87 research outputs found

    Collective operations can extremely reduce work fluctuations

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    We consider work extraction from NN copies of a quantum system. When the same work-extraction process is implemented on each copy, the relative size of fluctuations is expected to decay as 1/N1/\sqrt{N}. Here, we consider protocols where the copies can be processed collectively, and show that in this case work fluctuations can disappear exponentially fast in NN. As a consequence, a considerable proportion of the average extractable work W\mathcal{W} can be obtained almost deterministically by globally processing a few copies of the state. This is derived in the two canonical scenarios for work extraction: (i) in thermally isolated systems, where W\mathcal{W} corresponds to the energy difference between initial and passive states, known as the ergotropy, and (ii) in the presence of a thermal bath, where W\mathcal{W} is given by the free energy difference between initial and thermal states.Comment: 15 pages; 4 figures. v3: Minor change


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    Abstract. Objectives To determine the damage probability of earthquakes of different intensities on the example of a real projected railway station building having a framework design scheme based on the density function of damage distribution. Methods Uncertainty, always existing in nature, invalidates a deterministic approach to the assessment of territorial seismic hazards and, consequently, seismic risk. In this case, seismic risk assessment can be carried out on a probabilistic basis. Thus, the risk will always be there, but it must be minimised. The task of optimising the reinforcement costs is solved by using the density distribution function for seismic effects of varying intensity, taking into account the degree of building responsibility. Results The distribution functions of the expected damage for a building with a reinforced concrete frame located in a highly seismic region with a repetition of 9-point shocks every 500 years and 10-point shocks once every 5000 years are constructed. A significant effect of the seismic resistance class of a building on the form of the distribution functions is shown. For structures of a high seismic resistance class, not only is the seismic risk reduced, but also the variance of the expected damage. From the graphs obtained, it can be seen that the seismic resistance class significantly affects the damage distribution. At a probability of 0.997, the expected damage for a non-reinforced building will exceed 43%; for a reinforced one it is only 10%. It also follows from the graphs that the variance of the damage magnitude decreases with the growth of the seismic resistance class of the building. This fact is an additional incentive for investing in antiseismic reinforcement of buildings. Conclusion The study shows the expediency of working with the damage density distribution function when managing seismic risk. In this case, it becomes possible to strengthen the building with a specified probability of damage exceeding the acceptable level during the operation of the construction. This takes into account not only seismic risk (mathematical expectation of damage), but also the dispersion of the expected magnitude of the damage. With the growth of seismic resistance class of the construction, it is possible to reduce both the risk and dispersion of possible losses

    The second law and beyond in microscopic quantum setups

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    The Clausius inequality (CI) is one of the most versatile forms of the second law. Although it was originally conceived for macroscopic steam engines, it is also applicable to quantum single particle machines. Moreover, the CI is the main connecting thread between classical microscopic thermodynamics and nanoscopic quantum thermodynamics. In this chapter, we study three different approaches for obtaining the CI. Each approach shows different aspects of the CI. The goals of this chapter are: (i) To show the exact assumptions made in various derivations of the CI. (ii) To elucidate the structure of the second law and its origin. (iii) To discuss the possibilities each approach offers for finding additional second-law like inequalities. (iv) To pose challenges related to the second law in nanoscopic setups. In particular, we introduce and briefly discuss the notions of exotic heat machines (X machines), and "lazy demons".Comment: As a chapter of: F. Binder, L. A. Correa, C. Gogolin, J. Anders, and G. Adesso (eds.), "Thermodynamics in the quantum regime - Recent Progress and Outlook", (Springer International Publishing). v1 does not include references to other book chapter

    Analysis technique for exceptional points in open quantum systems and QPT analogy for the appearance of irreversibility

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    We propose an analysis technique for the exceptional points (EPs) occurring in the discrete spectrum of open quantum systems (OQS), using a semi-infinite chain coupled to an endpoint impurity as a prototype. We outline our method to locate the EPs in OQS, further obtaining an eigenvalue expansion in the vicinity of the EPs that gives rise to characteristic exponents. We also report the precise number of EPs occurring in an OQS with a continuum described by a quadratic dispersion curve. In particular, the number of EPs occurring in a bare discrete Hamiltonian of dimension nDn_\textrm{D} is given by nD(nD−1)n_\textrm{D} (n_\textrm{D} - 1); if this discrete Hamiltonian is then coupled to continuum (or continua) to form an OQS, the interaction with the continuum generally produces an enlarged discrete solution space that includes a greater number of EPs, specifically 2nC(nC+nD)[2nC(nC+nD)−1]2^{n_\textrm{C}} (n_\textrm{C} + n_\textrm{D}) [2^{n_\textrm{C}} (n_\textrm{C} + n_\textrm{D}) - 1] , in which nCn_\textrm{C} is the number of (non-degenerate) continua to which the discrete sector is attached. Finally, we offer a heuristic quantum phase transition analogy for the emergence of the resonance (giving rise to irreversibility via exponential decay) in which the decay width plays the role of the order parameter; the associated critical exponent is then determined by the above eigenvalue expansion.Comment: 16 pages, 7 figure

    Thermodynamic principles and implementations of quantum machines

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    The efficiency of cyclic heat engines is limited by the Carnot bound. This bound follows from the second law of thermodynamics and is attained by engines that operate between two thermal baths under the reversibility condition whereby the total entropy does not increase. By contrast, the efficiency of engines powered by quantum non-thermal baths has been claimed to surpass the thermodynamic Carnot bound. The key to understanding the performance of such engines is a proper division of the energy supplied by the bath to the system into heat and work, depending on the associated change in the system entropy and ergotropy. Due to their hybrid character, the efficiency bound for quantum engines powered by a non-thermal bath does not solely follow from the laws of thermodynamics. Hence, the thermodynamic Carnot bound is inapplicable to such hybrid engines. Yet, they do not violate the principles of thermodynamics. An alternative means of boosting machine performance is the concept of heat-to-work conversion catalysis by quantum non-linear (squeezed) pumping of the piston mode. This enhancement is due to the increased ability of the squeezed piston to store ergotropy. Since the catalyzed machine is fueled by thermal baths, it adheres to the Carnot bound. We conclude by arguing that it is not quantumness per se that improves the machine performance, but rather the properties of the baths, the working fluid and the piston that boost the ergotropy and minimize the wasted heat in both the input and the output.Comment: As a chapter of: F. Binder, L. A. Correa, C. Gogolin, J. Anders, and G. Adesso (eds.), "Thermodynamics in the quantum regime - Recent Progress and Outlook", (Springer International Publishing

    Energetic instability of passive states in thermodynamics

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    Passivity is a fundamental concept in thermodynamics that demands a quantum system’s energy cannot be lowered by any reversible, unitary process acting on the system. In the limit of many such systems, passivity leads in turn to the concept of complete passivity, thermal states and the emergence of a thermodynamic temperature. Here we only consider a single system and show that every passive state except the thermal state is unstable under a weaker form of reversibility. Indeed, we show that given a single copy of any athermal quantum state, an optimal amount of energy can be extracted from it when we utilise a machine that operates in a reversible cycle. This means that for individual systems, the only form of passivity that is stable under general reversible processes is complete passivity, and thus provides a physically motivated identification of thermal states when we are not operating in the thermodynamic limit

    Quantum features of entropy production in driven-dissipative transitions

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