20,685 research outputs found

    MS-195: Early American Document Collection

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    The Early American Document Collection contains broadsides, manuscripts, and other material from the colonial era and early republic. The material covers a broad range of subjects, mostly pertaining to administration in colonial Philadelphia, and the American Revolution. The series listing below further specifies the subject areas within the collection. Possible research topics include: colonial-era legal, land, or government documentation, the influence of broadside announcements, the use of German in colonial American documents, and for a general investigation into the happenings of the Continental Army. The military documents are more sparse in subject area, and do not include engagement information. The dates are largely bulked from 1727-1728, and also from 1775-1787. The collection does not contain mid-century documents pertaining to topics like the French and Indian War, or specific topics on daily colonial life. The Early American Document Collection also contains a strong variety of colonial watermarks, from domestic and foreign paper. Possible research topics concerning watermarks include: sourcing of the papermaker, the inspiration behind the designs, the region of production, the trade connections between papermaker and user, and the connections between documents with the same watermarks. Further historical information on the use of watermarks in early American documents can be found in the historical notes above. Special Collections and College Archives Finding Aids are discovery tools used to describe and provide access to our holdings. Finding aids include historical and biographical information about each collection in addition to inventories of their content. More information about our collections can be found on our website http://www.gettysburg.edu/special_collections/collections/.https://cupola.gettysburg.edu/findingaidsall/1173/thumbnail.jp

    Hidden Beneath: Watermarks in the Early American Document Collection

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    This summer, as the Smith Intern at Special Collections, I was tasked with working on a hodge-podge of assembled documents, previously referred to as the “18th Century Document” collection. The box’s contents had been around for just about as long as anyone could remember, and really only got exposure for the Revolutionary War classes that had class sessions through Special Collections. Yet, as I browsed through the collection (which was really a small assemblage of papers), the box was much more than a Revolution collection. [excerpt

    Linking microsimulators of bus stops and traffic operations: the case of PASSION and BusSIGSIM

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    The aim of this article is to explore the linkage of two microsimulators developed at theUniversity College London. At present, these models deal independently with buses ateither bus stops or traffic networks. First, both microsimulators are described in somedetail. The generic way in which both models can be connected is then proposed. As aresult of this analysis, the main issues for a comprehensive introduction of public transportvehicles (buses) into microscopic traffic simulators are highlighted. One practical outcomeof this study is that the improvement in the representation of buses in microscopic trafficsimulators will allow the engineers to take into account traffic management measures thatotherwise will not be assessed

    Study of passenger-bus-traffic interactions on bus stop operations

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    Buses are the unsung heroes of public transport in modern cities around the world in high,medium and low income countries. However, the bus system is usually cobbled by poordesign which has resulted from poor understanding of how a busThis paper examines theimpacts of the interactions between buses, passengers and traffic on bus operations, especiallyin relation to delays and capacity at bus stops. First, the principles of bus stop operations arepresented. Issues like the stages of bus stop operations, the classification of times spent at busstops, causes of delays, and the interaction between bus flow and stop delays are analysed.This leads to the necessity of microscopic simulation to study stops operations. Then, anillustration of the sort of understanding that can be achieved with a simulation modem isshown. Simulation experiments regarding arrival patterns of buses and passengers, boardingtimes, difficulties for buses to leave the stop, and vehicle capacity are presented. Resultsindicate that it is important not to underestimate the real situation found at bus stops, asdesigning for ideal conditions will be insufficient if the reality is different

    Sequences of reflection functors and the preprojective component of a valued quiver

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    This paper concerns preprojective representations of a finite connected valued quiver without oriented cycles. For each such representation, an explicit formula in terms of the geometry of the quiver gives a unique, up to a certain equivalence, shortest (+)-admissible sequence such that the corresponding composition of reflection functors annihilates the representation. The set of equivalence classes of the above sequences is a partially ordered set that contains a great deal of information about the preprojective component of the Auslander-Reiten quiver. The results apply to the study of reduced words in the Weyl group associated to an indecomposable symmetrizable generalized Cartan matrix

    Intrinsic Valuing and the Limits of Justice: Why the Ring of Gyges Matters

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    Commentators such as Terence Irwin (1999) and Christopher Shields (2006) claim that the Ring of Gyges argument in Republic II cannot demonstrate that justice is chosen only for its consequences. This is because valuing justice for its own sake is compatible with judging its value to be overridable. Through examination of the rational commitments involved in valuing normative ideals such as justice, we aim to show that this analysis is mistaken. If Glaucon is right that everyone would endorse Gyges’ behavior, it follows that nobody values justice intrinsically. Hence, the Gyges story constitutes a more serious challenge than critics maintain

    Significance Regression: Robust Regression for Collinear Data

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    This paper examines robust linear multivariable regression from collinear data. A brief review of M-estimators discusses the strengths of this approach for tolerating outliers and/or perturbations in the error distributions. The review reveals that M-estimation may be unreliable if the data exhibit collinearity. Next, significance regression (SR) is discussed. SR is a successful method for treating collinearity but is not robust. A new significance regression algorithm for the weighted-least-squares error criterion (SR-WLS) is developed. Using the weights computed via M-estimation with the SR-WLS algorithm yields an effective method that robustly mollifies collinearity problems. Numerical examples illustrate the main points

    The Auslander-Reiten Components in the Rhombic Picture

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    For an indecomposable module MM over a path algebra of a quiver of type A~n\widetilde{\mathbb A}_n, the Gabriel-Roiter measure gives rise to four new numerical invariants; we call them the multiplicity, and the initial, periodic and final parts. We describe how these invariants for MM and for its dual specify the position of MM in the Auslander-Reiten quiver of the algebra.Comment: 29 pages; 6 figures; references added to Section 1 as per the referee's suggestions; to appear in Communications in Algebr
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