63,695 research outputs found

    Experimental Simulation of the Interaction of Biased Solar Arrays with the Space Plasma

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    The phenomenon of unexpectedly large leakage currents collected by small exposed areas of high voltage solar arrays operating in a plasma environment was investigated. Polyimide (Kapton) was the insulating material used in all tests. Both positive bias (electron collection) and negative bias (ion collection) tests were performed. A mode change in the electron collection mechanism was associated with a glow discharge process and was found to be related to the neutral background density. Results indicate that the glow discharge collection mode does not occur in a space environment where the background density is considerably lower than that of the vacuum facility used

    Inert gas thrusters

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    Some advances in component technology for inert gas thrusters are described. The maximum electron emission of a hollow cathode with Ar was increased 60-70% by the use of an enclosed keeper configuration. Operation with Ar, but without emissive oxide, was also obtained. A 30 cm thruster operated with Ar at moderate discharge voltages give double-ion measurements consistent with a double ion correlation developed previously using 15 cm thruster data. An attempt was made to reduce discharge losses by biasing anodes positive of the discharge plasma. The reason this attempt was unsuccessful is not yet clear. The performance of a single-grid ion-optics configuration was evaluated. The ion impingement on the single grid accelerator was found to approach the value expected from the projected blockage when the sheath thickness next to the accelerator was 2-3 times the aperture diameter

    Industrial ion source technology

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    An analytical model was developed to describe the development of a coned surface texture with ion bombardment and simultaneous deposition of an impurity. A mathematical model of sputter deposition rate from a beveled target was developed in conjuction with the texturing models to provide an important input to that model. The establishment of a general procedure that will allow the treatment of manay different sputtering configurations is outlined. Calculation of cross sections for energetic binary collisions was extened to Ar, Kr.. and Xe with total cross sections for viscosity and diffusion calculated for the interaction energy range from leV to 1000eV. Physical sputtering and reactive ion etching experiments provided experimental data on the operating limits of a broad beam ion source using CF4 as a working gas to produce reactive species in a sputtering beam. Magnetic clustering effects are observed when Al is seeded with Fe and sputtered with Ar(?) ions. Silicon was textured at a micron scale by using a substrate temperature of 600 C

    Ion source design for industrial applications

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    The design of broad-beam industrial ion sources is described. The approach used emphasizes refractory metal cathodes and permanent-magnet multipole discharge chambers. Design procedures and sample calculations are given for the discharge chamber, ion optics, cathodes, and magnetic circuit. Hardware designs are included for the isolator, cathode supports, anode supports, pole-piece assembly, and ion-optics supports. There are other ways of designing most ion source components, but the designs presented are representative of current technology and adaptable to a wide range of configurations

    Electric thruster research

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    It has been customary to assume that ions flow nearly equally in all directions from the ion production region within an electron-bombardment discharge chamber. In general, the electron current through a magnetic field can alter the electron density, and hence the ion density, in such a way that ions tend to be directed away from the region bounded by the magnetic field. When this mechanism is understood, it becomes evident that many past discharge chamber designs have operated with a preferentially directed flow of ions. Thermal losses were calculated for an oxide-free hollow cathode. At low electron emissions, the total of the radiation and conduction losses agreed with the total discharge power. At higher emissions, though, the plasma collisions external to the cathode constituted an increasingly greater fraction of the discharge power. Experimental performance of a Hall-current thruster was adversely affected by nonuniformities in the magnetic field, produced by the cathode heating current. The technology of closed-drift thrusters was reviewed. The experimental electron diffusion in the acceleration channel was found to be within about a factor of 3 of the Bohm value for the better thruster designs at most operating conditions. Thruster efficiencies of about 0.5 appear practical for the 1000 to 2000 s range of specific impulse. Lifetime information is limited, but values of several thousands of hours should be possible with anode layer thrusters operated or = to 2000 s

    Sputtering phenomena in ion thrusters

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    Sputtering effects in discharge chambers of ion thrusters are lifetime limiting in basically two ways: (1) ion bombardment of critical thruster components at energies sufficient to cause sputtering removes significant quantities of material; enough to degrade operation through adverse dimensional changes or possibly lead to complete component failure, and (2) metals sputtered from these intensely bombarded components are deposited in other locations as thin films and subsequently flake or peel off; the flakes then lodge elsewhere in the discharge chamber with the possibility of providing conductive paths for short circuiting of thruster components such as the ion optics. This experimental work has concentrated in two areas. The first has been to operate thrusters for multi-hour periods and to observe and measure the films found inside the thruster. The second was to simulate the environment inside the discharge chamber of the thruster by means of a dual ion beam system. Here, films were sputter deposited in the presence of a second low energy bombarding beam to simulate film deposition on thruster interior surfaces that undergo simultaneous sputtering and deposition. Mo presents serious problems for use in a thruster as far as film deposition is concerned. Mo films were found to be in high stress, making them more likely to peel and flake

    Electric and magnetic fields

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    A number of energy momentum anomalies are described that result from the use of Abraham-Lorentz electromagnetic theory. These anomalies have in common the motion of charged bodies or current carrying conductors relative to the observer. The anomalies can be avoided by using the nonflow approach, based on internal energy of the electromagnetic field. The anomalies can also be avoided by using the flow approach, if all contributions to flow work are included. The general objective of this research is a fundamental physical understanding of electric and magnetic fields which, in turn, might promote the development of new concepts in electric space propulsion. The approach taken is to investigate quantum representations of these fields

    An evaluation of community-based interventions used on the prevention of female genital mutilation in West African countries

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    The traditional practice called female genital mutilation has been recorded in several countries in Africa and in other regions around the world. Female genital mutilation is regarded as a major public health burden due to the extensive health risks associated with the procedure and community-based interventions has been prescribed to eliminate the practice. This paper presents a review of published literature about community-based interventions carried out to prevent female genital mutilation in West Africa between the years 2000-2013. A literature search was conducted for papers published between the years 2000 - 2013. Papers were reviewed if they reported a positive change in knowledge, attitude and behaviour towards FGM. Twenty papers met the inclusion criteria. A total of eight types of methods were identified: advocacy campaigns, health education, sensitization workshops, community dialogue, media campaigns (radio, newspaper, film shows, information posters) counselling, role plays and skills training. This study identified that these interventions utilised health promotion models such as the behaviour change, client-centred/empowerment, social change and most commonly the educational model. None of the interventions were based on the medical model of health promotion. Hence, it seems an incorporation of the medical and educational models of health promotion could result in a greater impact in community-based interventions to prevent FG