205 research outputs found

    Separation and characterization of biosurfactant from P.aeruginosa sp1 isolated from oil mill area MIDC, Parbhani (M.S.)

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    Biosurfactant are an amphiphilic compound that reduces surface and interfacial tensions by accumulating at the interface of immiscible fluids and increase the surface areas of insoluble compounds leading to increased mobility. The extraction of the biosurfactant from the cell free supernatant using the solvent extraction procedure and the quantitative analysis has been discussed. The application of the biosurfactant includes biomedical, cosmetics and bioremediation rhamnolipid biosurfactant produced by Pseudomonas aeruginosa sp showed significant applications in the bioremediation of hydrocarbon in gasoline spilled oil and petroleum oily sludge in this review we discuss the potential roles and applications of biosurfactant, mainly focusing on areas such as food and food related industries, biomedicine and therapeutics

    Screening and optimization of biosurfactant producing bacteria from oil mill area MIDC, Parbhani (M.S.)

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    Biosurfactant are amphiphilic compounds produced on living surfaces, mostly on microbial cell surfaces. They are biodegradable non- toxic and ecofreindly materials. Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolated from oil mill area produced biosurfactant at 370C at pH 7 on YPG medium and mineral salt medium. The biosurfactant production depends on the fermentation conditions, environmental factors and nutrient availability. The extraction of the biosurfactant from the cell free supernatant using the solvent extraction procedure & the qualitative and quantitative analysis has been discussed with appropriates equipment details

    Enhance Crawler For Efficiently Harvesting Deep Web Interfaces

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    Scenario in web is varying quickly and size of web resources is rising, efficiency has become a challenging problem for crawling such data. The hidden web content is the data that cannot be indexed by search engines as they always stay behind searchable web interfaces. The proposed system purposes to develop a framework for focused crawler for efficient gathering hidden web interfaces. Firstly Crawler performs site-based searching for getting center pages with the help of web search tools to avoid from visiting additional number of pages. To get more specific results for a focused crawler, projected crawler ranks websites by giving high priority to more related ones for a given search. Crawler accomplishes fast in-site searching via watching for more relevant links with an adaptive link ranking. Here we have incorporated spell checker for giving correct input and apply reverse searching with incremental site prioritizing for wide-ranging coverage of hidden web sites

    Processing of Beach Sand Minerals of Maharastra Coast

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    In the present paper, an attempt has been to bene-ficiate beach sand minerals of Maharastra coast. For this purpose, beach sand mineral samples were collected from two different coastal places namely; Pirawadi and Kother-wadi area. The samples obtained were subjected for chara-cterization & beneficiation studies. The characterization studies were mainly carried out by mineralogical analyses. The mineralogical analyses indicated 12-15% Ilmenite, 5-7% Magnetite and 65-70% Quartz in Pirawadi sample. Similarly Kotherwadi sample showed the presence of 10-12% Ilmanite along with 40-45% quartz. The studies also indicated the increased heavy mineral concentration in finer size (-75 11) fractions. Further, the beneficiation studies were carried out using Perm roll magnetic separator using different variables such as particle size, magnetic inte-nsity, roll speed, splitter position etc. From the studies it was possible to recover 80-85% magnetic minerals under different conditions

    A comparative clinical study on Tagara-Devadaru Lepa with and without Prachhanna in the management of Indralupta with special reference to Alopecia Areata

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    Hair disorders causes negative impact towards individual and his/her quality of life. Indralupta is a disease in which hair is lost from some or all areas of the body, usually from scalp. It shows one or more round spot on the scalp . It arises from the vitiation of Tridosha and Rakta. Treatment advised is Siravedhana and topical application of herbal and mineral drugs. To avoid complications of Siravedhana, inthis study Prachhanna was preffered and Tagara-Devadaru chosen as drug for topical application at the site of Indralupta. In this study we had taken 40 Diagnosed patients of Indraluptaand were subjected to clinical trials. They were randomly assigned into two Groups namely Group A and Group B. Group A treated with Tagara-Devadaru Lepa, while subject under Group B treated by Prachhanna along with Tagara-Devadaru Lepa. The treatment modalities of TagaraDevadaru Lepa and Prachhanna with Tagara-Devadaru Lepa are equally efficacious in treating.On comparing the results of Group A and Group B, the conclusion were drawn.Both the methods of treatment are cost effective, easy to prepare and had no adverse effects

    Genetic variability of the bollworm, Helicoverpa armigera, occurring on different host plants

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    The bollworm, Helicoverpa armigera Hübner (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) is a polyphagous pest of worldwide occurrence inflicting annual crop damage in India worth US$ 1billion. In India this insect occurs as a major pest in many economically important crops, including cotton, pigeonpea, chickpea, tomato, okra, and blackgram. Understanding the genetic variation among the H. armigera populations occurring on host plants has become essential to understand the variation in their susceptibility to different insecticides, including Bacillus thuringiensis. This preliminary study uses 10 microsatellite simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers, to provide insight into the genetic variability of H. armigera populations from six different host plants. Nine of the SSR primers indicated high variability across the different host associated populations with polymorphism ranging from 75 to 100 per cent. Using the un-weighted pair-group method analysis, H. armigera collected and reared from cotton stood out as unique in one cluster while the insects collected and reared on all other hosts grouped separately

    Male form of persistent Mullerian duct syndrome type I (hernia uteri inguinalis) presenting as an obstructed inguinal hernia: a case report

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Introduction</p> <p>Persistent Mullerian duct syndrome is a rare form of male pseudo-hermaphroditism characterized by the presence of Mullerian duct structures in an otherwise phenotypically, as well as genotypically, normal man; only a few cases have been reported in the worldwide literature. We report the case of a 30-year-old man with unilateral cryptorchidism on the right side and a left-sided obstructed inguinal hernia containing a uterus and fallopian tube (that is, hernia uteri inguinalis; type I male form of persistent Mullerian duct syndrome) coincidentally detected during an operation for an obstructed left inguinal hernia.</p> <p>Case presentation</p> <p>A 30-year-old South Indian man was admitted to our facility with a left-sided obstructed inguinal hernia of one day's duration. He had a 12-year history of inguinal swelling and an absence of the right testis since birth. Our patient had well developed masculine features. Local physical examination revealed a left-sided obstructed inguinal hernia with an absence of the right testis in the scrotum. Exploration of the inguinal canal revealed an indirect inguinal hernia containing omentum, the left corner of the uterus and a left fallopian tube. Extension of the incision revealed a well formed uterus, cervix and upper part of the vagina attached to the prostate by a thick fibrosed band. Total excision of the uterus, bilateral fallopian tubes and right testis was performed. A biopsy was taken from the left testis. The operation was completed by left inguinal herniorraphy. Histopathological examination of the hernial contents was consistent with that of a uterus and fallopian tubes without ovaries. Both testes were atrophied, with complete arrest of spermatogenesis. Post-operative karyotype analyses were negative for 46,XY and Barr bodies on buccal smear. A semen examination revealed azoospermia with a low serum testosterone level.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>In cases of unilateral or bilateral cryptorchidism associated with inguinal hernia, as in our patient's case, the possibility of persistent Mullerian duct syndrome should be kept in mind in order to prevent further complications such as infertility and malignant change. Hernia uteri inguinalis is the type I male form of persistent Mullerian duct syndrome, characterized by one descended testis and herniation of the ipsilateral corner of the uterus and fallopian tube into the inguinal canal.</p