57 research outputs found

    Kajian Kebijakan Dan Program Peningkatan Ekonomi Lokal Di Kabupaten Minahasa Selatan

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    . This study aims to determine the regulations and policies relating to the activities of Small Business, small business contribution to economic growth since the autonomy to implement, and support for small business development in South Minahasa regency. This study used a survey technique, with a population of small businesses in South Minahasa regency. Sample was determined by 30 small business units in six districts with a proportional amount specified villages. While institutions in the survey who had close links with the coaching and development of small businesses. The results indicate the regulations and policies related to various economic activities, more people includes regulations related to the effort to obtain and increase local revenue. Small business enough to contribute to economic growth, particularly in moving the economy to fulfill the basic needs. Realization of government assistance for small business development is still lacking. Although the natural resources in the South Minahasa district has good potential as a driver economic capital, but if not managed wisely hard drives the local economy. Regulations relating to wider access for small business development must be accommodated and encouraged

    Studi Tentang Wirausaha Baru Berbasis Partisipasi Masyarakat Di Sulawesi Utara

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    . This research aims to identify the conditions and problems confronting the new entrepreneurs in managing the business. This research uses descriptive analysis with the total sample as much of the 265 respondents. Data collected by use questioner and interview technique base on criteria that have been determined. The research found that the business of trading as the main type of business, the mayority of high school educated respondents, initial capital came from businessmen themselves, generally they have not followed entrepreneurial training. This new entrepreneurial expects the government provides access to capital and training to support their efforts. This research has limited because only identify new entrepreneurial activity and knowing perception them about government role of entrepreneurs beginners. This research early to tell further research and information for strategic decision makers in the micro and small enterprises

    Pengaruh Bauran Pemasaran Terhadap Keputusan Konsumen Berbelanja Pada PT Jumbo Swalayan Manado

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    . This study aimed to determine the effect of marketing mix on consumer shopping decisions on PT Jumbo Supermarket in Manado. Marketing mix consists of product, price, promotion and place as the independent variable and the consumer's decision to shop as the dependent variable. In this research using correlation and regression analyzes with the total sample of 45 customers. Partial results showed all the hypotheses of the elements of the marketing mix significantly influence the consumer's decision to shop, but the biggest influence is the element of the place. Likewise, simultaneous marketing mix significantly influence consumer shopping decisions. Impikasi of this study, expected jumbo self-management should continue to integrate the elements of the marketing mix to enable the powerful synergy for maximum business performance. For further research, researchers can develop other variables that consumer shopping decisions can be assessed from different elements


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    ABSTRAKSanitasi kapal yaitu suatu rangkaian kegiatan memelihara kesehatan kapal dan menjaga kesehatan keselamatan bagi penumpang dan yang lainnya. Kantor kesehatan pelabuhan (KKP) bertugas melaksanakan pencegahan masuk dan keluarnya penyakit karantina dan penyakit menular potensi alwabah, kekarantinaan, pelayanan kesehatan terbatas di wilayah kerja Pelabuhan/Bandara dan Lintas Batas, serta pengendalian dampak kesehatan lingkungan. Rumusan masalah dalam penelitian ini yaitu bagaimana gambaran sanitasi kapal di pelabuhan Amurang Kabupaten Minahasa Selatan. Tujuan Penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui gambaran  sanitasi kapal di pelabuhan Amurang Kabupaten Minahasa Selatan. Jenis penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan kuantitatif dalam analisis univariate. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Pelabuhan Amurang pada 14 kapal mengenai sanitasi yaitu : pada pemeriksaan dapur diperoleh 11 kapal memenuhi syarat dan 3 kapal tidak memenuhi syarat, pemeriksaan ruang rakit makanan diperoleh 10 kapal memenuhi syarat dan 4 kapal tidak memenuhi syarat, pemerikaan gudang diperoleh 11 kapal memenuhi syarat dan 3 kapal tidak memenuhi syarat, pemeriksaan ruang tidur penumpang dan ABK 10 kapal memenuhi syarat dan 4 kapal tidak memenuhi syarat, dan pemeriksaan sampah 14 kapal memenuhi syarat. Kesimpulan pemeriksaan dapur dan gudang kapal memiliki hasil yang sama yaitu 11 kapal memenuhi syarat dan 3 kapal tidak memenuhi syarat, ruang rakit makanan dan ruang tidur penumpang/ABK 10 kapal memenuhi syarat dan 4 kapal tidak memenuhi syarat. Sedangkan pemeriksaan sampah pada kapal keseluruhan memenuhi syarat. Kata kunci. Sanitasi Kapal  ABSTRACTSanitation Vessel is a series of activities to maintain the health of the vessel and maintain the health of safety for passengers and others. Port Health Office (KKP) in charge of preventing the prevention and release of quarantined diseases and potential infectious diseases of plague, infidelity, limited health services in port/airport and cross border work areas, as well as environmental health impact control. The problem formulation in this research is how the picture sanitary hygiene of vessels in the port Amurang South Minahasa Regency. Research aims to find out the description of hygiene sanitation vessel at Amurang Port in South Minahasa regency. This type of research uses descriptive research with a quantitative approach in univariate analysis. The results of researchresearch conducted at the port of Amurang on 14 vessels on sanitary hygiene are: on the inspection of the kitchen acquired 11 qualified vessels and 3 vessels do not qualify, the inspection of the food raft room acquired 10 vessels Eligible and 4 vessels are not eligible, warehouse screening acquired 11 qualified vessels and 3 vessels do not qualify, passenger sleeping room inspection and ABK 10 vessel qualify and 4 vessels ineligible, and garbage check 14 Eligible vessels. Keyword : sanitation vesse

    Pengaruh Kepemimpinan Tansformasional Dan Komitmen Organisasi Terhadap Prestasi Kerja Karyawan Pada Pt.bank Sulut (Kantor Pusat)

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    Empowerment of human resources in the company right will result in an increase thecompany's ability to obtain and retain the best people in the field. Utilization of human resourcesmanagement right can also motivate each individual to perform the work in accordance with companyobjectives. No matter how modern technology is used, or how much money it is prepared, but without ahuman resources professional it all becomes meaningless.This study aims to determine whether Transformational Leadership and OrganizationalCommitment to Achievement employees working at PT Bank Sulawesi (Central Office). This study used aquantitative approach. The main variable in this study is Transformational Leadership OrganizationalCommitment and Employee Job Performance.In this study population of 252 respondents PT. Bank of North Sulawesi with a sample of 45employees. From the results of the data obtained through questionnaires and calculated with SPSS 19using the multiple correlation analysis and multiple regression has obtained significant data. Afteranalyzing the correlation and regression methods were then tested with hypothesis testing, in this case thehypothesis testing using t-test testing. In testing the t test assumed in transformational leadershipvariable count T T able and accept H 1 when T count T table = 5.925> 1.682.The results of calculation between Transformational Leadership and Organizational CommitmentAgainst Employee Job Performance with regression analysis showed that the TransformationalLeadership and Organizational Commitment influential Against Employee Job Performance In NorthSulawesi PT Bank (Central Office)

    Pengaruh Mutasi Terhadap Prestasi Kerja Pegawai Pada Kantor Pelayanan Pajak Pratama Manado

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    The most important resource in an organization is human resource. Human resources isthe most important factor for the effectiveness of the organization, because of their behavior in the longterm will facilitate or hinder the achievement of organizational goals. Those people in the organizationprovide power, talent, creativity and effort to the organization. Mutations are changes positions, places,work both horizontally and vertically (promotion or demotion) in an organization.Mutation is the one tool that is used to determine whether it can improve work performance ornot in order to achieve the desired level of success of the organization. Job performance is the result of thequality and quantity of work achieved by an employee or employees in carrying out their duties inaccordance woth the responsibilities assigned to him. The study aims to determine whether there is anyeffect of the mutation on the performance of employees.The data obtained in this study is through observation, interviews, and dissemination kuisioner to45 officers with an overview of the respondents are included characteristics consisting of age, gender,length of service and education last. In this study using simple correlation analysis approach and a simplelinear regression.From the research conducted, found no effect of the mutation on work performance. Thereforeagencies or organizations should pay attention to things that include the performance of a mutation that,employee may continue to develop for the betterment of the organization on for the betterment of theorganization or for employees

    Pengaruh Kepemimpinan Transformasional terhadap Kinerja Karyawan Pt.bank Sulut Go (Studi pada Bank Sulut-go Cabang Kawangkoan)

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    Bank SulutGo is the Regional Bank of North Sulawesi which has a very influential impacton the sustainability of the economy in North Sulawesi, especially in the Government andInstitutional or Community Institutions of Bank SulutGo\u27s vision is \u27To become aprofessional banking services company and grow in a healthy way\u27.Transformational leadership is the process by which people engage with others, and createrelationships that enhance motivation and morality in leaders and followers. This type ofleader has an interest in the needs and motivation of followers, and tries to help followersachieve their best potential.Collection data is done by spreading the research instrument, the questionnaire thatcontains questions to measure Transformational Leadership and Employee Performance.The collected data is further processed by using simple linear regression analysisBased on the formulation of the problem, the purpose of this study is \u27\u27 to know the effect oftransformational leadership on employee performance on the bank Sulut Go KawangkoanBranch \u27\u27Results of data processing shows that there is a significant positive effect given byTransformational Leadership on Employee Performance PT.Bank SulutGo KawangkoanBranch. Thus the higher the Transformational Leadership of PT Bank Sulut GoKawangkoan Branch hence the higher level of Employee Performance in the company.Statistically proved that Transformational Leadership positively influence on EmployeePerformance so that hypothesis accepted.From the results of this study indicates Transformational Leadership is neededsomeone to stimulate employees to work better and make employees as the most valuableasset in the company. For employees, having a leader who is able to transform inleadership leads employees to be motivated and keans to work well for the company\u27sprogress.this shows the hypothesis of Transformational Leadership on Employee Performance ispositiv

    Persepsi Karyawan Tentang Kode Etik Perusahaan (Studi Kasus pada PT Astra Internasional Tbk, Daihatsu Cabang Malalayang Manado)

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    The purpose of this study is "To describe how employee perceptions about the application of corporate code of ethics at PT Astra International Tbk. Daihatsu Branch Malalayang Manado ". Benefits in this research is this research is expected to be used as additional reference material for further research and add references of library in department of Administration Science especially Business Administration study program and expected to be used as base and consideration of useful input for company leader and employee at PT. Astra International Tbk, Daihatsu Branch Malalayang Manado. This research uses quantitative method. Data obtained from this research is data through interviews and distribution of questionnaires distributed to all employees. The results of this study indicate that employees' perceptions about the company's code of ethics are seen as important, positive, and beneficial to employees as well as corporate leaders, in performing their duties and fulfilling their respective responsibilities to companies. And, states that the code of ethics that has been applied to the company is working properly. Most employees expressed their view that the code of ethics that has been applied to the employee is satisfactory, the company also treats its employees vaguely without specializing by looking at it in any way. This is evidenced through tabulation of data and scoring of the results that can pass the division of questionnaires. Therefore it can be concluded that most employees agree with the code of ethics that has been applied by the company