74 research outputs found

    Interpretation of indicator studies of multistage fracturing

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    Copyright 2017, Society of Petroleum Engineers. The paper presents a technique for interpreting indicator studies of multi-stage hydraulic fracturing (MSHF) on horizontal wells (HW), based on numerical modeling of indicator transfer in the near-well zone. Two problems are distinguished in the simulation: the direct problem of calculating the pressure, water saturation, and concentration of the indicator at the given parameters of the well during the injection of the indicator and the further operation of the well; the inverse problem of selecting the parameters of the hydraulic fractures (geometry and permeability) from the measured curves of the indicator removal after the transfer of the well to the withdrawal. In the course of solving the inverse problem, the separation of the total water and oil rates along the fracturing intervals is determined. The direct problem is based on the mathematical model of a three-dimensional two-phase multicomponent filtration taking into account diffusion and sorption in the region of drainage of HW with MSHF. The case of water-soluble indicators is considered in the model. In the numerical implementation of this model, we use structured finite-volume grids with significant condensation near the fractures and wells, as well as fast-acting algorithms for the end-to-end solution of the problem for pressure in the reservoir and fractures and an explicit-implicit scheme for solving the tracer transfer problem. The solution of the inverse problem minimizes the deviation of the calculated tracer output curves, total production rate and water cut from the corresponding observation data. The minimization is performed iteratively (by modifying the Broyden-Fletcher-Goldfarb-Shanno method with the limitation of the memory used). The direct problem is solved at each iteration. In this case, a simplified model is used that takes into account the rectilinear-parallel structure of the filtration flow in the penetration region of the tracer, which makes it possible to expand the three-dimensional problem into a series of one-dimensional ones and substantially accelerate the calculation. The proposed algorithm for the interpretation of indicator studies is demonstrated by the example of processing real data obtained during the 4-interval transverse MSHF on a HW of a productive reservoir represented by the interlacing of sandy-siltstone rocks with dense interlayers of clays belonging to the terrigenous deposits of the Achimov strata of Western Siberia. The length of the horizontal section of the wellbore was 820 m. The water-soluble indicators DCT-WS-01, DCT-WS-03, DCT-WS-04, and DCT-WS-07 were used as tracers. The main hydraulic fracturing was preceded by mini-fracturing. The fractures contained 80 tons of ceramic proppant for the first three stages and 60 tons for the fourth stage. The average half-length of the hydraulic fractures was 100 m, height - 50 m, and thickness - 4 mm

    Solar coronal differential rotation from XBPs in Hinode/XRT and Yohkoh/SXT images

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    Our aim is to identify and trace the X-ray Bright Points (XBPs) over the disk and use them as tracers to determine the coronal rotation. This investigation will help to clarify and understand several issues: whether (i) the corona rotates differentially; (ii) the rotation depends on the sizes of the XBPs; and (iii) dependence on phases of the solar magnetic cycle. We analysed the daily full-disk soft X-ray images observed with (i) X-Ray Telescope (XRT) on-board the Hinode mission during January, March and April, 2007 and (ii) Soft X-ray Telescope (SXT) on-board the Yohkoh from 1992 to 2001 using SSW in IDL. We have used the tracer method to trace the passage of XBPs over the solar disk with the help of overlaying grids and derived the sidereal angular rotation velocity and the coordinates (latitude and longitude) of the XBPs. We have determined the position of a large number of XBPs both in Hinode/XRT and Yohkoh/SXT images and followed them over the solar disk as a function of time. We derived the coronal sidereal angular rotation velocity and compared it with heliocentric latitude and as a function of solar activity cycle. In addition, we measured the sizes of all the XBPs and related them with the coronal rotation. The important results derived from these investigations are: (i) the solar corona rotates differentially like the photosphere and chromosphere; (ii) the sidereal angular rotation velocity is independent of the sizes of the XBPs; (iii) the sidereal angular rotation velocity does not depend on phases of the solar magnetic cycle; and (iv) the differential rotation of the corona is present throughout the solar magnetic cycle.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figure

    Attitude of the BSMU students concerning the usage of a baby-hatch as an alternative to abortion

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    The purpose of the study is to determine the attitude of the BSMU students to the practice of using baby boxes as an alternative to abortion.Цель исследования – определить отношение студентов БГМУ к практике использования беби- боксов как к альтернативе абортам

    Experience Of The International Cooperation of the Archaeological Institute named after A.Kh. Khalikov TAS with Scientific Organizations of Uzbekistan in 2022-2023

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    The Institute of Archaeology named after A.Kh. Khalikov of the Tatarstan Academy of Sciences has been actively cooperating with scientific centres and universities of the Republic of Uzbekistan since 2022. One of the fields of cooperation is the implementation of the scientific and educational project "Bolgar International Archaeological School". The support of the International Institute for Central Asian Studies (Samarkand, Uzbekistan) and the successful implementation of the scientific and educational project served as the beginning of closer and fruitful cooperation. In March 2023, jointly with Termez State University, an interdisciplinary study of the archaeological heritage site "Palace of Termezshahs", dating from the XI–XII centuries, was carried out. In May-June 2023, archaeological studies were conducted together with the Nukus State Pedagogical Institute named after Ajiniyaz on the Khaivan-Kala fortified settlement of the VII–X centuries. Within the scientific and educational cooperation at Termez State University, specialists of the Institute of Archaeology named after A.Kh. Khalikov RT implemented an additional professional training programme "Geoinformation technologies and non-destructive methods"

    Intensity oscillations in coronal XBPs from Hinode/XRT observations

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    Our aim is to investigate the intensity oscillations in coronal X-ray Bright Points (XBPs). We analysed a 7-hours long time sequence of the soft X-ray images obtained on April 14, 2007 with 2-min cadence using X-Ray Telescope (XRT) on-board the Hinode mission. We use SSW in IDL to derive the time series of 14 XBPs and 2 background regions. For the first time, we have tried to use power spectrum analysis on XBPs data to determine the periods of intensity oscillations. coronal X-ray Bright Points (XBPs). The power spectra of XBPs show several significant peaks at different frequencies corresponding to a wide variety of time scales which range from a few minutes to hours. The light curves of all the XBPs give the impression that the XBPs can be grouped into three classes depending on emission levels: (i) weak XBPs; (ii) bright XBPs; and (iii) very strong XBPs. The periods of intensity oscillation are consistent in all the XBPs and are independent of their brightness level, suggesting that the heating mechanisms in all the three groups of XBPs are similar. The different classes of XBPs may be related to the different strengths of the magnetic field with which they have been associated.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figure

    Method for correction of oxidant-antioxidant equilibrium in lungs of newborn guinea pigs under hyperoxy

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    The purpose of the study – to study the effect of tocopherol in the composition of liposomes upon inhalation administration on the state of the oxidant-prooxidant system in newborn animals under hyperoxia.Цель исследования – изучить влияние токоферола в составе липосом при ингаляционном введении на состояние системы оксиданты-прооксиданты у новорожденных животных в условиях гипероксии

    Başkortostan Cumhuriyeti Toratau Jeoparki bal arısı (apis mellifera) popülasyonunda tergit rengi değişimi

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    A phenetic analysis of the honey bee population of the Toratau Geopark (Russia) was performed. Over 1,000 worker and drone bee samples were collected from 250 colonies in 59 apiaries on the territory of the Toratau Geopark (Gafuriysky, Ishimbaysky, Meleuzovsky, and Sterlitamaksky districts of the Republic of Bashkortostan). Six phenes in worker bees and four phenes in drone bees were recognized. The phenes E, 1R, 2R, and 3R in workers and Is, I, and O-gray in drones were predominant in the honey bee population of the Toratau Geopark, which were associated with subspecies of the Clineage. These phenes can be used as indicators of introgressive hybridization in the local dark European honey bee population. The phenes allow for quick evaluation of certain honey bee colonies hybridization states.Toratau Jeoparkı'ndaki (Rusya) bal arısı popülasyonunun fenetik analizi yapılmıştır. Toratau Jeoparkı topraklarındaki (Başkurdistan Cumhuriyeti'nin Gafuriysky, Ishimbaysky, Meleuzovsky ve Sterlitamaksky bölgeleri) 59 arılıktaki 250 koloniden 1.000'den fazla işçi ve erkek arı örneği toplanmıştır. İşçi arılarda altı fen ve erkek arılarda dört tergit rengi tespit edilmiştir. İşçilerde E, 1R, 2R ve 3R ve erkek arılarda Is, I ve O-gri fenleri Toratau Jeoparkı'ndaki bal arısı popülasyonunda baskındı ve bunlar C soyunun alt türleriyle ilişkiliydi. Bu tergit rengi, yerel koyu Avrupa bal arısı popülasyonunda içsel melezleşmenin göstergeleri olarak kullanılabilir. Bu tergit renkleri, belirli bal arısı kolonilerinin melezleşme durumlarının hızlı bir şekilde değerlendirilmesine olanak sağlamaktadır.The article was prepared with supporting the grant of the head of the Republic of Bashkortostan Radiy Khabirov, grant title "Study of the Bashkir bee population on the territory of the Toratau Geopark

    Медовая продуктивность растительных формаций геопарка Торатау Республики Башкортостан

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    The Republic of Bashkortostan is one of the regions of Russia where historically, there are favorable landscape and climatic conditions for developing the beekeeping industry. The territory of the Toratau Geopark has incredible biodiversity. Bees are pollinators of entomophilous plants, which, in turn, affects the productivity of berry and fruit plants and contributes to the revival of the natural flora of forest resources. However, only 360 thousand hectares of nectar-producing linden are growing in the three-kilometer zone of apiaries, and the rest are located in inaccessible areas of the republic.Unfavorable weather conditions do not allow for productive honey harvesting during the linden blossom period. Hence, the research aimed to determine the honey productivity of plant formations in the territory of the Toratau Geopark. The results of the studies showed that high honey productivity is characterized by gnat’s linden (574.4 kg/ha) and nettle twigs (458.1 kg/ha). Maplewood formation is a source of abundant honey harvesting in the spring period, with honey productivity of the forest type of the gnarly forest - 350.4 kg/ha, prickly-bristled barry forest - 332.3 kg/ha. In early spring, floodplain elm with significant honey productivity (254.3 kg/ha) and bramble elm (252.3 kg/ha) provide supportive honey collection and build-up of bee family strength. The knowledge gained about the honey productivity of plant formations in the study area is a scientific contribution to the rational use of honey resources in the territory of Bashkortostan. Also, these studies help preserve the natural flora of forest resources, optimize the population, expand the range, and maintain the genetic purity of the people of the native Burzyan wild bee (Apis mellifera L.), as well as for obtaining productive honey collections.Республика Башкортостан – один из регионов России, где исторически сложились благоприятные ландшафтные и климатические условия для развития отрасли пчеловодства. Территория геопарка Торатау обладает невероятным биологическим разнообразием. Пчелы являются опылителями энтомофильных растений, что, в свою очередь, отражается на продуктивности ягодных и плодовых растений и способствует возрождению естественной флоры лесных ресурсов. К нектаропродуктивным липнякам, произрастающим в трехкилометровой зоне пасек, относятся только 360 тыс. га, остальные находятся в труднодоступных районах республики. Неблагоприятные погодные условия, складывающиеся в период цветения липы, не дают получить продуктивный медосбор, поэтому целью исследований явилось определение медовой продуктивности растительных формаций на территории геопарка Торатау. Результаты исследований показали, что высокой медовой продуктивностью характеризуются липняки снытьевые (574,4 кг/га) и крапиво-таволговые (458,1 кг/га). Формация кленовников является источником обильного медосбора в весенний период с медовой продуктивностью снытьевого типа леса 350,4 кг/га, снытьево-костяничникового – 332,3 кг/га. В ранневесенний период обеспечивают поддерживающий медосбор и наращивание силы пчелиной семьи вязовник пойменный со значительной медовой продуктивностью – 254,3 кг/га и вязовник снытьево-костяничниковый (252,3 кг/га). Полученные знания о медовой продуктивности растительных формаций на исследуемой территории представляют собой научный вклад в области рационального использования медоносных ресурсов на территории Башкортостана для сохранения естественной флоры лесных ресурсов, для оптимизации численности, расширения ареала и поддержания генетической чистоты популяции аборигенной бурзянской бортевой пчелы (Apis mellifera L.), а также для получения продуктивных медосборов