1,939 research outputs found

    Formation of Lava Samples Collected by Three Alvin Submersible Dives at 14°N on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge

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    In 2018, a research cruise investigated the Mid-Atlantic Ridge at 14°N. During this expedition the seafloor was mapped using the AUV Sentry and basaltic lavas were collected using the HOV Alvin. To better understand the origin of these lavas, major element compositions of 40 basaltic glasses from three Alvin dives were measured using the BSU SXFive Electron Microprobe and trace element contents were measured on 33 samples using solution ICP-MS. Trace element ratios and patterns are important tools for investigating magmatic processes because they can be used to evaluate different magmatic processes; such as the amount of melting of the Earth\u27s mantle that produces the magma and the extents of crystallization prior to eruption. Lavas collected on dives AL4953 and AL4954 have similar Rare Earth Element patterns, but variable elemental abundances, suggesting fractional crystallization was an important process in their formation. By contrast, lavas collected on dive AL4955 have variable trace element patterns and ratios, indicating a change in the extents of mantle melting. To further investigate the differences in these compositions, we will use numerical models to quantify the percent of mantle melting and extents of crystallization that led to the formation of lavas erupted in this region

    Universal Conductance and Conductivity at Critical Points in Integer Quantum Hall Systems

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    The sample averaged longitudinal two-terminal conductance and the respective Kubo-conductivity are calculated at quantum critical points in the integer quantum Hall regime. In the limit of large system size, both transport quantities are found to be the same within numerical uncertainty in the lowest Landau band, 0.60±0.02e2/h0.60\pm 0.02 e^2/h and 0.58±0.03e2/h0.58\pm 0.03 e^2/h, respectively. In the 2nd lowest Landau band, a critical conductance 0.61±0.03e2/h0.61\pm 0.03 e^2/h is obtained which indeed supports the notion of universality. However, these numbers are significantly at variance with the hitherto commonly believed value 1/2e2/h1/2 e^2/h. We argue that this difference is due to the multifractal structure of critical wavefunctions, a property that should generically show up in the conductance at quantum critical points.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Radial excitations of Q-balls, and their D-term

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    We study the structure of the energy-momentum tensor of radial excitations of Q-balls in scalar field theories with U(1) symmetry. The obtained numerical results for the 1N231\le N \le 23 excitations allow us to study in detail patterns how the solutions behave with N. We show that although the fields and energy-momentum tensor densities exhibit a remarkable degree of complexity, the properties of the solutions scale with N with great regularity. This is to best of our knowledge the first study of the D-term d1 for excited states, and we demonstrate that it is negative --- in agreement with results from literature on the d1 of ground state particles.Comment: 11 pages, 12 figure

    Pressure-dependent optical investigations of α\alpha-(BEDT-TTF)2_2I3_3: tuning charge order and narrow gap towards a Dirac semimetal

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    Infrared optical investigations of α\alpha-(BEDT-TTF)2_2I3_3 have been performed in the spectral range from 80 to 8000~cm1^{-1} down to temperatures as low as 10~K by applying hydrostatic pressure. In the metallic state, T>135T > 135~K, we observe a 50\% increase in the Drude contribution as well as the mid-infrared band due to the growing intermolecular orbital overlap with pressure up to 11~kbar. In the ordered state, T<TCOT<T_{\rm CO}, we extract how the electronic charge per molecule varies with temperature and pressure: Transport and optical studies demonstrate that charge order and metal-insulator transition coincide and consistently yield a linear decrease of the transition temperature TCOT_{\rm CO} by 898-9~K/kbar. The charge disproportionation Δρ\Delta\rho diminishes by 0.017 e0.017~e/kbar and the optical gap Δ\Delta between the bands decreases with pressure by -47~cm1^{-1}/kbar. In our high-pressure and low-temperature experiments, we do observe contributions from the massive charge carriers as well as from massless Dirac electrons to the low-frequency optical conductivity, however, without being able to disentangle them unambiguously.Comment: 13 pages, 17 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Are there approximate relations among transverse momentum dependent distribution functions?

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    Certain exact relations among transverse momentum dependent parton distribution functions due to QCD equations of motion turn into approximate ones upon the neglect of pure twist-3 terms. On the basis of available data from HERMES we test the practical usefulness of one such ``Wandzura-Wilczek-type approximation'', namely of that connecting h_{1L}^{\perp(1)a}(x) to h_L^a(x), and discuss how it can be further tested by future CLAS and COMPASS data.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figure

    Statistical Mechanics of Canonical-Dissipative Systems and Applications to Swarm Dynamics

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    We develop the theory of canonical-dissipative systems, based on the assumption that both the conservative and the dissipative elements of the dynamics are determined by invariants of motion. In this case, known solutions for conservative systems can be used for an extension of the dynamics, which also includes elements such as the take-up/dissipation of energy. This way, a rather complex dynamics can be mapped to an analytically tractable model, while still covering important features of non-equilibrium systems. In our paper, this approach is used to derive a rather general swarm model that considers (a) the energetic conditions of swarming, i.e. for active motion, (b) interactions between the particles based on global couplings. We derive analytical expressions for the non-equilibrium velocity distribution and the mean squared displacement of the swarm. Further, we investigate the influence of different global couplings on the overall behavior of the swarm by means of particle-based computer simulations and compare them with the analytical estimations.Comment: 14 pages incl. 13 figures. v2: misprints in Eq. (40) corrected, ref. updated. For related work see also: http://summa.physik.hu-berlin.de/~frank/active.htm

    Conductivity in a symmetry broken phase: Spinless fermions with 1/d1/d corrections

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    The dynamic conductivity σ(ω)\sigma(\omega) of strongly correlated electrons in a symmetry broken phase is investigated in the present work. The model considered consists of spinless fermions with repulsive interaction on a simple cubic lattice. The investigated symmetry broken phase is the charge density wave (CDW) with wave vector Q=(π,π,π)Q=(\pi,\pi,\pi)^\dagger which occurs at half-filling. The calculations are based on the high dimensional approach, i.e. an expansion in the inverse dimension 1/d1/d is used. The finite dimensionality is accounted for by the inclusion of linear terms in 1/d1/d and the true finite dimensional DOS. Special care is paid to the setup of a conserving approximation in the sense of Baym/Kadanoff without inconsistencies. The resulting Bethe-Salpeter equation is solved for the dynamic conductivity in the non symmetry broken and in the symmetry broken phase (AB-CDW). The dc-conductivity is reduced drastically in the CDW. Yet it does not vanish in the limit T0T \to 0 due to a subtle cancellation of diverging mobility and vanishing DOS. In the dynamic conductivity σ(ω)\sigma(\omega) the energy gap induced by the symmetry breaking is clearly discernible. In addition, the vertex corrections of order 1/d1/d lead to an excitonic resonance lying within the gap.Comment: 23 pages, 19 figures included with psfig, Revtex; Physical Review B15, in press (October/November 1996) depending on the printer/screen driver, it might be necessary to comment out figures 3,4,5,10,11,12,19 and have them printed separatel

    Heterogeneity shapes groups growth in social online communities

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    Many complex systems are characterized by broad distributions capturing, for example, the size of firms, the population of cities or the degree distribution of complex networks. Typically this feature is explained by means of a preferential growth mechanism. Although heterogeneity is expected to play a role in the evolution it is usually not considered in the modeling probably due to a lack of empirical evidence on how it is distributed. We characterize the intrinsic heterogeneity of groups in an online community and then show that together with a simple linear growth and an inhomogeneous birth rate it explains the broad distribution of group members.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure panel

    Ab initio study of alanine polypeptide chains twisting

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    We have investigated the potential energy surfaces for alanine chains consisting of three and six amino acids. For these molecules we have calculated potential energy surfaces as a function of the Ramachandran angles Phi and Psi, which are widely used for the characterization of the polypeptide chains. These particular degrees of freedom are essential for the characterization of proteins folding process. Calculations have been carried out within ab initio theoretical framework based on the density functional theory and accounting for all the electrons in the system. We have determined stable conformations and calculated the energy barriers for transitions between them. Using a thermodynamic approach, we have estimated the times of characteristic transitions between these conformations. The results of our calculations have been compared with those obtained by other theoretical methods and with the available experimental data extracted from the Protein Data Base. This comparison demonstrates a reasonable correspondence of the most prominent minima on the calculated potential energy surfaces to the experimentally measured angles Phi and Psi for alanine chains appearing in native proteins. We have also investigated the influence of the secondary structure of polypeptide chains on the formation of the potential energy landscape. This analysis has been performed for the sheet and the helix conformations of chains of six amino acids.Comment: 24 pages, 10 figure

    Property (RD) for Hecke pairs

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    As the first step towards developing noncommutative geometry over Hecke C*-algebras, we study property (RD) (Rapid Decay) for Hecke pairs. When the subgroup H in a Hecke pair (G,H) is finite, we show that the Hecke pair (G,H) has (RD) if and only if G has (RD). This provides us with a family of examples of Hecke pairs with property (RD). We also adapt Paul Jolissant's works in 1989 to the setting of Hecke C*-algebras and show that when a Hecke pair (G,H) has property (RD), the algebra of rapidly decreasing functions on the set of double cosets is closed under holomorphic functional calculus of the associated (reduced) Hecke C*-algebra. Hence they have the same K_0-groups.Comment: A short note added explaining other methods to prove that the subalgebra of rapidly decreasing functions is smooth. This is the final version as published. The published version is available at: springer.co