1,886 research outputs found

    MS-077: Gladys Kennedy World War II Letters

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    This collection of correspondence contains letters from all fronts and from many of Gladys’ “sweethearts.” It appears that she shipped her address out in the parts she made at the Depot and would get responses from some of the soldiers and sailors. Some of the letters are from soldiers and sailors abroad from her hometown of York Springs, Pennsylvania. Collection includes paperwork from a raise received by Kennedy in 1944.https://cupola.gettysburg.edu/findingaidsall/1146/thumbnail.jp

    High resolution observations of compact H II regions at 230 GHz

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    Based on the idea that star formation goes on progressively in molecular clouds, a search was conducted for protostars by mapping compact H II regions at a frequency of 250 GHz. The IRAM 30 m radio telescope was used with a (3)He cooled bolometer. Twenty compact H II regions usually obtaining twice the expected free-free flux density, positionally coincident with the H II region, were observed. Even fine structure within the H II regions can be traced in the maps as in the case of G75.84+0.40 near ON-2. The high degree of coincidence between the 250 and 5 GHz map of Harris shows that the excess flux density observed must come from dust mixed with the ionized gas. Part of the dust must however be accumulated in the outer part of the H II region, since in some cases the contours are shifted outwards relative to the radio maps. This is consistent with the fact that in those cases where enough information is available to make a model fit, temperatures were derived of 80 + or - 30 K

    MS-093: John Henry Wilbrand Stuckenberg Papers

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    The John Henry Wilbrand Stuckenberg collection consists of materials relating to the life and works of J.H.W. and Mary Gingrich Stuckenberg. This material includes correspondence, publications, articles, newspaper clippings, and personal papers—such as diaries, biographical material, and photographs of both J.H.W. and Mary Gingrich Stuckenberg.https://cupola.gettysburg.edu/findingaidsall/1085/thumbnail.jp

    Historical Development of Soil Protection and Land Use in the Rhur Area

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    The following paper aims at the provision of background information for an intended identification of key elements of soil protection and land use policies in the Ruhr Area referring in particular to the use of soils contaminated by heavy metal emissions. This information serves as a contribution to the Rhine/Black Triangle Policy Comparison which is part of the IIASA project on "Regional Material Balance Approaches to Long-Term Environmental Policy Planning". This project takes a systems view concentrating on the impact of four heavy metals (arsenic, cadmium, lead and zinc) especially on agricultural soils in the Black Triangle and Upper Silesia Region. The Rhine/Black Triangle Policy Comparison focuses on the analysis of policy options for reducing the negative consequences of soil contaminations in the Black Triangle. As regions with a high intensity of soil contaminations by anthropogenic heavy metal pollution and many common features concerning the economic development, the Ruhr Area and Katovice Voivodship and their specific natural, socio-economic and political conditions are the main topic of the comparison. A historical investigation of past policies in the Ruhr Area to reduce heavy metal pollution shall lead to the recognition and evaluation of their key elements from an economic point of view. Finally, considering specific socio-economic conditions in the Katovice Area, conclusions with regard to possible options for a transfer of policy elements from the Ruhr Area which seem economically beneficial shall be drawn. In this context, the information of the following paper serves as a basis for the intended economic evaluation of soil protection policies in the Ruhr Area

    The Self-Taught Marketers Guide to Creating an Annual Report

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    Objective To produce an easy-to-read, visually appealing, 1-4 page annual report for the University of Maryland, Baltimore’s Health Sciences and Human Services Library (HSHSL). The report should be a mix of interesting statistics, highlights, stories, quotes, and photographs to promote the HSHSL’s annual accomplishments to the campus. Methods We gather all of the stories and statistics we think will be eligible material for the annual report, pulling content and ideas from: newsletters, workshops, blog posts, events, exhibits, and meetings with division and department heads. An annual report committee and visual designer decide upon the top stories and statistics, focusing upon high-impact events, meaningful statistics, and attractive design, images, and photographs to craft the report. We keep in mind that the report is meant to be read by non-librarians, and that the language and messages need to be understandable to our larger campus community.Results This will be our 5th year producing an annual report for the HSHSL. The process has become more streamlined and less time-consuming as we have become familiar with where to source content, design principles, and how to manage space limitations. This has decreased the amount of time it takes to produce the report and the number of iterations we go through before achieving our final product. Additionally, other libraries have been inspired by our designs and created their own colorful Annual Reports based on our layouts and ideas. Conclusions In our next report we plan to include a survey link to try to elicit feedback from our readers. We would like to know if the report was useful to them and if there is other information they would be interested to see in future reports

    A Hypothesis on Biological Protection from Space Radiation Through the Use of New Therapeutic Gases

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    Radiation exposure to astronauts could be a significant obstacle for long duration manned space exploration because of current uncertainties regarding the extent of biological effects. Furthermore, concepts for protective shielding also pose a technically challenging issue due to the nature of cosmic radiation and current mass and power constraints with modern exploration technology. The concern regarding exposure to cosmic radiation is the biological damage it induces. As damage is associated with increased oxidative stress, it is important and would be enabling to mitigate and/or prevent oxidative stress prior to the development of clinical symptoms and disease. This paper hypothesizes a "systems biology" approach in which a combination of chemical and biological mitigation techniques are used conjunctively. It proposes using new, therapeutic, medical gases as both chemical radioprotectors for radical scavenging and biological signaling molecules for management of the body s response to exposure. From reviewing radiochemistry of water, biological effects of CO, H2, NO, and H2S gas, and mechanisms of radiation biology, it is concluded that this approach may have great therapeutic potential for radiation exposure. Furthermore, it also appears to have similar potential for curtailing the pathogenesis of other diseases in which oxidative stress has been implicated including, cardiovascular disease, cancer, chronic inflammatory disease, hypertension, ischemia/reperfusion injury, acute respiratory distress syndrome, parkinson s and alzheimer s disease, cataracts, and agin

    Hot gas and dust in a protostellar cluster near W3(OH

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    We used the IRAM Interferometer to obtain sub-arcsecond resolution observations of the high-mass star-forming region W3(OH) and its surroundings at a frequency of 220 GHz. With the improved angular resolution, we distinguish 3 peaks in the thermal dust continuum emission originating from the hot core region about 6 arcsec (0.06 pc) east of W3(OH). The dust emission peaks are coincident with known radio continuum sources, one of which is of non-thermal nature. The latter source is also at the center of expansion of a powerful bipolar outflow observed in water maser emission. We determine the hot core mass to be 15 solar masses based on the integrated dust continuum emission. Simultaneously many molecular lines are detected allowing the analysis of the temperature structure and the distribution of complex organic molecules in the hot core. From HNCO lines, spanning a wide range of excitation, two 200 K temperature peaks are found coincident with dust continuum emission peaks suggesting embedded heating sources within them.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figure

    Archival Collection Development Policies: A Study of Archival Collection Development Policies: A Study of their Content and Collaborative Aims

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    Collection development is an important aspect of archival theory and work; however, few studies have looked at collection development in practice. It has also been suggested that collection development policies and plans can help to limit competition by including discussions of collaborative agreements. This paper describes a study of online archival collection development policies to determine what these documents contain and whether or not collaboration and competition are discussed. This study searched the websites of 334 repositories' to identify online collection development policies. Available policies were then coded using the 26 elements defined in Faye Phillips' 1984 guidelines for archival collection development policies. Available discussions of collaboration within the policies were also coded. The results suggest that repositories are using a variety of materials when writing policies and collaborative agreements in policies are the exception rather than the rule

    The Nature of Optical Features in the Inner Region of the 3C48 Host Galaxy

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    The well-known quasar 3C48 is the most powerful compact steep-spectrum radio-loud QSO at low redshifts. It also has two unusual optical features within the radius of the radio jet (~1"): (1) an anomalous, high-velocity narrow-line component, having several times as much flux as does the narrow-line component coinciding with the broad-line redshift; and (2) a bright continuum peak (3C48A) ~1" northeast of the quasar. Both of these optical features have been conjectured to be related to the radio jet. Here we explore these suggestions. We have obtained Gemini North GMOS integral-field-unit (IFU) spectroscopy of the central region around 3C48. We use the unique features of the IFU data to remove unresolved emission at the position of the quasar. The resolved emission at the wavelength of the high-velocity component is peaked <~0.25" north of the quasar, at virtually the same position angle as the base of the radio jet. These observations appear to confirm that this high-velocity gas is connected with the radio jet. However, most of the emission comes from a region where the jet is still well collimated, rather than from the regions where the radio maps indicate strong interaction with an external medium. We also present the results of HST STIS spectroscopy of 3C48A. We show that 3C48A is dominated by stars with a luminosity-weighted age of ~1.4 X 10^8 years, substantially older than any reasonable estimate for the age of the radio source. Our IFU data indicate a similar age. Thus, 3C48A almost certainly cannot be attributed to jet-induced star formation. The host galaxy of 3C48 is clearly the result of a merger, and 3C48A seems much more likely to be the distorted nucleus of the merging partner, in which star formation was induced during the previous close passage.Comment: 10 pages, accepted by The Astrophysical Journa
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