18,891 research outputs found

    In-flight thrust determination on a real-time basis

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    A real time computer program was implemented on a F-15 jet fighter to monitor in-flight engine performance of a Digital Electronic Engine Controlled (DEES) F-100 engine. The application of two gas generator methods to calculate in-flight thrust real time is described. A comparison was made between the actual results and those predicted by an engine model simulation. The percent difference between the two methods was compared to the predicted uncertainty based on instrumentation and model uncertainty and agreed closely with the results found during altitude facility testing. Data was obtained from acceleration runs of various altitudes at maximum power settings with and without afterburner. Real time in-flight thrust measurement was a major advancement to flight test productivity and was accomplished with no loss in accuracy over previous post flight methods

    Normal loads program for aerodynamic lifting surface theory

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    A description of and users manual are presented for a U.S.A. FORTRAN 4 computer program which evaluates spanwise and chordwise loading distributions, lift coefficient, pitching moment coefficient, and other stability derivatives for thin wings in linearized, steady, subsonic flow. The program is based on a kernel function method lifting surface theory and is applicable to a large class of planforms including asymmetrical ones and ones with mixed straight and curved edges

    Plotting program for aerodynamic lifting surface theory

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    A description of and users manual for a USA FORTRAN IV computer program which plots the planform and control points of a wing are presented. The program also plots some of the configuration data such as the aspect ratio. The planform data is stored on a disc file which is created by a geometry program. This program, the geometry program, and several other programs are used together in the analysis of lifting, thin wings in steady, subsonic flow according to a kernel function lifting surface theory

    Boundary condition program for aerodynamic lifting surface theory

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    Users manual for a U.S.A. FORTRAN 4 computer program which determines boundary conditions for a thin wing lifting surface program is described. This program, the geometry program, and several other programs are used together in the analysis of lifting, thin wings in steady, subsonic flow according to a kernel function lifting surface theory. The program calculates specific types of boundary conditions automatically such as those necessary to determine pitch and roll damping derivatives. The program also accepts descriptions of the camber or downwash and twist in the form of tables and/or coefficients of equations. The program performs interpolations so that tables and/or coefficients can apply at stations selected by the user and not at stations dictated by the control point locations

    A study of polymers containing silicon- nitrogen bonds progress report, nov. 4 - dec. 3, 1964

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    Polymers containing silicon-nitrogen bonds as liquid and plastic materials in space and aviation technolog

    A study of polymers containing silicon- nitrogen bonds Annual summary report, May 4, 1965 - May 3, 1966

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    Polymers containing silicon-nitrogen bonds as elastomers with high thermal stability for aerospace application

    Counter-rotating Accretion Disks

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    We consider accretion disks consisting of counter-rotating gaseous components with an intervening shear layer. Configurations of this type may arise from the accretion of newly supplied counter-rotating gas onto an existing co-rotating gas disk. For simplicity we consider the case where the gas well above the disk midplane is rotating with angular rate +Ω+\Omega and that well below has the same properties but is rotating with rate Ω-\Omega. Using the Shakura-Sunyaev alpha turbulence model, we find self-similar solutions where a thin (relative to the full disk thickness) equatorial layer accretes very rapidly, essentially at free-fall speed. As a result the accretion speed is much larger than it would be for an alpha disk rotating in one direction. Counter-rotating accretion disks may be a transient stage in the formation of counter-rotating galaxies and in the accretion of matter onto compact objects.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures, aas2pp4.sty, submitted to Ap