17,462 research outputs found

    Distribution of Faraday Rotation Measure in Jets from Active Galactic Nuclei II. Prediction from our Sweeping Magnetic Twist Model for the Wiggled Parts of AGN Jets and Tails

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    Distributions of Faraday rotation measure (FRM) and the projected magnetic field derived by a 3-dimensional simulation of MHD jets are investigated based on our "sweeping magnetic twist model". FRM and Stokes parameters were calculated to be compared with radio observations of large scale wiggled AGN jets on kpc scales. We propose that the FRM distribution can be used to discuss the 3-dimensional structure of magnetic field around jets and the validity of existing theoretical models, together with the projected magnetic field derived from Stokes parameters. In the previous paper, we investigated the basic straight part of AGN jets by using the result of a 2-dimensional axisymmetric simulation. The derived FRM distribution has a general tendency to have a gradient across the jet axis, which is due to the toroidal component of the magnetic field generated by the rotation of the accretion disk. In this paper, we consider the wiggled structure of the AGN jets by using the result of a 3-dimensional simulation. Our numerical results show that the distributions of FRM and the projected magnetic field have a clear correlation with the large scale structure of the jet itself, namely, 3-dimensional helix. Distributions, seeing the jet from a certain direction, show a good matching with those in a part of 3C449 jet. This suggests that the jet has a helical structure and that the magnetic field (especially the toroidal component) plays an important role in the dynamics of the wiggle formation because it is due to a current-driven helical kink instability in our model.Comment: Accepted for publication in Ap

    Canonical Theory of 2+1 Gravity

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    Recently 2+1 dimensional gravity theory, especially AdS3{\rm AdS_3} has been studied extensively. It was shown to be equivalent to the 2+1 Chern-Simon theory and has been investigated to understand the black hole thermodynamics, i.e. Hawking temperature and others. The purpose of this report is to investigate the canonical formalism of the original 2+1 Einstein gravity theory instead of the Chern-Simon theory. For the spherically symmetric space-time, local conserved quantities(local mass and angular momentum) are introduced and using them canonical quantum theory is defined. Constraints are imposed on state vectors and solved analytically. The strategy to obtain the solution is followed by our previous work.Comment: 6 pages, talk given at LLWI-2000: From Particles to Universe, Alberta, 20-26 February 200

    On the Superradiance of Spin-1 Waves in an Equatorial Wedge around a Kerr Hole

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    Recently Van Putten has suggested that superradiance of magnetosonic waves in a toroidal magnetosphere around a Kerr black hole may play a role in the central engine of gamma-ray bursts. In this context, he computed (in the WKB approximation) the superradiant amplification of scalar waves confined to a thin equatorial wedge around a Kerr hole and found that the superradiance is higher than for radiation incident over all angles. This paper presents calculations of both spin-0 (scalar) superradiance (integrating the radial equation rather than using the WKB method) and and spin-1 (electromagnetic/magnetosonic) superradiance, in Van Putten's wedge geometry. In contrast to the scalar case, spin-1 superradiance decreases in the wedge geometry, decreasing the likelihood of its astrophysical importance.Comment: Submitted to The Astrophysical Journal Letter

    Why current-carrying magnetic flux tubes gobble up plasma and become thin as a result

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    It is shown that if a current-carrying magnetic flux tube is bulged at its axial midpoint z=0 and constricted at its axial endpoints z=+h,-h, then plasma will be accelerated from z=+h,-h towards z=0 resulting in a situation similar to two water jets pointed at each other. The ingested plasma convects embedded, frozen-in toroidal magnetic flux from z=+h,-h to z=0. The counter-directed flows collide and stagnate at z=0 and in so doing (i) convert their translational kinetic energy into heat, (ii) increase the plasma density at z~0, and (iii) increase the embedded toroidal flux density at z~0. The increase in toroidal flux density at z~0 increases the toroidal field Bphi and hence increases the magnetic pinch force at z~0 and so causes a reduction of the flux tube radius at z~0. Thus, the flux tube develops an axially uniform cross-section, a decreased volume, an increased density, and an increased temperature. This model is proposed as a likely hypothesis for the long-standing mystery of why solar coronal loops are observed to be axially uniform, hot, and bright.Comment: to appear in Physics of Plasmas 24 pages, 5 figure

    Asymmetric Supernovae from Magneto-Centrifugal Jets

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    Strong toroidal magnetic fields generated in stellar collapse can generate magneto-centrifugal jets in analogy to those found in simulations of black hole accretion and explain why all core collapse supernovae are found to be substantially asymmetric and predominantly bi-polar. We describe two phases: the initial LeBlanc-Wilson jet and a subsequent protopulsar or toroidal jet that propagates at about the core escape velocity. The jets will produce bow shocks that tend to expel matter, including iron and silicon, into equatorial tori, accounting for observations of the element distribution in Cas A. A magnetic ``switch'' mechanism may apply in instances of low density and large magnetic field with subsequent increase in the speed and collimation of the toroidal jet, depositing relatively little momentum. The result could be enough infall to form a black hole with a third, highly relativistic jet that could catch up to the protopulsar jet after it has emerged from the star. The interaction of these two jets could generate internal shocks and explain the presence of iron lines in the afterglow. Recent estimates that typical gamma-ray burst energy is about 3x10^50 erg imply either a very low efficiency for conversion of rotation into jets, or a rather rapid turnoff of the jet process even though the black hole still rotates rapidly. Magnetars and ``hypernovae'' might arise in an intermediate parameter regime of energetic jets that yield larger magnetic fields and provide more energy than the routine case, but that are not so tightly collimated that they yield failed supernova. (slightly abridged)Comment: AASTeX, 29 pages, 2 postscript figures, accepted by ApJ, November 20, 200

    Conical Singular Solutions in (2+1)-Dimensional Gravity Employing the ADM Canonical Formalism

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    Topological solutions in the (2+1)-dimensional Einstein theory of gravity are studied within the ADM canonical formalism. It is found that a conical singularity appears in the closed de Sitter universe solution as a topological defect in the case of the Einstein theory with a cosmological constant. Quantum effects on the conical singularity are studied using the de Broglie-Bohm interpretation. Finite quantum tunneling effects are obtained for the closed de Sitter universe, while no quantum effects are obtained for an open universe.Comment: 15 pages, 3 figure

    Hyper- and suspended-accretion states of rotating black holes and the durations of gamma-ray bursts

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    We analyze the temporal evolution of accretion onto rotating black holes subject to large-scale magnetic torques. Wind torques alone drive a disk towards collapse in a finite time tffEk/EB\sim t_{ff} E_k/E_B, where tfft_{ff} is the initial free-fall time and Ek/EBE_k/E_B is the ratio of kinetic-to-poloidal magnetic energy. Additional spin-up torques from a rapidly rotating black hole can arrest the disk's inflow. We associate short/long gamma-ray bursts with hyperaccretion/suspended-accretion onto slowly/rapidly spinning black holes. This model predicts afterglow emission from short bursts, and may be tested by HETE-II.Comment: accepted for publication in the ApJ

    Kaluza-Klein bubble like structure and celestial sphere in inflationary universe

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    We consider five dimensional deSitter spacetimes with a deficit angle due to the presence of a closed 2-brane and identify one dimension as an extra dimension. From the four dimensional viewpoint we can see that the spacetime has a structure similar to a Kaluza-Klein bubble of nothing, that is, four dimensional spacetime ends at the 2-brane. Since a spatial section of the full deSitter spacetime has the topology of a sphere, the boundary surface surrounds the remaining four dimensional spacetime, and can be considered as the celestial sphere. After the spacetime is created from nothing via an instanton which we describe, some four dimensional observers in it see the celestial sphere falling down, and will be in contact with a 2-brane attached on it.Comment: 5pages, 4figures, to be published in GR