2,717 research outputs found

    Lorentz Transformation of Blackbody Radiation

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    We present a simple calculation of the Lorentz transformation of the spectral distribution of blackbody radiation at temperature T. Here we emphasize that T is the temperature in the blackbody rest frame and does not change. We thus avoid the confused and confusing question of how temperature transforms. We show by explicit calculation that at zero temperature the spectral distribution is invariant. At finite temperature we find the well known result familiar in discussions of the the 2.7! K cosmic radiation.Comment: 6 page

    A pair of oscillators interacting with a common heat bath

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    Here the problem considered is that of a pair of oscillators coupled to a common heat bath. Many, if not most, discussions of a single operator coupled to a bath have used the independent oscillator model of the bath. However, that model has no notion of separation, so the question of phenomena when the oscillators are near one another compared with when they are widely separated cannot be addressed. Here the Lamb model of an oscillator attached to a stretched string is generalized to illustrate some of these questions. The coupled Langevin equations for a pair of oscillators attached to the string at different points are derived and their limits for large and small separations obtained. Finally, as an illustration of a different phenomenon, the fluctuation force between a pair of masses attached to the string is calculated, with closed form expressions for the force at small and large separations

    Wave Packet Spreading: Temperature and Squeezing Effects with Applications to Quantum Measurement and Decoherence

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    A localized free particle is represented by a wave packet and its motion is discussed in most quantum mechanics textbooks. Implicit in these discussions is the assumption of zero temperature. We discuss how the effects of finite temperature and squeezing can be incorporated in an elementary manner. The results show how the introduction of simple tools and ideas can bring the reader into contact with topics at the frontiers of research in quantum mechanics. We discuss the standard quantum limit, which is of interest in the measurement of small forces, and decoherence of a mixed (``Schrodinger cat'') state, which has implications for current research in quantum computation, entanglement, and the quantum-classical interface

    Wigner Distribution Analysis of a Schrodinger Cat Superposition of Displaced Equilibrium Coherent States

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    Motivated by recent experiments, we consider a Schr\"{o}dinger cat superposition of two widely separated coherent states in thermal equilibrium. The time development of our system is obtained using Wigner distribution functions. In contrast to our discussion for a two-Gaussian wave packet [Phys. Lett. A 286 (2001) 87], we find that, in the absence of dissipation, the interference term does not decay rapidly in time, but in common with the other two terms, it oscillates in time and persists for all timesComment: Proc. of Wigner Centennial Conferenc

    Quantum thermodynamic functions for an oscillator coupled to a heat bath

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    Small systems (of interest in the areas of nanophysics, quantum information, etc.) are particularly vulnerable to environmental effects. Thus, we determine various thermodynamic functions for an oscillator in an arbitrary heat bath at arbitrary temperatures. Explicit results are presented for the most commonly discussed heat bath models: Ohmic, single relaxation time and blackbody radiation.Comment: Phys. Rev. B, in pres

    Exact analysis of disentanglement for continuous variable systems and application to a two-body system at zero temperature in an arbitrary heat bath

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    We outline an exact approach to decoherence and entanglement problems for continuous variable systems. The method is based on a construction of quantum distribution functions introduced by Ford and Lewis \cite{ford86} in which a system in thermal equilibrium is placed in an initial state by a measurement and then sampled by subsequent measurements. With the Langevin equation describing quantum Brownian motion, this method has proved to be a powerful tool for discussing such problems. After reviewing our previous work on decoherence and our recent work on disentanglement, we apply the method to the problem of a pair of particles in a correlated Gaussian state. The initial state and its time development are explicitly exhibited. For a single relaxation time bath at zero temperature exact numerical results are given. The criterion of Duan et al. \cite{duan00} for such states is used to prove that the state is initially entangled and becomes separable after a finite time (entanglement sudden death)

    Decoherence in Phase Space

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    Much of the discussion of decoherence has been in terms of a particle moving in one dimension that is placed in an initial superposition state (a Schr\"{o}dinger "cat" state) corresponding to two widely separated wave packets. Decoherence refers to the destruction of the interference term in the quantum probability function. Here, we stress that a quantitative measure of decoherence depends not only on the specific system being studied but also on whether one is considering coordinate, momentum or phase space. We show that this is best illustrated by considering Wigner phase space where the measure is again different. Analytic results for the time development of the Wigner distribution function for a two-Gaussian Schrodinger "cat" state have been obtained in the high-temperature limit (where decoherence can occur even for negligible dissipation) which facilitates a simple demonstration of our remarks.Comment: in press in Laser Phys.13(2003