1,008 research outputs found

    Corporate venturing in the media & entertainment industry: contextual factors that influence corporate venture decision making

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    This research study focuses on Corporate Venturing (CV) within the Media and Entertainment(M&E) industry and investigates factors that influence CV decision-making. CV provides a viable strategy to facilitate innovation and organizational change within companies; however, this area is understudied within the M&E industry. Companies that make up the entertainment industry may not have specific insight into how best to exploit this opportunity. Specifically, this study looks at the influence of firm characteristics, industry characteristics, and other outside factors using the PESTLE strategy model characteristics impacting the parent or venture unit\u27s CV decision-making within the M&E industry. In terms of this research project, the focus is on the CV activity of the firm. Activity is defined as the decision to engage in corporate venturing, as well as the mode of CV to engage in. CV modes include, but are not limited to, corporate venture capital (CVC), venture alliances, and transformation arrangements. Additionally, in terms of M&E, this research focuses on television, film, and streaming with a specific emphasis on innovation and growth strategies. This research is a descriptive study and provides propositions to contribute to the emerging convergent literature on the topic. This research makes a relevant contribution to the fields of CV and strategy and to the entertainment and technology industries

    Computer Library Literature Review on Effectiveness of Antimotion Sickness Drugs

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    Physiological responses to antimotion sickness drugs - antihistamines, belladonnas, and phenothiazine

    Constitutional and environmental factors related to serum lipid and lipoprotein levels

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    Serum lipoproteins and lipids in 657 human males correlated to multiple constitutional and environmental variable

    Preparing Red-Green-Blue (RGB) Images from CCD Data

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    We present a new, and we believe arguably correct, algorithm for producing Red-Green-Blue (RBG) composites from 3-band astronomical images. Our method ensures that an object with a specified astronomical color (e.g. g-r and r-i) has a unique color in the RGB image, as opposed to the burnt-out white stars to which we are accustomed. A natural consequence of this is that we can use the same colors to code color-magnitude diagrams, providing a natural `index' to our images. We also introduce the use of an asinh stretch, which allows us to show faint objects while simultaneously preserving the structure of brighter objects in the field, such as the spiral arms of large galaxies. We believe that, in addition to their aesthetic value, our images convey far more information than do the traditional ones, and provide examples from Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) imaging, the Hubble Deep Field (HDF), and Chandra to support our claims. More examples are available at http://www.astro.princeton.edu/~rhl/PrettyPicture

    Cytotoxic polyfunctionality maturation of cytomegalovirus-pp65-specific CD4 + and CD8 + T-cell responses in older adults positively correlates with response size

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    Cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection is one of the most common persistent viral infections in humans worldwide and is epidemiologically associated with many adverse health consequences during aging. Previous studies yielded conflicting results regarding whether large, CMV-specific T-cell expansions maintain their function during human aging. In the current study, we examined the in vitro CMV-pp65-reactive T-cell response by comprehensively studying five effector functions (i.e., interleukin-2, tumor necrosis factor-α, interferon-γ, perforin, and CD107a expression) in 76 seropositive individuals aged 70 years or older. Two data-driven, polyfunctionality panels (IL-2-associated and cytotoxicity-associated) derived from effector function co-expression patterns were used to analyze the results. We found that, CMV-pp65-reactive CD8 + and CD4 + T cells contained similar polyfunctional subsets, and the level of polyfunctionality was related to the size of antigen-specific response. In both CD8 + and CD4 + cells, polyfunctional cells with high cytotoxic potential accounted for a larger proportion of the total response as the total response size increased. Notably, a higher serum CMV-IgG level was positively associated with a larger T-cell response size and a higher level of cytotoxic polyfunctionality. These findings indicate that CMV-pp65-specific CD4 + and CD8 + T cell undergo simultaneous cytotoxic polyfunctionality maturation during aging

    The Current State of Performance Appraisal Research and Practice: Concerns, Directions, and Implications

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    On the surface, it is not readily apparent how some performance appraisal research issues inform performance appraisal practice. Because performance appraisal is an applied topic, it is useful to periodically consider the current state of performance research and its relation to performance appraisal practice. This review examines the performance appraisal literature published in both academic and practitioner outlets between 1985 and 1990, briefly discusses the current state of performance appraisal practice, highlights the juxtaposition of research and practice, and suggests directions for further research

    Anomalously low PAH emission from low-luminosity galaxies

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    The Spitzer Space Telescope First Look Survey Infrared Array Camera (IRAC) near and mid-infrared imaging data partially overlaps the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS), with 313 visually selected (r<17.6 mag) SDSS Main Sample galaxies in the overlap region. The 3.5 and 7.8 um properties of the galaxies are investigated in the context of their visual properties, where the IRAC [3.5] magnitude primarily measures starlight, and the [7.8] magnitude primarily measures PAH emission from the interstellar medium. As expected, we find a strong inverse correlation between [3.5]-[7.8] and visual color; galaxies red in visual colors (`red galaxies') tend to show very little dust and molecular emission (low `PAH-to-star' ratios), and galaxies blue in visual colors (`blue galaxies,' ie, star-forming galaxies) tend to show large PAH-to-star ratios. Red galaxies with high PAH-to-star ratios tend to be edge-on disks reddened by dust lanes. Simple, visually inferred attenuation corrections bring the visual colors of these galaxies in line with those of face-on disks; ie, PAH emission is closely related to attenuation-corrected, optically inferred star-formation rates. Blue galaxies with anomalously low PAH-to-star ratios are all low-luminosity star-forming galaxies. There is some weak evidence in this sample that the deficiency in PAH emission for these low-luminosity galaxies may be related to emission-line metallicity.Comment: submitted to ApJ. Because of some obscure arXiv bug, the RGB figure may appear correctly only in the PDF versio

    The transcription factor BATF operates as an essential differentiation checkpoint in early effector CD8+ T cells

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    The transcription factor BATF is required for interleukin 17 (IL-17)-producing helper T cell (TH17) and follicular helper T cell (TFH) differentiation. Here, we show that BATF also has a fundamental role in regulating effector CD8+ T cell differentiation. BATF-deficient CD8+ T cells show profound defects in effector expansion and undergo proliferative and metabolic catastrophe early after antigen encounter. BATF, together with IRF4 and Jun proteins, binds to and promotes early expression of genes encoding lineage-specific transcription-factors (T-bet and Blimp-1) and cytokine receptors, while paradoxically repressing genes encoding effector molecules (IFN-Îł and granzyme B). Thus, BATF amplifies TCR-dependent transcription factor expression and augments inflammatory signal propagation but restrains effector gene expression. This checkpoint prevents irreversible commitment to an effector fate until a critical threshold of downstream transcriptional activity has been achieved
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