6,208 research outputs found


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    This research estimates the annual economic impact of the fire ant on key urban sectors in Texas. A study was conducted in 1998-1999 in the 5 metroplexes of Austin, Dallas, Fort Worth, San Antonio and Houston to estimate the costs of controlling and managing fire ants (Lard, et al). This study found that the annual expenditure for fire ant control and management by selected sectors in these metroplexes totaled more than 581million.Thetotalannualexpensebysectoramountedto581 million. The total annual expense by sector amounted to 526 million for households, 29millionforgolfcourses,29 million for golf courses, 25 million for schools, and $0.6 million for cities. These annual cost figures do not include all urban costs or costs borne by electrical utility companies, communication firms and cable companies. These results can be used to assess damages and estimate the potential costs and benefits of control and management programs, such as the community-based effort underway as part of the Texas Fire Ant Initiative.Crop Production/Industries,

    Constraining differential renormalization in abelian gauge theories

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    We present a procedure of differential renormalization at the one loop level which avoids introducing unnecessary renormalization constants and automatically preserves abelian gauge invariance. The amplitudes are expressed in terms of a basis of singular functions. The local terms appearing in the renormalization of these functions are determined by requiring consistency with the propagator equation. Previous results in abelian theories, with and without supersymmetry, are discussed in this context.Comment: 13 pages, LaTeX. Some equations corrected and a reference added. Complete ps paper also available at http://www-ftae.ugr.es/papiros.html or ftp://ftae3.ugr.es/pub/rmt/ugft73.p

    Estimation and Analysis of Expenses of In-Lieu-Fee Projects that Mitigate Damage to Streams from Land Disturbance in North Carolina

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    As North Carolina’s economy has grown, the need to mitigate adverse impacts of land disturbance on aquatic ecosystems has also grown. When land disturbance adversely affects streams, a developer or the state’s Department of Transportation can satisfy mitigation requirements through payment of fees to the state’s Ecosystem Enhancement Program (EEP). EEP then manages a stream mitigation project on behalf of the responsible party. EEP has had regulatory authority to require stream mitigation for 10 years. The needs of EEP to reassess its mitigation fee and identify ways to reduce costs of the program have grown over the decade. The first objective of this study was to account for all EEP expenses of design-bid and design-bid-build projects. The second objective was to analyze the determinants of contractual expenses with a cost function. EEP has spent or committed to spend 46.34millionfor45designbuildordesignbidbuildprojectstorestoreorenhance191,374ft.ofstreams.Expensesperfoothavebeen46.34 million for 45 design-build or designbid-build projects to restore or enhance 191,374 ft. of streams. Expenses per foot have been 242.12. Given its mandate to cover expenses for stream mitigation, EEP must raise mitigation fees, especially those for urban projects, make changes to reduce project expenses, or do both. As the length of a restored or enhanced stream increases, the expenses per foot decrease. The decrease is more pronounced in undeveloped, rural areas. Thus, EEP could produce mitigation for less expense by financing fewer projects with longer reaches or by financing more projects in undeveloped, rural areas. Other states with in-lieu-fee programs for compensatory mitigation might also use these results to reduce contractual expenses.Environmental Economics and Policy,

    A Search for Sub-millisecond Pulsations in Unidentified FIRST and NVSS Radio Sources

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    We have searched 92 unidentified sources from the FIRST and NVSS 1400 MHz radio survey catalogs for radio pulsations at 610 MHz. The selected radio sources are bright, have no identification with extragalactic objects, are point-like and are more than 5% linearly polarized. Our search was sensitive to sub-millisecond pulsations from pulsars with dispersion measures (DMs) less than 500 pc cm-3 in the absence of scattering. We have detected no pulsations from these sources and consider possible effects which might prevent detection. We conclude that as a population, these sources are unlikely to be pulsars.Comment: 8 pages, including 2 tables and 1 figure. Accepted for publication in A

    Development of an integrated cognitive behavioral therapy for anxiety and opioid use disorder: Study protocol and methods

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    Opioid use disorder is a highly disabling psychiatric disorder, and is associated with both significant functional disruption and risk for negative health outcomes such as infectious disease and fatal overdose. Even among those who receive evidence-based pharmacotherapy for opioid use disorder, many drop out of treatment or relapse, highlighting the importance of novel treatment strategies for this population. Over 60% of those with opioid use disorder also meet diagnostic criteria for an anxiety disorder; however, efficacious treatments for this common co-occurrence have not be established. This manuscript describes the rationale and methods for a behavioral treatment development study designed to develop and test an integrated cognitive-behavioral therapy for those with co-occurring opioid use disorder and anxiety disorders. The aims of the study are (1) to develop and pilot test a new manualized cognitive behavioral therapy for co-occurring opioid use disorder and anxiety disorders, (2) to test the efficacy of this treatment relative to an active comparison treatment that targets opioid use disorder alone, and (3) to investigate the role of stress reactivity in both prognosis and recovery from opioid use disorder and anxiety disorders. Our overarching aim is to investigate whether this new treatment improves both anxiety and opioid use disorder outcomes relative to standard treatment. Identifying optimal treatment strategies for this population are needed to improve outcomes among those with this highly disabling and life-threatening disorder.This study was funded by NIDA grant DA035297. The funding source had no involvement in the study design, analysis and interpretation of data, writing of the report, or the decision to submit the article for publication. (DA035297 - NIDA)Accepted manuscrip

    The Carnegie Hubble Program: The Distance and Structure of the SMC as Revealed by Mid-infrared Observations of Cepheids

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    Using Spitzer observations of classical Cepheids we have measured the true average distance modulus of the SMC to be 18.96±0.01stat±0.03sys18.96 \pm 0.01_{stat} \pm 0.03_{sys} mag (corresponding to 62±0.362 \pm 0.3 kpc), which is 0.48±0.010.48 \pm 0.01 mag more distant than the LMC. This is in agreement with previous results from Cepheid observations, as well as with measurements from other indicators such as RR Lyrae stars and the tip of the red giant branch. Utilizing the properties of the mid--infrared Leavitt Law we measured precise distances to individual Cepheids in the SMC, and have confirmed that the galaxy is tilted and elongated such that its eastern side is up to 20 kpc closer than its western side. This is in agreement with the results from red clump stars and dynamical simulations of the Magellanic Clouds and Stream.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ. 38 Pages, 11 figures. Figure 9 is interactive. Spitzer photometry for all Cepheids available as online tabl

    Effective description of brane terms in extra dimensions

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    We study how theories defined in (extra-dimensional) spaces with localized defects can be described perturbatively by effective field theories in which the width of the defects vanishes. These effective theories must incorporate a ``classical'' renormalization, and we propose a renormalization prescription a la dimensional regularization for codimension 1, which can be easily used in phenomenological applications. As a check of the validity of this setting, we compare some general predictions of the renormalized effective theory with those obtained in a particular ultraviolet completion based on deconstruction.Comment: 28 page