtained heretofore.Comment: Submitted to Physical Review B, 10 pages, 10 figure

    Spin dynamics of heterometallic Cr7M wheels (M = Mn, Zn, Ni) probed by inelastic neutron scattering

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    Inelastic neutron scattering has been applied to the study of the spin dynamics of Cr-based antiferromagnetic octanuclear rings where a finite total spin of the ground state is obtained by substituting one Cr(III) ion (s = 3/2) with Zn (s = 0), Mn (s = 5/2) or Ni (s = 1) di-cations. Energy and intensity measurements for several intra-multiplet and inter-multiplet magnetic excitations allow us to determine the spin wavefunctions of the investigated clusters. Effects due to the mixing of different spin multiplets have been considered. Such effects proved to be important to correctly reproduce the energy and intensity of magnetic excitations in the neutron spectra. On the contrary to what is observed for the parent homonuclear Cr8 ring, the symmetry of the first excited spin states is such that anticrossing conditions with the ground state can be realized in the presence of an external magnetic field. Heterometallic Cr7M wheels are therefore good candidates for macroscopic observations of quantum effects.Comment: 9 pages, 11 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev. B, corrected typos and added references, one sentence change

    Bounding and approximating parabolas for the spectrum of Heisenberg spin systems

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    We prove that for a wide class of quantum spin systems with isotropic Heisenberg coupling the energy eigenvalues which belong to a total spin quantum number S have upper and lower bounds depending at most quadratically on S. The only assumption adopted is that the mean coupling strength of any spin w.r.t. its neighbours is constant for all N spins. The coefficients of the bounding parabolas are given in terms of special eigenvalues of the N times N coupling matrix which are usually easily evaluated. In addition we show that the bounding parabolas, if properly shifted, provide very good approximations of the true boundaries of the spectrum. We present numerical examples of frustrated rings, a cube, and an icosahedron.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures. Submitted to Europhysics Letter

    Molecular engineering of antiferromagnetic rings for quantum computation

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    The substitution of one metal ion in a Cr-based molecular ring with dominant antiferromagnetic couplings allows to engineer its level structure and ground-state degeneracy. Here we characterize a Cr7Ni molecular ring by means of low-temperature specific-heat and torque-magnetometry measurements, thus determining the microscopic parameters of the corresponding spin Hamiltonian. The energy spectrum and the suppression of the leakage-inducing S-mixing render the Cr7Ni molecule a suitable candidate for the qubit implementation, as further substantiated by our quantum-gate simulations.Comment: To appear in Physical Review Letter

    Limits on intrinsic magnetism in graphene

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    We have studied magnetization of graphene nanocrystals obtained by sonic exfoliation of graphite. No ferromagnetism is detected at any temperature down to 2 K. Neither do we find strong paramagnetism expected due to the massive amount of edge defects. Rather, graphene is strongly diamagnetic, similar to graphite. Our nanocrystals exhibit only a weak paramagnetic contribution noticeable below 50K. The measurements yield a single species of defects responsible for the paramagnetism, with approximately one magnetic moment per typical graphene crystallite.Comment: 2nd version, modified in response to comment

    Quantum information analysis of electronic states at different molecular structures

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    We have studied transition metal clusters from a quantum information theory perspective using the density-matrix renormalization group (DMRG) method. We demonstrate the competition between entanglement and interaction localization. We also discuss the application of the configuration interaction based dynamically extended active space procedure which significantly reduces the effective system size and accelerates the speed of convergence for complicated molecular electronic structures to a great extent. Our results indicate the importance of taking entanglement among molecular orbitals into account in order to devise an optimal orbital ordering and carry out efficient calculations on transition metal clusters. We propose a recipe to perform DMRG calculations in a black-box fashion and we point out the connections of our work to other tensor network state approaches

    Oxo-centered carboxylate-bridged trinuclear complexes deposited on Au(111) by a mass-selective electrospray.

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    We developed an apparatus for nondestructive in vacuum deposition of mass-selected fragile Cr based metal trinuclear complexes, by modifying a commercial Mass Spectrometer containing an electrospray ionization source. Starting from a solution, this system creates a beam of ionized molecules which is then transferred into an evacuated region where the molecules can be mass selected before deposition. To verify the system efficiency, we deposited sub monolayers of oxo-centered carboxylate-bridged trinuclear complexes (Cr3 and Cr2Ni) on Au(111) surface. By XPS and STM we determined the deposited molecule stoichiometry and the surface coverage. The results show that this apparatus is works well for the in vacuum deposition of molecular nanomagnets and, thanks to its reduced dimensions, it is portable

    NMR Study of Spin Dynamics in V\u3csub\u3e7\u3c/sub\u3eZn and V\u3csub\u3e7\u3c/sub\u3eNi Molecular Rings

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    We present a 1H NMR investigation of spin dynamics in to finite integer spin molecular nanomagnetic rings, namely V7Zn and V7Ni. This study could be put in correlation with the problem of Haldane gap in infinite integer spin chains. While V7Zn is an approximation of a homometallic broken chain due to the presence of s = 0 Zn2+ ion uncoupled from nearest neighbor V2+ s = 1 ions, the V7Ni compound constitutes an example of a closed periodical s = 1 heterometallic chain. From preliminary susceptibility measurements on single crystals and data analysis, the exchange coupling constant J/kB results in the order of few kelvin. At room temperature, the frequency behavior of the 1H NMR spin–lattice relaxation rate 1/T1 allowed to conclude that the spin–spin correlation function is similar to the one observed in semi-integer spin molecules, but with a smaller cutoff frequency. Thus, the high-T data can be interpreted in terms of, e.g., a Heisenberg model including spin diffusion. On the other hand, the behavior of 1/T1 vs temperature at different constant fields reveals a clear peak at temperature of the order of J/kB, qualitatively in agreement with the well-known Bloembergen–Purcell–Pound model and with previous results on semi-integer molecular spin systems. Consequently, one can suggest that for a small number N of interacting s = 1 ions (N = 8), the Haldane conjecture does not play a key role on spin dynamics, and the investigated rings still keep the quantum nature imposed mainly by the low number of magnetic centers, with no clear topological effect due to integer spins
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