139 research outputs found

    Joining up health and bioinformatics: e-science meets e-health

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    CLEF (Co-operative Clinical e-Science Framework) is an MRC sponsored project in the e-Science programme that aims to establish methodologies and a technical infrastructure forthe next generation of integrated clinical and bioscience research. It is developing methodsfor managing and using pseudonymised repositories of the long-term patient histories whichcan be linked to genetic, genomic information or used to support patient care. CLEF concentrateson removing key barriers to managing such repositories ? ethical issues, informationcapture, integration of disparate sources into coherent ?chronicles? of events, userorientedmechanisms for querying and displaying the information, and compiling the requiredknowledge resources. This paper describes the overall information flow and technicalapproach designed to meet these aims within a Grid framework

    Endurance Exercise Training Programs Intestinal Lipid Metabolism in a Rat Model of Obesity and Type 2 Diabetes

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    Endurance exercise has been shown to improve metabolic outcomes in obesity and type 2 diabetes; however, the physiological and molecular mechanisms for these benefits are not completely understood. Although endurance exercise has been shown to decrease lipogenesis, promote fatty acid oxidation (FAO), and increase mitochondrial biosynthesis in adipose tissue, muscle, and liver, its effects on intestinal lipid metabolism remain unknown. The absorptive cells of the small intestine, enterocytes, mediate the highly efficient absorption and processing of nutrients, including dietary fat for delivery throughout the body. We investigated how endurance exercise altered intestinal lipid metabolism in obesity and type 2 diabetes using Otsuka Long-Evans Tokushima Fatty (OLETF) rats. We assessed mRNA levels of genes associated with intestinal lipid metabolism in nonhyperphagic, sedentary Long-Evans Tokushima Otsuka (LETO) rats (L-Sed), hyperphagic, sedentary OLETF rats (O-Sed), and endurance exercised OLETF rats (O-EndEx). O-Sed rats developed hyperphagia-induced obesity (HIO) and type 2 diabetes compared with L-Sed rats. O-EndEx rats gained significantly less weight and fat pad mass, and had improved serum metabolic parameters without change in food consumption compared to O-Sed rats. Endurance exercise resulted in dramatic up-regulation of a number of genes in intestinal lipid metabolism and mitochondrial content compared with sedentary rats. Overall, this study provides evidence that endurance exercise programs intestinal lipid metabolism, likely contributing to its role in improving metabolic outcomes in obesity and type 2 diabetes

    Preconceptional, Gestational, and Lactational Exposure to an Unconventional Oil and Gas Chemical Mixture Alters Energy Expenditure in Adult Female Mice

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    Previous studies conducted in our laboratory have found altered adult health outcomes in animals with prenatal exposure to environmentally relevant levels of unconventional oil and gas (UOG) chemicals with endocrine-disrupting activity. This study aimed to examine potential metabolic health outcomes following a preconception, prenatal and postnatal exposure to a mixture of 23 UOG chemicals. Prior to mating and from gestation day 1 to postnatal day 21, C57BL/6J mice were developmentally exposed to a laboratory-created mixture of 23 UOG chemicals in maternal drinking water. Body composition, spontaneous activity, energy expenditure, and glucose tolerance were evaluated in 7-month-old female offspring. Neither body weight nor body composition differed in 7-month female mice. However, females exposed to 1.5 and 150 μg/kg/day UOG mix had lower total and resting energy expenditure within the dark cycle. In the light cycle, the 1,500 μg//kg/day group had lower total energy expenditure and the 1.5 μg/kg/day group had lower resting energy expenditure. Females exposed to the 150 μg/kg/day group had lower spontaneous activity in the dark cycle, and females exposed to the 1,500 μg/kg/day group had lower activity in the light cycle. This study reports for the first time that developmental exposure to a mixture of 23 UOG chemicals alters energy expenditure and spontaneous activity in adult female mice

    VLBI observations of seven BL Lac objects from RGB sample

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    We present EVN observations of seven BL Lac objects selected from the RGB sample. To investigate the intrinsic radiation property of BL Lac objects, we estimated the Doppler factor with the VLA or MERLIN core and the total 408 MHz luminosity for a sample of 170 BL Lac objects. The intrinsic (comoving) synchrotron peak frequency was then calculated by using the estimated Doppler factor. Assuming a Lorentz factor of 5, the viewing angle of jets was constrained. The high-resolution VLBI images of seven sources all show a core-jet structure. We estimated the proper motions of three sources with the VLBI archive data, and find that the apparent speed increases with the distance of components to the core for all of them. In our BL Lacs sample, the Doppler factor of LBLs is systematically larger than that of IBLs and HBLs. We find a significant anti-correlation between the total 408 MHz luminosity and the intrinsic synchrotron peak frequency. However, the scatter is much larger than for the blazar sequence. Moreover, we find a significant positive correlation between the viewing angle and the intrinsic synchrotron peak frequency. The BL Lac objects show a continuous distribution on the viewing angle. While LBLs have a smaller viewing angle than that of IBLs and HBLs, IBLs are comparable to HBLs. We conclude that the intrinsic synchrotron peak frequency is not only related to the intrinsic radio power (though with a large scatter), but also to the viewing angle for the present sample.Comment: 22 pages,15figures, published by A&

    Beta 3 Adrenergic Receptor Activation Rescues Metabolic Dysfunction in Female Estrogen Receptor Alpha-Null Mice

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    Metabolic disease risk escalates following menopause. The mechanism is not fully known, but likely involves reduced signaling through estrogen receptor alpha (ERα), which is highly expressed in brown and white adipose tissue (BAT and WAT).Objective: Test the hypothesis that uncoupling protein (UCP1) activation mitigates metabolic dysfunction caused by loss of signaling through ERα.Methods: At 8 weeks of age, female ERα knock out (KO) and wild-type mice were housed at 28°C and fed a Western-style high-fat, high sucrose diet (HFD) or a normal low-fat chow diet (NC) for 10 weeks. During the final 2 weeks, they received daily injections of CL 316,256 (CL), a selective β3 adrenergic agonist, or vehicle control (CTRL), creating eight groups: WT-CTRL, WT-CL, KO-CTRL, and KO-CL on HFD or NC; n = 4–10/group.Results: ERαKO demonstrated exacerbated HFD-induced adiposity gain (P < 0.001) and insulin resistance (P = 0.006). CL treatment improved insulin sensitivity (P < 0.05) and normalized ERαKO-induced adiposity increase (P < 0.05). In both genotypes, CL increased resting energy expenditure (P < 0.05) and induced WAT beiging indicated by increased UCP1 protein in both perigonadal (PGAT) and subcutaneous (SQAT) depots. These effects were attenuated under HFD conditions (P < 0.05). In KO, CL reduced HFD energy consumption compared to CTRL (P < 0.05). Remarkably, CL increased WAT ERβ protein levels of both WT and KO (P < 0.001), revealing CL-mediated changes in estrogen signaling may have protective metabolic effects.Conclusion: CL completely restored metabolic dysfunction in ERαKO mice. Thus, UCP1 may be a therapeutic target for treating metabolic dysfunction following loss of estrogen receptor signaling

    Translational Approach to Examine the Importance of Aerobic Fitness on Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease [abstract]

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    Comparative Medicine - OneHealth and Comparative Medicine Poster Session.Low cardiorespiratory fitness, independent of physical activity levels, is the best predictor of early mortality and is linked to type 2 diabetes and CVD. In the absence of exercise training, it is believed that genetic inheritance accounts for up to 70% of the variation in intrinsic aerobic fitness. Recent cross-sectional reports in humans also have linked low aerobic fitness with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). NAFLD, fatty liver not due to alcohol consumption, encompasses a gamut of liver maladaptations and is a primary cause of chronic liver disease and liver-related morbidity and mortality. NAFLD occurs in ~30% of US adults, 75-100% of obese and extremely obese individuals, and is considered the hepatic component of the metabolic syndrome. Despite the recent observations in humans between low fitness and NAFLD, there is a paucity of mechanistic information detailing this link. In order to address this important clinical problem, we have developed an interdisciplinary team across multiple institutions and fields of study and have taken a translational approach, employing both novel whole animal model studies and isolated primary hepatocyte cell culture experiments, to gain mechanistic insight into the human observational studies. We have utilized a novel rat model in which rats are artificially selected over several generations for high and low intrinsic endurance capacity, resulting in high capacity runners (HCR) with high aerobic fitness and low capacity runners (LCR) with significantly lower aerobic fitness (Science, 307:418-20, 2005). These rats display contrasting phenotypes without the influence of exercise training, making them an excellent model to mechanistically assess the role of aerobic fitness on NAFLD. Utilizing this model, we have provided the first mechanistic evidence that the LCR rats have reduced hepatic mitochondrial content and oxidative capacity, increased hepatic de novo lipogenic profiles, and develop hepatic steatosis with progression to greater fibrosis and apoptosis compared to the HCR rats. The LCR rats also are unable to maintain systemic insulin sensitivity following exposure to high-fat feeding. However, since it is impossible to completely eliminate the influence of peripheral factors on liver metabolism, we have subsequently isolated primary hepatocytes from HCR and LCR rats. We have observed a similar phenotype in the primary hepatocytes from LCR animals, with significant reductions in fatty acid oxidation and the inability to maintain insulin signaling in response to lipid exposure compared with HCR hepatocytes. These findings have important clinical implications, as low aerobic fitness due to physical inactivity and/or genetic inheritability may lead to increased susceptibility to NAFLD, and suggest that the clinical measurement of aerobic fitness may serve as a valuable prognostic tool. We are currently conducting a human clinical trial to assess the efficacy of exercise in improving aerobic fitness and reducing NAFLD, and because exercise is the proven method to increase aerobic fitness, it should remain the cornerstone therapy for fatty liver disease

    Interdisciplinary Approach to Examine the Effects of Lifestyle Modifications on Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease

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    Comparative Medicine - OneHealth and Comparative Medicine Poster SessionA critical complication of the obesity epidemic experienced in Westernized societies is nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). NAFLD, fatty liver not due to alcohol consumption, is the most common chronic liver disease and associated with increasing morbidity, mortality, and demand for liver transplantation. NAFLD is a progressive disease with a histological spectrum ranging from hepatic steatosis to nonalcoholic steatohepatitis, advanced fibrosis, and cirrhosis. Approximately one third of all US adults (90 million) have fatty livers, with prevalence rates as high as 75-100% in the obese and morbidly obese. With growing health problems associated with NAFLD, major questions facing research scientists and health care providers are what are the mechanisms responsible for NAFLD development and what is the best treatment strategy. Since drug interventions appear to be only marginally successful, the cornerstone therapy for NAFLD remains lifestyle modifications of exercise and weight loss. However, while recent cross-sectional observations suggest that being more physically active is inversely associated with NAFLD, studies which attempt to identify molecular mechanisms underlying the effects of lifestyle modifications on NAFLD are lacking. To address these clinical questions, we have taken an interdisciplinary approach with collaborations from experts in multiple departments and facilities at the University of Missouri, including Nutrition and Exercise Physiology, Hepatology, Veterinary Biomedical Sciences, and VA investigators. In addition, we have utilized a unique animal model, the hyperphagic Otsuka Long-Evans Tokushima Fatty (OLETF) rat that develops obesity, insulin resistance and overt type 2 diabetes, a model which we liken to overeating, sedentary, obese humans. Through a series of experiments, we found that the natural progression pattern of fatty liver disease in the sedentary OLETF rat closely resembles the human condition (progression from simple hepatic steatosis to hepatocyte ballooning, fibrosis, and inflammation). We also have compelling evidence that hepatic mitochondrial dysfunction is present at an early age and mitochondrial content, function, and mitochondrial health are disrupted with disease progression, suggesting a potential primary event in NAFLD in this animal model. However and perhaps even more important, when OLETF rats are given access to voluntary running wheels and allowed to exercise daily, the initiation and progression of NAFLD is completely prevented. These benefits occur through modification in both peripheral and hepatic factors, including maintenance of glycemic control and enhancement of hepatic mitochondrial content and function. We are currently in the process of translating these very exciting findings in a randomized, human clinical trial examining the impact of different lifestyle modifications in the treatment of NAFLD. Findings from our research group have important public health application, particularly for the 60-80% of Americans who overeat, who are overweight, and who are physically inactive

    Exercise and Omega-3 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acid Supplementation for the Treatment of Hepatic Steatosis in Hyperphagic OLETF Rats

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    Background and Aims. This study examined if exercise and omega-3 fatty acid (n3PUFA) supplementation is an effective treatment for hepatic steatosis in obese, hyperphagic Otsuka Long-Evans Tokushima Fatty (OLETF) rats. Methods. Male OLETF rats were divided into 4 groups (n=8/group): (1) remained sedentary (SED), (2) access to running wheels; (EX) (3) a diet supplemented with 3% of energy from fish oil (n3PUFA-SED); and (4) n3PUFA supplementation plus EX (n3PUFA+EX). The 8 week treatments began at 13 weeks, when hepatic steatosis is present in OLETF-SED rats. Results. EX alone lowered hepatic triglyceride (TAG) while, in contrast, n3PUFAs failed to lower hepatic TAG and blunted the ability of EX to decrease hepatic TAG levels in n3PUFAs+EX. Insulin sensitivity was improved in EX animals, to a lesser extent in n3PUFA+EX rats, and did not differ between n3PUFA-SED and SED rats. Only the EX group displayed higher complete hepatic fatty acid oxidation (FAO) to CO2 and carnitine palmitoyl transferase-1 activity. EX also lowered hepatic fatty acid synthase protein while both EX and n3PUFA+EX decreased stearoyl CoA desaturase-1 protein. Conclusions. Exercise lowers hepatic steatosis through increased complete hepatic FAO, insulin sensitivity, and reduced expression of de novo fatty acid synthesis proteins while n3PUFAs had no effect

    From M-ary Query to Bit Query: a new strategy for efficient large-scale RFID identification

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    The tag collision avoidance has been viewed as one of the most important research problems in RFID communications and bit tracking technology has been widely embedded in query tree (QT) based algorithms to tackle such challenge. Existing solutions show further opportunity to greatly improve the reading performance because collision queries and empty queries are not fully explored. In this paper, a bit query (BQ) strategy based Mary query tree protocol (BQMT) is presented, which can not only eliminate idle queries but also separate collided tags into many small subsets and make full use of the collided bits. To further optimize the reading performance, a modified dual prefixes matching (MDPM) mechanism is presented to allow multiple tags to respond in the same slot and thus significantly reduce the number of queries. Theoretical analysis and simulations are supplemented to validate the effectiveness of the proposed BQMT and MDPM, which outperform the existing QT-based algorithms. Also, the BQMT and MDPM can be combined to BQMDPM to improve the reading performance in system efficiency, total identification time, communication complexity and average energy cost