4,824 research outputs found

    A Critique of Current Magnetic-Accretion Models for Classical T-Tauri Stars

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    Current magnetic-accretion models for classical T-Tauri stars rely on a strong, dipolar magnetic field of stellar origin to funnel the disk material onto the star, and assume a steady-state. In this paper, I critically examine the physical basis of these models in light of the observational evidence and our knowledge of magnetic fields in low-mass stars, and find it lacking. I also argue that magnetic accretion onto these stars is inherently a time-dependent problem, and that a steady-state is not warranted. Finally, directions for future work towards fully-consistent models are pointed out.Comment: 2 figure

    Concordant cues in faces and voices: testing the backup signal hypothesis

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    Information from faces and voices combines to provide multimodal signals about a person. Faces and voices may offer redundant, overlapping (backup signals), or complementary information (multiple messages). This article reports two experiments which investigated the extent to which faces and voices deliver concordant information about dimensions of fitness and quality. In Experiment 1, participants rated faces and voices on scales for masculinity/femininity, age, health, height, and weight. The results showed that people make similar judgments from faces and voices, with particularly strong correlations for masculinity/femininity, health, and height. If, as these results suggest, faces and voices constitute backup signals for various dimensions, it is hypothetically possible that people would be able to accurately match novel faces and voices for identity. However, previous investigations into novel face–voice matching offer contradictory results. In Experiment 2, participants saw a face and heard a voice and were required to decide whether the face and voice belonged to the same person. Matching accuracy was significantly above chance level, suggesting that judgments made independently from faces and voices are sufficiently similar that people can match the two. Both sets of results were analyzed using multilevel modeling and are interpreted as being consistent with the backup signal hypothesis

    High-Dimensional Inference with the generalized Hopfield Model: Principal Component Analysis and Corrections

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    We consider the problem of inferring the interactions between a set of N binary variables from the knowledge of their frequencies and pairwise correlations. The inference framework is based on the Hopfield model, a special case of the Ising model where the interaction matrix is defined through a set of patterns in the variable space, and is of rank much smaller than N. We show that Maximum Lik elihood inference is deeply related to Principal Component Analysis when the amp litude of the pattern components, xi, is negligible compared to N^1/2. Using techniques from statistical mechanics, we calculate the corrections to the patterns to the first order in xi/N^1/2. We stress that it is important to generalize the Hopfield model and include both attractive and repulsive patterns, to correctly infer networks with sparse and strong interactions. We present a simple geometrical criterion to decide how many attractive and repulsive patterns should be considered as a function of the sampling noise. We moreover discuss how many sampled configurations are required for a good inference, as a function of the system size, N and of the amplitude, xi. The inference approach is illustrated on synthetic and biological data.Comment: Physical Review E: Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics (2011) to appea

    IR upgrade with quadrupoles first and dipoles first

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    We review recent work on the LHC IR upgrades by the US-LARP collaboration. There are several optics designs under consideration – each design differs in the potential luminosity reach, accelerator physics, operational and technical challenges etc. Here we consider two main issues: (i) the likely benefits of moving the IR magnets closer to the IP for both quadrupole first and dipole first designs and (ii) the impact of beam-beam interactions in the two designs. We conclude with a summary of accelerator physics parameters for the two designs

    4-(3-Azaniumylpropyl)morpholin-4-ium chloride hydrogen oxalate: An unusual example of a dication with different counter-anions

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    © 2014 International Union of Crystallography. The mixed organic-inorganic title salt, C7H18N2O2+·C2HO4-·Cl-, forms an assembly of ionic components which are stabilized through a series of hydrogen bonds and charge-assisted intermolecular interactions. The title assembly crystallizes in the monoclinic C2/c space group with Z = 8. The asymmetric unit consists of a 4-(3-azaniumylpropyl)morpholin-4-ium dication, a hydrogen oxalate counter-anion and an inorganic chloride counter-anion. The organic cations and anions are connected through a network of N - H⋯O, O - H⋯O and C - H⋯O hydrogen bonds, forming several intermolecular rings that can be described by the graph-set notations R33(13), R21(5), R12(5), R21(6), R23(6), R22(8) and R33(9). The 4-(3-azaniumylpropyl)morpholin-4-ium dications are interconnected through N - H⋯O hydrogen bonds, forming C(9) chains that run diagonally along the ab face. Furthermore, the hydrogen oxalate anions are interconnected via O - H⋯O hydrogen bonds, forming head-to-tail C(5) chains along the crystallographic b axis. The two types of chains are linked through additional N - H⋯O and O - H⋯O hydrogen bonds, and the hydrogen oxalate chains are sandwiched by the 4-(3-azaniumylpropyl)morpholin-4-ium chains, forming organic layers that are separated by the chloride anions. Finally, the layered three-dimensional structure is stabilized via intermolecular N - H⋯Cl and C - H⋯Cl interactions

    The Large and Small Scale Structures of Dust in the Star-Forming Perseus Molecular Cloud

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    We present an analysis of ~3.5 square degrees of submillimetre continuum and extinction data of the Perseus molecular cloud. We identify 58 clumps in the submillimetre map and we identify 39 structures (`cores') and 11 associations of structures (`super cores') in the extinction map. The cumulative mass distributions of the submillimetre clumps and extinction cores have steep slopes (alpha ~ 2 and 1.5 - 2 respectively), steeper than the Salpeter IMF (alpha = 1.35), while the distribution of extinction super cores has a shallow slope (alpha ~ 1). Most of the submillimetre clumps are well fit by stable Bonnor-Ebert spheres with 10K < T < 19K and 5.5 < log_10(P_ext/k) < 6.0. The clumps are found only in the highest column density regions (A_V > 5 - 7 mag), although Bonnor-Ebert models suggest that we should have been able to detect them at lower column densities if they exist. These observations provide a stronger case for an extinction threshold than that found in analysis of less sensitive observations of the Ophiuchus molecular cloud. The relationship between submillimetre clumps and their parent extinction core has been analyzed. The submillimetre clumps tend to lie offset from the larger extinction peaks, suggesting the clumps formed via an external triggering event, consistent with previous observations.Comment: 38 pages, 12 figures, accepted by Astrophysical Journal slight changes to original due to a slight 3" error in the coordinates of the SCUBA ma

    Conceptual design of a nonscaling fixed field alternating gradient accelerator for protons and carbon ions for charged particle therapy

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    Published by the American Physical Society under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License. Further distribution of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s) and the published article’s title, journal citation, and DOI.The conceptual design for a nonscaling fixed field alternating gradient accelerator suitable for charged particle therapy (the use of protons and other light ions to treat some forms of cancer) is described.EPSR
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