7,892 research outputs found

    Cryogenic storage system Patent

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    Cryogenic storage system for gases onboard spacecraf

    Low-temperature embrittlement of Ti-6Al-4V and Inconel-718 by high pressure hydrogen

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    Notched specimens of titanium alloy and Inconel-718 exhibit little reduction of notch strength at certain low temperatures under 2000 lb/sq in. hydrogen, unnotched specimens are not embrittled at these temperatures. The degree of Inconel-718 embrittlement is lower than earlier observations under 1000 lb/sq in. hydrogen

    Influence of gaseous hydrogen on metals

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    Tensile, fracture toughness, threshold stress intensity for sustained-load crack growth, and cyclic and sustained load crack growth rate measurements were performed on a number of alloys in high-pressure hydrogen and helium environments. The results of tensile tests performed in 34.5 MN/m2 (5000 psi) hydrogen indicated that Inconel 625 was considerable embrittled at ambient temperature but was not embrittled at 144 K (-200 F). The tensile properties of AISI 321 stainless steel were slightly reduced at ambient temperature and 144 K (-200 F). The tensile properties of Ti-5Al-2.5 Sn ELI were essentially unaffected by hydrogen at 144 K (-200 F). OFHC copper was not embrittled by hydrogen at ambient temperature or at 144 K (-200 F)

    Local Government and its Changing Role in Transport and Land Use Integration

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    Land use/transport integration is no longer a nice sounding professional platitude. It is a major factor in the challenge of achieving adequate urban infrastructure world-wide. In different countries and different circumstances there are variations in importance, but it is not uncommon for transport elements to account for more than half the total infrastructure costs of new suburban development (Saggers 1990). There is a high degree of consensus about the importance of land use/transport integration, but there is also a major gulf between the rhetoric and the reality. The subject of land use/transport integration is not new. Some readers may proclaim- 'no, not againl'. But herein lies the problem. Despite consensus about the importance of the subject, the practice has been found wanting. This paper is based on a Masters thesis prepared at Monash University by Chandler (1994), which was supervised by Professor Ken Ogden. The thesis reviewed past actions related to the interaction between transport and land use in Melbourne, Australia. It concluded, firstly, that there had not been spectacular success in integrating transport and land use decisions and secondly that, amongst other actions, the chances of success in integration would likely be greater if Local Government played a more significant and effective role. Firstly, this paper, identifies contemporary circumstances in Australia which have led to a resurgence of interest in the subject. Secondly, it highlights a resultant deterioration in quality of life for many people which, if left unchecked, will eventually create destructive social, environmental and economic situations. It is observed that these problems are occurring, or are likely to occur in other countries in the region. Thirdly, the paper places emphasis on the importance of understanding user needs, and activities and travel characteristics at the local level. The paper concludes with the identification of the 'window of opportunity' presented by the year 2000 - the new millennium. Actions proposed address the costly and damaging gap between the rhetoric and the reality - focusing particularly on the role that Local Government can play in addressing this challenge

    Exhaust cloud rise and diffusion in the atmosphere

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    Analytical approach develops physical-mathematical model of rocket engine exhaust cloud rise, growth, and diffusion. Analytic derivations and resultant model apply to hot exhaust cloud study or industrial stack plumes, making work results applicable to air pollution. Model formulations apply to all exhaust cloud types and various atmospheric conditions

    Apollo experience report: The cryogenic storage system

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    A review of the design, development, and flight history of the Apollo cryogenic storage system and of selected components within the system is presented. Discussions are presented on the development history of the pressure vessels, heaters, insulation, and selected components. Flight experience and operational difficulties are reported in detail to provide definition of the problems and applicable corrective actions

    Monte Carlo calculations of high energy nucleon meson cascades and applications to galactic cosmic ray transport

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    Results obtained using a recently developed calculational method for determining the nucleon-meson cascade induced in thick materials by high-energy nucleons and charged pions are presented. The calculational method uses the intranuclear-cascade-evaporation model to treat nonelastic collisions by particles with energies approximately or smaller than GeV and an extrapolation model at higher energies. The following configurations are considered: (1) 19.2-GeV/c protons incident on iron; (2) 30.3-GeV/c protons incident on iron; (3) solar and galactic protons incident on the moon, and (4) galactic protons incident on tissue. For the first three configurations, experimental results are available and comparisons between the experimental and calculated results are given

    Influence of gaseous hydrogen on metals Interim report

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    Gaseous hydrogen embrittlement in Inconel 718, Inconel 625, AISI 321 stainless steel, Ti-5Al-25Sn ELI, and OFHC coppe

    Rise and growth of space vehicle engine exhaust and associated diffusion models

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    Space vehicle plume rise and associated diffusion models at Cape Kennedy Launch Comple

    Path integral evaluation of equilibrium isotope effects

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    A general and rigorous methodology to compute the quantum equilibrium isotope effect is described. Unlike standard approaches, ours does not assume separability of rotational and vibrational motions and does not make the harmonic approximation for vibrations or rigid rotor approximation for the rotations. In particular, zero point energy and anharmonicity effects are described correctly quantum mechanically. The approach is based on the thermodynamic integration with respect to the mass of isotopes and on the Feynman path integral representation of the partition function. An efficient estimator for the derivative of free energy is used whose statistical error is independent of the number of imaginary time slices in the path integral, speeding up calculations by a factor of 60 at 500 K. We describe the implementation of the methodology in the molecular dynamics package Amber 10. The method is tested on three [1,5] sigmatropic hydrogen shift reactions. Because of the computational expense, we use ab initio potentials to evaluate the equilibrium isotope effects within the harmonic approximation, and then the path integral method together with semiempirical potentials to evaluate the anharmonicity corrections. Our calculations show that the anharmonicity effects amount up to 30% of the symmetry reduced reaction free energy. The numerical results are compared with recent experiments of Doering and coworkers, confirming the accuracy of the most recent measurement on 2,4,6,7,9-pentamethyl-5-(5,5-2^2H2_2)methylene-11,11a-dihydro-12H-naphthacene as well as concerns about compromised accuracy, due to side reactions, of another measurement on 2-methyl-10-(10,10-2^2H2_2)methylenebicyclo[4.4.0]dec-1-ene.Comment: 14 pages, 8 figures, 6 table