42,227 research outputs found

    Mixed and discontinuous finite volume element schemes for the optimal control of immiscible flow in porous media

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    We introduce a family of hybrid discretisations for the numerical approximation of optimal control problems governed by the equations of immiscible displacement in porous media. The proposed schemes are based on mixed and discontinuous finite volume element methods in combination with the optimise-then-discretise approach for the approximation of the optimal control problem, leading to nonsymmetric algebraic systems, and employing minimum regularity requirements. Estimates for the error (between a local reference solution of the infinite dimensional optimal control problem and its hybrid approximation) measured in suitable norms are derived, showing optimal orders of convergence

    Noncommutative Einstein-Maxwell pp-waves

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    The field equations coupling a Seiberg-Witten electromagnetic field to noncommutative gravity, as described by a formal power series in the noncommutativity parameters θαβ\theta^{\alpha\beta}, is investigated. A large family of solutions, up to order one in θαβ\theta^{\alpha\beta}, describing Einstein-Maxwell null pp-waves is obtained. The order-one contributions can be viewed as providing noncommutative corrections to pp-waves. In our solutions, noncommutativity enters the spacetime metric through a conformal factor and is responsible for dilating/contracting the separation between points in the same null surface. The noncommutative corrections to the electromagnetic waves, while preserving the wave null character, include constant polarization, higher harmonic generation and inhomogeneous susceptibility. As compared to pure noncommutative gravity, the novelty is that nonzero corrections to the metric already occur at order one in θαβ\theta^{\alpha\beta}.Comment: 19 revtex pages. One refrence suppressed, two references added. Minor wording changes in the abstract, introduction and conclusio

    Atypical Thermonuclear Supernovae from Tidally Crushed White Dwarfs

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    Suggestive evidence has accumulated that intermediate mass black holes (IMBH) exist in some globular clusters. As stars diffuse in the cluster, some will inevitable wander sufficiently close to the hole that they suffer tidal disruption. An attractive feature of the IMBH hypothesis is its potential to disrupt not only solar-type stars but also compact white dwarf stars. Attention is given to the fate of white dwarfs that approach the hole close enough to be disrupted and compressed to such extent that explosive nuclear burning may be triggered. Precise modeling of the dynamics of the encounter coupled with a nuclear network allow for a realistic determination of the explosive energy release, and it is argued that ignition is a natural outcome for white dwarfs of all varieties passing well within the tidal radius. Although event rates are estimated to be significantly less than the rate of normal Type Ia supernovae, such encounters may be frequent enough in globular clusters harboring an IMBH to warrant a search for this new class of supernova.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figures, ApJ, accepte

    Search for the companions of Galactic SNe Ia

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    The central regions of the remnants of Galactic SNe Ia have been examined for the presence of companion stars of the exploded supernovae. We present the results of this survey for the historical SN 1572 and SN 1006. The spectra of the stars are modeled to obtain Teff, log g and the metallicity. Radial velocities are obtained with an accuracy of 5--10 km s1^{-1}. Implications for the nature of the companion star in SNeIa follow.Comment: 8 pages, 2 Postscript figures. Appeared in "From Twilight to Highlight: the Physics of Supernovae", ed. W. Hillebrandt & B. Leibundgut (Springer), pp. 140-14

    Instability of Amorphous Ru-Si-O Thin Films under Thermal Oxidation

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    Ternary films about 200 nm thick of composition Ru20Si15O65 have been synthesized by reactive rf magnetron sputtering of a Ru1Si1 target in an argon-oxygen gas. As-deposited, the films are X-ray-amorphous. Their atomic density is 8.9 × 10^22/cm^3 (5.1 g/cm^3), and their electrical resistivity is in the range of 2 mOmega cm. After annealing in dry oxygen at 600°C for 30 min, micron-sized grains of RuO2 grow out of the film and volatile RuO4 escapes. The significance of these results is discussed

    A new scaling property of turbulent flows

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    We discuss a possible theoretical interpretation of the self scaling property of turbulent flows (Extended Self Similarity). Our interpretation predicts that, even in cases when ESS is not observed, a generalized self scaling, must be observed. This prediction is checked on a number of laboratory experiments and direct numerical simulations.Comment: Plain Latex, 1 figure available upon request to [email protected]

    Dark Matter, Sparticle Spectroscopy and Muon (g2)(g-2) in SU(4)c×SU(2)L×SU(2)RSU(4)_c \times SU(2)_L \times SU(2)_R

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    We explore the sparticle mass spectra including LSP dark matter within the framework of supersymmetric SU(4)c×SU(2)L×SU(2)RSU(4)_c \times SU(2)_L \times SU(2)_R (422) models, taking into account the constraints from extensive LHC and cold dark matter searches. The soft supersymmetry-breaking parameters at MGUTM_{GUT} can be non-universal, but consistent with the 422 symmetry. We identify a variety of coannihilation scenarios compatible with LSP dark matter, and study the implications for future supersymmetry searches and the ongoing muon g-2 experiment.Comment: 21 pages, 8 fig

    A resonance without resonance: scrutinizing the diphoton excess at 750 GeV

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    Motivated by the recent diphoton excesses reported by both ATLAS and CMS collaborations, we suggest that a new heavy spinless particle is produced in gluon fusion at the LHC and decays to a couple of lighter pseudoscalars which then decay to photons. The new resonances could arise from a new strongly interacting sector and couple to Standard Model gauge bosons only via the corresponding Wess-Zumino-Witten anomaly. We present a detailed recast of the newest 13 TeV data from ATLAS and CMS together with the 8 TeV data to scan the consistency of the parameter space for those resonances.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, extended discussion of underlying models, new plots with varying mass of the heavy scalar, to appear in PL

    Chiral Perturbation Theory, the 1/Nc{1/N_c} expansion and Regge behaviour determine the structure of the lightest scalar meson

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    The leading 1/Nc1/N_c behaviour of Unitarised Chiral Perturbation Theory distinguishes the nature of the ρ\rho and the σ\sigma. At one loop order the ρ\rho is a qˉq{\bar q}q meson, while the σ\sigma is not. However, semi-local duality between resonances and Regge behaviour cannot be satisfied for larger NcN_c, if such a distinction holds. While the σ\sigma at Nc=3N_c=3 is inevitably dominated by its di-pion component, Unitarised Chiral Perturbation Theory beyond one loop order reveals that as NcN_c increases above 6-8, the σ\sigma has a sub-dominant qˉq{\bar q}q fraction up at 1.2 GeV. Remarkably this ensures semi-local duality is fulfilled for the range of Nc15N_c \lesssim 15, where the unitarisation procedure adopted applies.Comment: 22 pages, 8 figures. Version to be published in Physical Review