715 research outputs found

    Ser diplomado do ensino superior: escolhas, percursos e retornos

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    Textos selecionados a partir de comunicações apresentadas no 3.º Seminário “Ser Diplomado do Ensino Superior: Escolhas, Percursos e Retornos”, realizado pelo ObservatoriUM - Observatório dos Percursos Académicos dos Estudantes da Universidade do Minho (Campus de Gualtar, 9 de junho de 2017).Este trabalho é financiado pelo CIEd - Centro de Investigação em Educação, projetos UID/CED/1661/2013 e UID/CED/1661/2016, Instituto de Educação, Universidade do Minho, através de fundos nacionais da FCT/MCTES-PT.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Short communication: Gender and heat stress effects on hypothalamic gene expression and feed intake in broilers

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    Our study aims to evaluate gender and heat stress effects on animal performance and on the expression of five hypothalamic genes related to feed consumption: neuropeptide Y (NPY), ghrelin (GHRL), pro-opiomelanocortin (POMC), AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPKα-1), and liver kinase B1 (LKB1). To assay these effects, 42-day-old male and female broilers were maintained in thermal comfort or were subjected to heat stress (HS, 38°C for 24 hours). All animals were fed with diets formulated to meet their nutritional requirements. Broilers subjected to HS showed lower weight gain (p=0.0065) and tended to have lower feed intake (p=0.0687) than broilers kept in comfortable conditions. We observed gender and heat stress interaction effects on NPY (p=0.0225), AMPKα-1 (p=0.0398), and POMC expression (p=0.0072). The highest NPY gene expression was observed in male broilers from the thermal comfort group. Male broilers exposed to HS showed the highest AMPKα-1 gene expression levels. Comparing POMC expression between males and females at the comfortable temperature, we observed that females showed higher POMC expression levels than male broilers. A gender effect was also observed on LKB1 and AMPKα-1 gene expression (p=0.0256 and p=0.0001, respectively); increased expression was observed in male broilers. Our results indicate that the expression of some hypothalamic genes related to food consumption may contribute to the observed differences in voluntary feed intake between animals of different gender exposed to different environmental conditions

    Morphofunctional study of Crab-eating Raccoon (Procyon cancrivorus) mammary gland

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    Para a descrição macro e microscópica das glândulas mamárias foram utilizadas três fêmeas de Mão Pelada (Procyon cancrivorus). As amostras das glândulas foram processadas conforme técnicas rotineiras para histologia. As fêmeas estudadas apresentaram 3 pares de glândulas mamárias, sendo um par de glândula mamária abdominal cranial, um par de abdominal caudal e um par de inguinal. As papilas mamárias apresentaram formato pendular, como os canídeos domésticos. Microscopicamente, a glândula mamária apresentou da porção externa para a interna: epiderme (epitélio estratificado pavimentoso queratinizado), derme (tecido conjuntivo frouxo e tecido conjuntivo denso não modelado), fibras musculares lisas e ductos papilíferos que abrem em vários ósteos papilares em formato de "chuveiro". A porção secretora glandular era caracteristicamente túbulo alveolar, com células cuboidais dispostas em camada simples. Os resultados indicam que o conjunto glandular estudado é semelhante ao da cadela (Cannis familiaris) tanto em seu aspecto macroscópico quanto em seu aspecto microscópico, este fato sugere que podemos utilizar o Mão Pelada e o Cão como modelos similares de estudo, para identificação de patologias relacionadas a este sistema.Three Procyon cancrivorus females were studied with emphasis for gross and microscopical description of the mammary glands. Samples of the glands were processed with routine techniques for histology. The females studied presented three pairs of mammary glands: one pair of cranial abdominal mammary glands, a second pair of caudal abdominal and a third one, as inguinal mammary glands. Mammary papillae presented a pendulum shape, as in the domestic dogs. Microscopically, the mammary gland consisted from the external to the internal portion (1) of stratified squamous epithelium of the epidermis, (2) dense irregular connective tissue of the derma, and (3) smooth muscle fibers and papillary ducts that flowed with "shower" shape into the lactiferous sinus. The secretory portion consisted of tubule-alveolar glands with cuboidal cells disposed in a simple layer. The results indicate that the set of glandular studies is similar to ones related to dog (Canis familiaris) in such a way in its gross aspect that how much in its microscopically structure. This fact suggests that we can use the raccoon and the dog as similar models of study, for identification of pathologies related to this system.Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP

    Changes of the digestive tract of Golden Retriever dogs affected by muscular dystrophy

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    O modelo experimental canino Golden Retriever portador da Distrofia Muscular (GRMD) é o melhor substituto entre os modelos animais para estudar a Distrofia Muscular de Duchenne. Além da musculatura estriada, a doença pode afetar a musculatura estriada cardíaca e a musculatura lisa, e desta forma, o funcionamento do trato digestório, já que o músculo liso é o elemento primário dos órgãos tubulares. Através de estudo morfológico descritivo, o objetivo deste trabalho foi verificar se a distrofia muscular afeta a arquitetura geral do trato digestório e como se dispõe sua estrutura muscular em animais afetados. Foram realizadas avaliações descritivas macro e microscópicas com colorações de Hematoxilina-Eosina, Tricrômio de Masson e Picrosirius. Entre os resultados apresentados, verificou-se que o esôfago e o fígado dos animais afetados encontraram-se alterados, assim como o estômago não ocupava seu lugar habitual. O músculo diafragma apresentava-se atrofiado e diferenças histológicas foram encontradas na camada muscular do sistema gastrointestinal, em geral. Outras estruturas do tubo digestório de GRMDs apresentaram-se de maneira similar a de um animal normal.The experimental canine model Golden Retriever carrier of Muscular Dystrophy (GRMD) is the best substitute of animal models to study Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy. Above striated muscle, the disease can affect the heart and smooth muscle, so the functioning of the digestive tract, as the smooth muscle is the primary element of tubular organs. Through morphological description, the purpose of this study was to determine whether the muscular dystrophy affects the overall architecture of the digestive tract and how is willing this muscular structure. Were evaluated macroscopic and microscopic optical description staining with hematoxylin-eosin, Masson's trichrome and Sirius. The esophagus and liver of affected animals were altered. The stomach of the animals did not occupy the usual space. The diaphragm muscle had atrophied. The general histological structure of the digestive tract presented in a manner similar to a normal animal. Changes and histological differences were found in the muscle layer.Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq