393 research outputs found

    Development And Characterization of Inhaled Chitosan Nanoparticles Loaded with Isoniazid

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    The objective of our study is to load first line anti-tubercular drug, Isoniazid in chitosan Nanoparticles in order to enhance bioavailability and to reduce dose frequency. The chitosan nanoparticles containing the drug Isoniazid were prepared by the method of spontaneous emulsification. Chitosan gel containing drug is cross linked with Glutaraldehyde and nanoparticle suspension obtained was centrifuged at 5000 rpm. It was then evaluated for Drug loading, swelling index, Mucoadhesive force, Zeta potential, DLS studies, DSC studies, SEM studies, In vitro Drug release, Pharmacokinetic Studies and Stability studies.Formulation 1(F1) shows maximum Drug Loading, Swelling index and mucoadhesive force. The positive zeta value was obtained for all formulations due to positive charge of polymer used in preparation of dispersion. The DLS plot of Formulations shows that Average particle diameter are in the range of 661.8-823.8nm. The SEM study revealed that the micrographs of cross linked chitosan nanoparticles have smooth surface. The thermogram of the formulations showed the shifting of endotherm. This indicates the possible change in the release kinetics and bioavailability of the drug. In vitro drug releases was found to be maximum for formulation F6. Pharmacokinetic evaluation shows all the formulation shows first order rate release profile and release mechanism from nanoparticles is diffusion controlled. Stability studies indicated that the developed chitosan nanoparticles are physically and chemically stable and retain their pharmaceutical properties at various environmental conditions over a period of 3 months

    Simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers for assessing genetic diversity among the parental lines of hybrid rice (Oryza sativa L.)

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    The present scientific study was carried out at Tamil Nadu Rice Research Institute, Aduthurai with the objective of studying the genetic divergence among 51 restorer and five maintainer lines in terms of grain quality and fertility restorer genes (Rf3, Rf4 and Rf7) using 55 primers of simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers. Among them, 37 SSR markers were found to be polymorphic and the number of amplified fragments ranged from one to five. The highest polymorphic information content (PIC) value (more than 0.60) was observed for eight primers viz., AB 443, RM 3, RM 29, RM 226, RM 228, RM 304, RM 1812 and RM 3873 and average PIC value was 0.444. Cluster analysis using NTSYS generated dendrogram divided all the 56 parental lines into two distinct groups viz., maintainer line (Group I) and restorer line (Group II) at 76% coefficient of similarity. Maintainer line group consisted of five genotypes (COMS 23B, COMS 24B, COMS 25B, CRMS 31B and CRMS 32B) and restorer line group had 51 genotypes. Further, at 80% similarity, all fifty one restorer lines were again grouped into nine clusters. With higher polymorphism revealed by SSR markers, parental lines having the similar genetic background from pedigree information were grouped into different clusters. The combination of pedigree analysis and SSR markers could be a more reliable method to study the diversity and grouping of parental lines of hybrid rice. Hybridization between diverse restorer and CMS groups identified from this study would be expected to yield hybrid combinations with premium grain quality and good fertility restoration.Keywords: Simple sequence repeat (SSR), maintainer and restorer genetic diversity, grain quality, fertility restorationAfrican Journal of Biotechnology Vol. 12(33), pp. 5105-5116


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    Peripheral cemento-ossifying fibroma is a gingival overgrowth that occurs most commonly on the gingiva. It is a slow-growing reactive lesion. It is a benign tumor that grows to a considerable size and leads to pathologic migration of the teeth at later stages. It most commonly occurs following a gingival irritation or trauma. These lesions are said to arise from the PDL fibers excision of these lesions along with the periosteum is very important to avoid recurrence. The recurrence rate of peripheral cemento-ossifying fibroma has been reported to be 8–20%, so a close postoperative follow-up is required. Here, we are presenting two case of peripheral cemento-ossifying fibroma in the mandible

    A clinical evaluation of Pacchai Karpoora Mathirai for Kabasuram (Acute Bronchitis) in children

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    The Study on Kabasuram is done to explore the identity of the illness for the children & to review the Siddha Literature. The Literature evidence of both Siddha & modern were reviewed & recent studies on the individual drugs of the trial drug were collected. The drug which are mentioned in siddha literature for the management of Kabasuram were selected and the study is conducted after the proposal was screened by the screening committee of National Institute of Siddha. The clinical study has been approved by IEC of NIS, approved no: NIS/IEC/9/2014-15/22-26.08.2015. The trial registred in clinical trial registry of India with reg no: CTRI/2017/05/008457 The Authentication of ingredients of the trial drug was obtained from medicinal Botanist NIS Chennai and CRRI, Arumbakkam, Chennai. Purification of raw drugs and preparation of trail drug was done at Gunapadam Laboratory, Department of Gunapadam, NIS, Chennai. Bio Chemical Analysis of trial drug was done in Biochemistry Laboratory, Department of Biochemistry, NIS Chennai. Physio chemical analysis was done in CRRI, Arumbakkam, Chennai. Patients attending the Kuzhandhai maruthuvam OPD, AyothidossPandithar hospital of NIS having the compliance of Kabasuram, diagnosed clinically and the patients were observed. Clinical symptoms of kabasuram emphasis with the symptoms of acute bronchitis like Fever, Cough with or without expectoration, constipation, poor appetite and myalgia. Clinical diagnosis of kabasuram was done on the basis of clinical features described in Balavagadam text. Diagnosis had been made out based on the specially prepared proforma, including all clinical signs and symptoms of the disease, in which detailed history had been taken. According to the Literature evidence the Symptoms of Kabasuram may be correlated with acute bronchitis. The medicine chosen for this clinical trial is Pacchai Karpoora Mathirai internally once a day. All the patients were kept under diet control during the treatment. The clinical efficacy of the drug was analyzed statistically on all the symptoms based on the assessment criteria. Kabasuram explained in siddha paediatric text balavagadam having the symptoms of fever, dry or productive cough, breathing difficulty, constipation, Running nose, Malaise which are in the close familiarity with the clinical manifestation of acute bronchitis. Among 40 cases, 40(100%) cases had fever, 37(92.5%) cases had cough, 25(62.5%) cases had running nose, 15(37.5%) cases had constipation, 39(97.5%) cases had malaise, 19(47.5%) cases had breathing difficulty. At the end of the treatment amongst 40 cases 100% of cases got relief from fever,amongst 37 cases, 54% of cases got relief from cough, amongst 19 cases,68.4% of case got relief from breathing difficulty,amongst 15 cases, 93.3% of cases got relief from constipation, amongst 25 cases 64% of cases got relief from running nose, amongst 39 cases, 35, 8% of cases got relief from malaise. From the above results it is evident that signs and symptoms explained in siddha and modern literatures are mostly reflected and in coherence with in the paediatric population. The Kabasuram score of Pacchai Karpoora Mathirai, before and after treatment were 4.2750 ± 2.1362 and 0.9750 ± 1.3865 respectively which is statistically significant.(t – value 9.253, p < 0.00). The reduction of Kabasuram score from the start of treatment is 55 % at the end of the treatment. About 55% gives good result,37.5% of children gives moderate result & 7.5% cases were poor result. The observation made during the clinical study showed that the trail drug, Pacchai Karpoora Mathirai was clinically effective on Kabasuram (Acute bronchitis). CONCLUSION: The present study indicates the purity and stability of the test drug Pacchai Karpoora Mathirai. The test drug in-vitro Anti-Inflammatory Activity, from the result of the study it was concluded that the test drug Pacchai Karpoora Mathirai possess promising anti-inflammatory property in protein denaturation assay. In the present study the trail drug Pacchai Karpoora Mathirai is treated to the children of age group 8-12 yrs. All the forty patients of Kabasuram were treated with Pacchai Karpoora Mathirai (65mg) internally once a day. The ingredients of Pacchai Karpoora Mathirai are easily available and very much affordable to all people. The trial medicine has many properties to control the signs and symptoms of Kabasuram. During the course of treatment, no adverse interactions were observed. Clinical results were found to be significantly good improvement in 55% of cases, moderately in 37.5 % of cases. Because of the encouraging results clinically, the study may be carried over to further researches, pharmacological study, toxicity, and it may motivate the upcoming generation to manage the disease Kabasuram through the Siddha medicine and also this study throw a new glitters to Siddha scientific community

    Evaluation of Anti-Diabetic Effect of Jasminum Polyanthum Hydroalcoholic Extract on Streptozotocin Induced Diabetic Rats

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    Jasminum polyanthum Franch is a plant traditionally used for the cure and treatment of many ailments like ulcers, vesicles, boils, skin diseases, eye disorders, diabetes and cancer. The claims for the utility of the plant in the treatment of diabetes has not been scientifically evaluated. This desertion was designed based in the traditional claim to emphasize the antihyperglycaemic, antioxidant potential of the hydroalcoholic extract of the flowers of Jasminum polyanthum. Preliminary phytochemical analysis of the JPH extract of flowers showed that the plant has a rich possession of phytochemicals like alkaloids, reducing sugars, tannins and phenols. Terpinoids, steroids, gums and mucilage were absent in the extract. Acute oral toxicity studies reveal that JPH flower extract did not produce any mortality or signs of toxicity at the dose of 1000 and 2000mg/kg b.w/ p.o in experimental rats. No significant reduction of blood glucose level were observed in the treatment of JPH 200mg of flower extract in STZ induced diabetic rats. In the study a steady decrease in blood glucose level was observed on 400mg JPH extract of flower treatment in STZ induced diabetic rats. The treatment of JPH flower extract showed marked increase in body weight ,marked increase in HDL-cholesterol levels in serum of STZ induced diabetic animals. At the same time significant decrease in Total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, VLDL cholesterol and triglycerides was observed in serum of diabetic animals. The antioxidant study revealed that the pancreatic antioxidant exzyme levels (SOD,GRD and CAT) are significantly increased in JPH flower extract treated rats. In treatment groups histopathology study reveals that normalisation of pancreatic islets cells. Based on the obtained results and observations, we can infer that the flower of Jasminum polyanthum will be a good alternative and supportive treatment for diabetes mellitus, as the plant offers effective protection against free radicals which may cure the diabetic complications. Further studies is required to establish the anti hyperglycaemic activity of Jasminum polyanthum in terms of molecular mechanism involved for the action

    A clinical, epidemiological and therapeutic scenario of dermatophytosis in a tertiary care hospital in the state of Telangana, India

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    Background: Dermatophytosis is a superficial fungal infection of the keratinized tissue. The infection generally designated as Tinea. Objectives of the study were to analyze the epidemiological, clinical and therapeutic scenario of the patients of the dermatophytosis attending a tertiary care hospital in the state of Telangana. As these infection falls into differential diagnosis of many skin disorders it is necessary to make early laboratory tests for better management. These infections spread through occlusive foot wear, hot humid climate, malnutrition, endocrinal disorders like Cushing syndrome.Methods: The present study was a prospective study conducted on individual patients who visited DVL department of Malla Reddy Medical College for women, Suraram, Hyderabad in the Telangana state between 23/11/2015 to 22/3/2016.Results: Males were more than females. Maximum patients were seen in the age group of 21-30 years. Very few cases were seen above the age of 60 years. Maximum cases presented with T. corporis followed by T. cruris. Five cases had more than one type of Tinea. Maximum cases were KOH positive. 26.3% of cases were culture positive. 17.5% of cases were both KOH and culture positive Maximum i.e. 70.2% of cases were treated with miconazole followed by clotrimazole in 10.5% of cases Maximum cases were treated with terbinafine in 56.14% of cases followed by itraconazole in 12.3% of cases.Conclusions: This study provides an incidence of T. corporis with male predominance of cases and responding well to the standard therapeutic line of management along with proper personal counseling about the lifestyle modifications in a tertiary care hospital

    Ecotypic Variations in Indian Populations of Eryngium Foetidum L.

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    Aim: The ecotypic variations with respect to total phenolics, flavonoid, tannin and Vitamin-C content in three different populations of E. foetidum collected from Andaman, Darjeeling (West Bengal) and Hassan (Karnataka) have been studied. Methodology: The total phenolic and total tannin content was estimated by FC method against standard pyrogallol and gallic acid respectively. Vitamin C was extracted with 4% oxalic acid solution and estimated using 2, 4- dinitrophenyl hydrazine reagent alongside standard ascorbic acid. The total flavonoid content was determined by Aluminum chloride colorimetric method with standard Quercitin (1mg/ml). The values were expressed as mg/g equivalents of respective standards. Results: A significant difference (p= 0.05%) in the concentration of secondary metabolites among all the studied populations was observed. The total phenolic content was highest in the Darjeeling population, flavonoid and tannin content was maximum in Andaman population and Vitamin C content was predominantly high in the Karnataka population. Conclusion: The variations in phytochemical constituents could be attributed to the possible interaction of the plant populations with their geographical location and their subsequent adaptations to the same

    A clinical observational study on second-trimester abortion

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    Background: Second-trimester abortion is an important component of the comprehensive women’s health care. Data’s regarding second-trimester abortion is still under-reporting. Though the percentage of induced second-trimester abortion is low, its morbidity is higher than the first-trimester induced abortion. The abortion related mortality usually increases with the age of gestation.Methods: A retrospective observational study was conducted in the department of obstetrics and gynecology at Sree Balaji Medical College and Hospital, Chennai, over a period of one year. The data were collected from the medical case records and we have analyzed on the epidemiology, etiologies, complications and the methods of second- trimester abortion using statistical analysis.Results: In this study, there was no standard regimen of mifepristone and misoprostol were used for second-trimester abortion.  The dosages were varied based on the gestational age of pregnancy. As the gestational age progresses, the amount of misoprostol required for the induction of second trimester abortion decreases and the difference is statistically significant. There was no reported case of rupture uterus, but varied complications such as post-abortal hemorrhage, retained placenta, need for blood transfusion, uterine perforation and one maternal death were reported during the study period.Conclusions: In order to reduce the morbidity and mortality of second trimester abortion, more policies and monitored services have to be rendered by the health system. Data regarding the second trimester abortion have to be improved.