1,794 research outputs found

    Comparison of Distance Education Leadership Styles and Future Investment in Two-Year Colleges

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    This foundational descriptive quantitative study examined leadership styles, traits of distance education leaders (e.g. VPs, Deans, Directors and Coordinators) and distance education program characteristics as well as funding priorities at the post-secondary level. Participants were subjected to Bass and Avolio\u27s Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire (MLQ-5X), which identified leadership characteristics as transformational, transactional or passive-avoidant as manifest by nine scales as follows: Individualized Influence Attributes, Individualized Influence Behavior, Inspirational Motivation, Intellectual Stimulation, Individualized Consideration, Contingent Reward, Active Management-by-Exception, Passive Management-by-Exception and Laissez-Faire. In addition, the questionnaire further assessed leadership outcomes scaled as Extra Effort, Effectiveness and Satisfaction. There were 55 respondents from two-year colleges belonging to the American Association of Community Colleges. Findings indicated that these Distance Education Leaders scored markedly higher (and above the norm) in Transformational Leadership style scales than did past MLQ-5X testees from across all fields. Further, results indicated significant relationships between leadership style and such vitally important organizational characteristics as reporting line and levels of position. Additional statistical significance established positive correlates between Age and Effectiveness and a negative correlate between Age and Active Management-by-Exception. The Years Since Most Recent Degree correlated positively with Individualized Influence Behavior and negatively with Active Management-by-Exception. The Years at the Institution and in the Distance Education Field correlated positively with Satisfaction and negatively with Individualized Influence Attributes. The single most important and top ranked funding priority was Course Design Standards that Focus Upon Learning Outcomes. Recommendations were directed at college, distance education leaders and for the purposes of future research. As online distance education in higher education matures, college and distance education leaders should work together to identify and develop future leaders with transformational leadership style to work in the field. This study showed that taking and teaching online courses will have a positive impact upon that goal as well pursuing an advanced degree. Also, the level of position in the organization and reporting line of the distance education leader made a difference in leadership style. Future research should focus upon further defining the best types of leaders for distance education and how to develop effective future leaders in the field

    Recent advances and open challenges in percolation

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    Percolation is the paradigm for random connectivity and has been one of the most applied statistical models. With simple geometrical rules a transition is obtained which is related to magnetic models. This transition is, in all dimensions, one of the most robust continuous transitions known. We present a very brief overview of more than 60 years of work in this area and discuss several open questions for a variety of models, including classical, explosive, invasion, bootstrap, and correlated percolation

    Gut acellular matrix for the in vitro study of Enteric Nervous System cells

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    Enteric nervous system (ENS) cells respond to the intestinal extracellular matrix (ECM) signals changing their proliferation rate, migration and differentiation. In this study, we explored in vitro the adaptive response of primary ENS cell cultures to the stimulation of gut acellular matrix (AM) defining the gene expression profile of neuronal functionality markers. Scanning electron microscopy was used to detect the acquisition of specific morphological features. Intestinal AM was prepared using an enzyme-detergent treatment. Primary rat enteric cells were isolated from the myenteric plexus of postnatal rats using an enzymatic method and seeded on intestinal AM in the presence of exogenous neurotrophic factors. The morphological properties and the expression of specific differentiation markers were evaluated by Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and wholemount fluorescent staining. In order to verify the synergic activity of soluble factors and AM, the gene expression of neurotransmitter receptors was evaluated by qPCR in ENS cells cultured in SM conditions in the presence or not of AM. The development of interconnected ganglion-like structures and the expression of neurotransmitter receptors suggested that gut matrix engineered with ENS cells could be useful for medical applications of regenerative medicine or for the in vitro assessment of tridimensional culture system of ENS

    Subchronic Exposure to TCDD, PeCDF, PCB126, and PCB153: Effect on Hepatic Gene Expression

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    We employed DNA microarray to identify unique hepatic gene expression patterns associated with subchronic exposure to 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) and other halogenated aromatic hydrocarbons (HAHs). Female Harlan Sprague-Dawley rats were exposed for 13 weeks to toxicologically equivalent doses of four different HAHs based on the toxic equivalency factor of each chemical: TCDD (100 ng/kg/day), 2,3,4,7,8-pentachlorodibenzofuran (PeCDF; 200 ng/kg/day), 3,3′,4,4′,5-pentachlorobiphenyl (PCB126; 1,000 ng/kg/day), or 2,2′,4,4′,5,5′-hexachlorobiphenyl (PCB153; 1,000 μg/kg/day). Global gene expression profiles for each exposure, which account for 8,799 gene probe sets contained on Affymetrix RGU34A GeneChips, were compared by principal components analysis. The aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AhR) ligands TCDD, PeCDF, and PCB126 produced very similar global gene expression profiles that were unique from the nonAhR ligand PCB153, underscoring the extensive impact of AhR activation and/or the resulting hepatic injury on global gene expression in female rat liver. Many genes were co-expressed during the 13-week TCDD, PeCDF, or PCB126 exposures, including classical AhR-regulated genes and some genes not previously characterized as being AhR regulated, such as carcinoembryonic-cell adhesion molecule 4 (C-CAM4) and adenylate cyclase-associated protein 2 (CAP2). Real-time reverse-transcriptase polymerase chain reaction confirmed the increased expression of these genes in TCDD-, PeCDF-, and PCB126-exposed rats as well as the up- or down-regulation of several other novel dioxin-responsive genes. In summary, DNA microarray successfully identified dioxin-responsive genes expressed after exposure to AhR ligands (TCDD, PeCDF, PCB126) but not after exposure to the non-AhR ligand PCB153. Together, these findings may help to elucidate some of the fundamental features of dioxin toxicity and may further clarify the biologic role of the AhR signaling pathway

    Electrically Switchable Photonic Molecule Laser

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    We have studied the coherent intercavity coupling of the evanescent fields of the whispering gallery modes of two terahertz quantum-cascade lasers implemented as microdisk cavities. The electrically pumped single-mode operating microcavities allow to electrically control the coherent mode coupling for proximity distances of the cavities up to 30-40 \mu\m. The optical emission of the strongest coupled photonic molecule can be perfectly switched by the electrical modulation of only one of the coupled microdisks. The threshold characteristics of the strongest coupled photonic molecule demonstrates the linear dependence of the gain of a quantum-cascade laser on the applied electric field.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    How to share underground reservoirs

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    Many resources, such as oil, gas, or water, are extracted from porous soils and their exploration is often shared among different companies or nations. We show that the effective shares can be obtained by invading the porous medium simultaneously with various fluids. Partitioning a volume in two parts requires one division surface while the simultaneous boundary between three parts consists of lines. We identify and characterize these lines, showing that they form a fractal set consisting of a single thread spanning the medium and a surrounding cloud of loops. While the spanning thread has fractal dimension 1.55±0.03{1.55\pm0.03}, the set of all lines has dimension 1.69±0.02{1.69\pm0.02}. The size distribution of the loops follows a power law and the evolution of the set of lines exhibits a tricritical point described by a crossover with a negative dimension at criticality

    Fracturing ranked surfaces

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    Discretized landscapes can be mapped onto ranked surfaces, where every element (site or bond) has a unique rank associated with its corresponding relative height. By sequentially allocating these elements according to their ranks and systematically preventing the occupation of bridges, namely elements that, if occupied, would provide global connectivity, we disclose that bridges hide a new tricritical point at an occupation fraction p=pcp=p_{c}, where pcp_{c} is the percolation threshold of random percolation. For any value of pp in the interval pc<p1p_{c}< p \leq 1, our results show that the set of bridges has a fractal dimension dBB1.22d_{BB} \approx 1.22 in two dimensions. In the limit p1p \rightarrow 1, a self-similar fracture is revealed as a singly connected line that divides the system in two domains. We then unveil how several seemingly unrelated physical models tumble into the same universality class and also present results for higher dimensions