513 research outputs found

    Trimethylsulfonium Methanesulfonate

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    In the title compound, C3H9S+.CH3O3S-, a thermal decomposition product of dimethyl sulfoxide, both cation and anion lie on mirror planes. In the cation, the S atom lies 0.792 (2) Å out of the plane defined by the three C atoms, with S-C distances of 1.781 (2) and 1.786 (3) Å. In the anion, the S-O distances are 1.4556 (14) and 1.4646 (19) Å, and the S-C distance is 1.759 (3) Å

    Electronic structure of nanoscale iron oxide particles measured by scanning tunneling and photoelectron spectroscopies

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    We have investigated the electronic structure of nano-sized iron oxide by scanning tunnelling microscopy (STM) and spectroscopy (STS) as well as by photoelectron spectroscopy. Nano particles were produced by thermal treatment of Ferritin molecules containing a self-assembled core of iron oxide. Depending on the thermal treatment we were able to prepare different phases of iron oxide nanoparticles resembling gamma-Fe2O3, alpha-Fe2O3, and a phase which apparently contains both gamma-Fe2O3 and alpha-Fe2O3. Changes to the electronic structure of these materials were studied under reducing conditions. We show that the surface band gap of the electronic excitation spectrum can differ from that of bulk material and is dominated by surface effects.Comment: REVTeX, 6 pages, 10 figures, submitted to PR

    Universal transport in 2D granular superconductors

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    The transport properties of quench condensed granular superconductors are presented and analyzed. These systems exhibit transitions from insulating to superconducting behavior as a function of inter-grain spacing. Superconductivity is characterized by broad transitions in which the resistance drops exponentially with reducing temperature. The slope of the log R versus T curves turns out to be universaly dependent on the normal state film resistance for all measured granular systems. It does not depend on the material, critical temperature, geometry, or experimental set-up. We discuss possible physical scenarios to explain these findings.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Mechanistic Rationale for Ketene Formation During Dabbing and Vaping

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    Ketene is one of the most toxic vaping emissions identified to date. However, its high reactivity renders it relatively challenging to identify. In addition, certain theoretical studies have shown that realistic vaping temperature settings may betoo low to produce ketene. Each of these issues is addressed herein. First, an isotopically labeled acetate precursor is used for the identification of ketene with enhanced rigor in vaped aerosols. Second, discrepancies between theoretical and experimental findings are explained by accounting for the effects of aerobic (experimental) versus anaerobic (simulated and theoretical) pyrolysis conditions. This finding is also relevant to explaining the relatively low-temperature production of aerosol toxicants beyond ketene. Moreover, the study presented herein shows that ketene formation during vaping is not limited to molecules possessing a phenyl acetate substructure. This means that ketene emission during vaping, including from popular flavorants such as ethyl acetate, may be more prevalent than is currently known

    Scaling of the superfluid density in high-temperature superconductors

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    A scaling relation \rho_s \simeq 35\sigma_{dc}T_c has been observed in the copper-oxide superconductors, where \rho_s is the strength of the superconducting condensate, T_c is the critical temperature, and \sigma_{dc} is the normal-state dc conductivity close to T_c. This scaling relation is examined within the context of a clean and dirty-limit BCS superconductor. These limits are well established for an isotropic BCS gap 2\Delta and a normal-state scattering rate 1/\tau; in the clean limit 1/\tau \ll 2\Delta, and in the dirty limit 1/\tau > 2\Delta. The dirty limit may also be defined operationally as the regime where \rho_s varies with 1/\tau. It is shown that the scaling relation \rho_s \propto \sigma_{dc}T_c is the hallmark of a BCS system in the dirty-limit. While the gap in the copper-oxide superconductors is considered to be d-wave with nodes and a gap maximum \Delta_0, if 1/\tau > 2\Delta_0 then the dirty-limit case is preserved. The scaling relation implies that the copper-oxide superconductors are likely to be in the dirty limit, and that as a result the energy scale associated with the formation of the condensate is scaling linearly with T_c. The a-b planes and the c axis also follow the same scaling relation. It is observed that the scaling behavior for the dirty limit and the Josephson effect (assuming a BCS formalism) are essentially identical, suggesting that in some regime these two effects may be viewed as equivalent. This raises the possibility that electronic inhomogeneities in the copper-oxygen planes may play an important role in the nature of the superconductivity in the copper-oxide materials.Comment: 8 pages with 5 figures and 1 tabl

    Weak Localization Effect in Superconductors

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    We study the effect of weak localization on the transition temperatures of superconductors using time-reversed scattered state pairs, and find that the weak localization effect weakens electron-phonon interactions. With solving the BCS TcT_{c} equation, the calculated values for TcT_c are in good agreement with experimental data for various two- and three-dimensional disordered superconductors. We also find that the critical sheet resistance for the suppression of superconductivity in thin films does not satisfy the universal behavior but depends on sample, in good agreement with experiments. but depends on sample, in good agreement with experiments.Comment: 14 pages, Revtex, 5 ps figure

    Infrared Studies of the Onset of Conductivity in Ultra-Thin Pb Films

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    In this paper we report the first experimental measurement of the infrared conductivity of ultra-thin quenched-condensed Pb films. For dc sheet resistances such that ωτ1\omega \tau \ll 1 the ac conductance increases with frequency but is in disagreement with the predictions of weak localization. We attribute this behavior to the effects of an inhomogeneous granular structure of these films, which is manifested at the very small probing scale of infrared measurements. Our data are consistent with predictions of two-dimensional percolation theory.Comment: Submitted to Physical Review Letter

    Из опыта работы кафедры по организации учебной и воспитательной работы с иностранными студентами

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    Одна из ярких черт современного высшего образования - его интернационализация. Для Брестского государственного университета имени А.С. Пушкина в процессе интернационализации одним из новых, но перспективных её направлений является экспорт образовательных услуг. Появление в университете данной категории обучающихся (с 2007 г.) внесло коррективы и в организацию учебного процесса, и во внеучебную деятельность